Results from a VLA survey of high-mass star forming region water maser candidates from the Arcetri catalog (Valdettaro eg al 2001, A&A, 368, 845). Only candidates listed as star formation regions (SFR) were observed. In order to avoid low-mass star formation regions, some sources with high Galactic latitudes were removed. The goal of the survey was to find good candidates for VLBA parallax measurements.
The observations were conducted under program BR145 in 2009 October and Novermber with VLA was in DnC- and D-configurations. Observing bandwidths were 6.25 MHz with mode 1A and no Hanning weighting (hence ringing is evident in some interferometer specta). On-line Doppler tracking was used and each source was observed with a central velocity rounded to 10~km/s nearest the catalog LSR velocity. On-source integration times were typically between 20 and 40 seconds. A strong continuum source was observed for bandpass calibration.
This program was run during the VLA-to-EVLA conversion and encountered significant electronic and software problems. Prior to the observations it was known that some antennas might have large (unknown) delay errors leading to significant phase jumps when the observing frequency was changed. We could not afford to provide calibration observations at each frequency, but we tried to minimize calibration phase errors by grouping sources in ascending (or decending) velocity order and bracketing these groups with calibration sources set to the LSR velocity of the first and last targets in a group. This only partially mitigated the problem and we flagged antennas that exhibited the largest phase jumps (largest delay errors). Typically this removed about half the antennas. But for some sources we could not reliable make images and, more worrisome, some images may be unreliable.
Data from a small number of sources were lost at either observing time or through the calibration procedure: 000.10-0.16, 102.65+15.8, 093.53+3.90, 095.05+3.97, 095.25+2.40, 102.32+3.68, 102.35+3.64, 114.49+14.7, 114.62+14.5 and 197.14-3.10
The table below summarizes the results of the VLA survey. The first five columns are based on the Arcetri catalog. The last 7 columns are based on VLA data:
"POSSM spectra" (.ps files) are amp-scalar spectra. They are formed by summing interferometer amplitudes from all baselines. Because amplitudes are by definition positive values, such spectra have a positive bias which explains the non-zero spectral baselines. For strong maser signals, the spectral bias is negligible. For weak maser signals near the bias level their flux density is overestimated. An approximate correction would be to subtract the baseline level in quadrature from the spectral value (consult "Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy" by Thompson, Moran & Swenson for more information).
"Vlsr (km/s)" gives the velocity of the peak maser channel in the POSSM spectrum. However, a software bug caused the Doppler shifts to be calculated for the date of preparation of the observing schedule and not for the date of observation. Thus, the Vlsr labeling could be in error, possibly by more than 5 km/s in some cases.
"Peak (Jy)" gives the peak flux density in the POSSM spectrum. Owing to imperfect bandpass calibration, the spectra tend to rise at the high velocity end to nearly 4 Jy. Spectra from most sources with "Peak" values <4 Jy are non-detections. some weak masers (1-4 Jy) may be found by examining the spectra in detail, however caution is advised for these sources.
"ISPEC spectrum" (.ps files) are brightness spectra (Jy/beam) at the position of the peak maser emission. Since these masers were observed in a compact configuration of the VLA (with beams >2"), for almost all cases these give total flux density. Ringing is evident in some spectra, indicating strong, narrow maser emission. CLEANing of the maps were automatic and used a flux density limit of 0.2 Jy. For some sources with weak or non-detectable signal, this resulted in non-Gaussian "spikes". Do not trust emission that is weak (<1-2 Jy) that occurs in single channels.
"Survey Ratio" gives the ratio of the peak emission channel of the ISPEC to POSSM spectra. Ideally, for unresolved sources, this ratio should be unity. Loss of coherence and calibration errors tend to reduce this ratio. Thus, we advise using flux density information from the POSSM spectra. Information based on maps (eg, ISPEC spectra and positions) that have ratios below ~0.75 are suspect. We have tried to examine images for sources with low ratios and have not quoted positions for sources that did not map reliably (probably owing to electronic phase calibration problems).
"RA (J2000)" gives the Right Ascension of the peak emission. We observed some sources on different days in order to estimate realistic uncertainties and found typical differences of ~1". "Dec (J2000)" gives the Declination of the peak emission. We observed some sources on different days in order to estimate realistic uncertainties and found typical differences of ~1" at positive Declinations, growing to ~3" at Declination -30 degrees. However, beware that for sources with low values (<0.8) of the "Survey Ratio", the position errors could be significantly worse.
Galactic | Catalog | Catalog | Catalog | Catalog | ~ | Survey | Survey | Survey | Survey | Survey | Survey | Survey |
Coordinates | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | Vlsr (km/s) | S (Jy) | ~ | POSSM spectrum | Vlsr (km/s) | Peak (Jy) | ISPEC spectrum | Ratio | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) |
G000.10-0.16 | 17 46 29.83 | -28 56 15.8 | 0. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G000.37+0.04 | 17 46 21.11 | -28 35 46.6 | 38. | 82. | ampscalar spect | 39.3 | 108.1 | map spectrum | 0.65 | 17 46 21.43 | -28 35 39.3 | |
G000.55-0.85 | 17 50 14.03 | -28 54 28.6 | 17. | 209. | ampscalar spect | 33.2 | 189.8 | map spectrum | 0.65 | 17 50 14.45 | -28 54 28.8 | |
G001.13-0.11 | 17 48 41.69 | -28 01 41.3 | -15. | 0. | ampscalar spect | -24.0 | 9.1 | map spectrum | 0.75 | 17 48 41.42 | -28 01 39.6 | |
G002.14+0.01 | 17 50 36.23 | -27 06 00.0 | 62. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 93.6 | 4.7 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G004.83+0.23 | 17 55 49.06 | -24 40 20.0 | -2. | 18. | ampscalar spect | 9.9 | 11.8 | map spectrum | 0.81 | 17 55 48.85 | -24 40 19.9 | |
G005.88-0.39 | 18 00 30.43 | -24 04 16.6 | 9. | 102. | ampscalar spect | 8.7 | 37.5 | map spectrum | 0.66 | 18 00 30.32 | -24 04 03.9 | |
G005.95-1.30 | 18 04 06.18 | -24 27 38.7 | 11. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G006.55-0.10 | 18 00 50.02 | -23 20 33.0 | 0. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G007.26+0.19 | 18 01 17.97 | -22 34 56.9 | -6. | 7. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G007.47+0.06 | 18 02 13.12 | -22 28 09.9 | -17. | 11. | ampscalar spect | -16.0 | 28.0 | map spectrum | 0.48 | ... | ... | |
G008.14+0.22 | 18 03 00.72 | -21 48 22.5 | 14. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 25.8 | 5.7 | map spectrum | 0.70 | 18 03 00.69 | -21 48 09.7 | |
G008.49-0.98 | 18 08 17.79 | -22 05 12.3 | -95. | 15. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G008.68-0.36 | 18 06 21.77 | -21 37 18.7 | 33. | 259. | ampscalar spect | 35.3 | 57.7 | map spectrum | 0.81 | 18 06 18.93 | -21 37 32.0 | |
G008.83-0.03 | 18 05 25.37 | -21 19 39.8 | -11. | 36. | ampscalar spect | -10.7 | 15.7 | map spectrum | 0.92 | 18 05 25.67 | -21 19 25.9 | |
G009.62+0.19 | 18 06 14.80 | -20 31 40.3 | 5. | 9. | ampscalar spect | -7.8 | 162.4 | map spectrum | 0.88 | 18 06 14.82 | -20 31 39.4 | |
G009.99-0.03 | 18 07 51.51 | -20 18 36.1 | 49. | 34. | ampscalar spect | 48.7 | 21.8 | map spectrum | 0.71 | 18 07 50.10 | -20 18 55.3 | |
G010.30-0.15 | 18 08 55.93 | -20 05 53.4 | 40. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G010.31-0.26 | 18 09 23.28 | -20 08 33.4 | 34. | 77. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G010.47+0.03 | 18 08 38.32 | -19 51 51.7 | 60. | 146. | ampscalar spect | 65.3 | 50.0 | map spectrum | 0.77 | 18 08 38.18 | -19 51 50.2 | |
G010.62-0.38 | 18 10 28.70 | -19 55 58.6 | 0. | 147. | ampscalar spect | 0.0 | 223.7 | map spectrum | 0.86 | 18 10 28.57 | -19 55 49.6 | |
G011.03+0.06 | 18 09 39.45 | -19 21 20.2 | 12. | 22. | ampscalar spect | 16.6 | 17.1 | map spectrum | 0.91 | 18 09 39.80 | -19 21 21.8 | |
G011.50-1.48 | 18 16 22.25 | -19 41 19.9 | 21. | 38. | ampscalar spect | 21.3 | 20.5 | map spectrum | 0.87 | 18 16 22.33 | -19 41 21.7 | |
G011.94-0.62 | 18 14 00.92 | -18 53 25.2 | 39. | 73. | ampscalar spect | 39.3 | 31.5 | map spectrum | 0.73 | 18 13 58.07 | -18 54 19.2 | |
G012.42+0.50 | 18 10 51.70 | -17 55 55.9 | 10. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 7.4 | 13.8 | map spectrum | 0.92 | 18 10 51.38 | -17 55 50.0 | |
G012.43-1.12 | 18 16 52.46 | -18 41 49.6 | -36. | 18. | ampscalar spect | -36.7 | 16.9 | map spectrum | 0.84 | 18 16 52.16 | -18 41 44.8 | |
G012.76+0.33 | 18 12 10.71 | -17 42 48.0 | 22. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G012.89+0.49 | 18 11 51.07 | -17 31 30.6 | 32. | 42. | ampscalar spect | 28.7 | 7.7 | map spectrum | 0.69 | 18 11 51.45 | -17 31 28.7 | |
G012.91-0.26 | 18 14 39.30 | -17 52 11.4 | 38. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 34.1 | 4.5 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G013.19+0.04 | 18 14 06.29 | -17 28 17.6 | -21. | 0. | ampscalar spect | -1.6 | 27.3 | map spectrum | 0.90 | 18 14 06.19 | -17 28 15.6 | |
G013.66-0.60 | 18 17 24.95 | -17 22 12.2 | 51. | 49. | ampscalar spect | 47.4 | 28.9 | map spectrum | 0.96 | 18 17 24.30 | -17 22 11.4 | |
G013.87+0.28 | 18 14 35.38 | -16 45 36.5 | -26. | 16. | ampscalar spect | -23.4 | 22.7 | map spectrum | 0.74 | 18 14 35.83 | -16 45 37.0 | |
G014.11+0.09 | 18 15 46.24 | -16 38 56.3 | 8. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 9.3 | 37.0 | map spectrum | 0.78 | 18 15 45.80 | -16 39 10.8 | |
G014.23-0.51 | 18 18 12.75 | -16 49 33.8 | 34. | 11. | ampscalar spect | 24.7 | 5.6 | map spectrum | 0.84 | 18 18 12.34 | -16 49 26.5 | |
G014.33-0.64 | 18 18 53.81 | -16 47 49.7 | 23. | 12. | ampscalar spect | 24.6 | 33.6 | map spectrum | 0.65 | 18 18 54.69 | -16 47 51.2 | |
G014.60+0.02 | 18 17 01.22 | -16 14 38.0 | 21. | 42. | ampscalar spect | 29.9 | 15.8 | map spectrum | 0.76 | 18 17 01.16 | -16 14 40.0 | |
G014.63-0.58 | 18 19 14.73 | -16 30 06.2 | 26. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 19.5 | 22.8 | map spectrum | 0.82 | 18 19 15.59 | -16 29 45.8 | |
G016.58-0.05 | 18 21 08.75 | -14 31 52.9 | 60. | 27. | ampscalar spect | 62.6 | 95.4 | map spectrum | 0.95 | 18 21 09.11 | -14 31 47.3 | |
G016.98+0.93 | 18 18 20.96 | -13 42 49.0 | -64. | 4. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G017.64+0.15 | 18 22 26.78 | -13 30 15.1 | 27. | 331. | ampscalar spect | 19.5 | 309.3 | map spectrum | 0.96 | 18 22 26.45 | -13 30 11.6 | |
G018.34+1.77 | 18 17 57.11 | -12 07 20.7 | 30. | 33. | ampscalar spect | 31.3 | 6.1 | map spectrum | 0.61 | 18 17 55.25 | -12 07 22.3 | |
G018.84+2.04 | 18 17 56.83 | -11 33 31.7 | 28. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G019.07-0.28 | 18 26 46.35 | -12 26 27.3 | 58. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G019.36-0.02 | 18 26 24.30 | -12 03 45.8 | 19. | 22. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G019.61-0.23 | 18 27 37.84 | -11 56 27.5 | 27. | 116. | ampscalar spect | 49.7 | 145.4 | map spectrum | 0.86 | 18 27 38.04 | -11 56 35.8 | |
G019.61-0.13 | 18 27 16.19 | -11 53 36.2 | 50. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 54.6 | 6.1 | map spectrum | 0.87 | 18 27 16.53 | -11 53 37.1 | |
G020.08-0.13 | 18 28 09.48 | -11 28 33.2 | 42. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 45.9 | 16.1 | map spectrum | 0.89 | 18 28 10.29 | -11 28 46.9 | |
G021.88+0.02 | 18 31 01.37 | -09 48 51.7 | 25. | 12. | ampscalar spect | 20.1 | 26.1 | map spectrum | 0.84 | 18 31 01.78 | -09 49 00.5 | |
G022.36+0.06 | 18 31 44.34 | -09 22 18.6 | 89. | 22. | ampscalar spect | 87.4 | 9.9 | map spectrum | 0.87 | 18 31 44.08 | -09 22 13.8 | |
G023.25-0.24 | 18 34 29.75 | -08 43 22.6 | -4. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G023.27+0.08 | 18 33 23.76 | -08 33 33.3 | 77. | 8. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G023.46-0.20 | 18 34 44.81 | -08 31 07.5 | 48. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 61.8 | 4.6 | map spectrum | 0.78 | 18 34 44.91 | -08 31 07.5 | |
G023.70-0.19 | 18 35 10.65 | -08 17 55.6 | -41. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G023.71+0.17 | 18 33 53.44 | -08 07 14.2 | 114. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G023.91+0.07 | 18 34 38.19 | -07 59 35.0 | 74. | 16. | ampscalar spect | 72.6 | 5.1 | map spectrum | 0.88 | 18 34 36.54 | -07 59 22.1 | |
G023.95+0.15 | 18 34 23.80 | -07 54 52.9 | 82. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 60.9 | 5.3 | map spectrum | 0.87 | 18 34 23.99 | -07 54 49.0 | |
G024.47+0.49 | 18 34 09.28 | -07 17 57.0 | 102. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G024.49-0.04 | 18 36 05.23 | -07 31 22.7 | 116. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 111.4 | 20.4 | map spectrum | 0.90 | 18 36 05.74 | -07 31 19.4 | |
G024.68-0.16 | 18 36 52.30 | -07 24 54.3 | 114. | 6. | ampscalar spect | 112.6 | 4.2 | map spectrum | 0.76 | 18 36 50.60 | -07 24 53.2 | |
G024.69+0.23 | 18 35 29.98 | -07 13 10.2 | 26. | 10. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G025.38-0.18 | 18 38 14.27 | -06 47 47.3 | 65. | 12. | ampscalar spect | 68.0 | 134.4 | map spectrum | 0.94 | 18 38 14.64 | -06 47 58.6 | |
G025.65+1.05 | 18 34 19.75 | -05 59 43.2 | 45. | 734. | ampscalar spect | 41.4 | 2431.0 | map spectrum | 0.85 | 18 34 20.91 | -05 59 41.4 | |
G025.79-0.14 | 18 38 51.72 | -06 25 00.6 | 91. | 10. | ampscalar spect | 88.7 | 4.2 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G026.38+1.40 | 18 34 25.90 | -05 10 58.7 | 45. | 68. | ampscalar spect | 18.3 | 6.3 | map spectrum | 0.86 | 18 34 25.37 | -05 10 56.8 | |
G026.42+1.69 | 18 33 30.41 | -05 01 05.7 | 54. | 45. | ampscalar spect | 52.6 | 11.2 | map spectrum | 0.73 | 18 33 30.50 | -05 01 02.6 | |
G026.51+0.28 | 18 38 41.66 | -05 35 06.3 | 104. | 72. | ampscalar spect | 103.9 | 63.5 | map spectrum | 0.94 | 18 38 40.74 | -05 35 04.6 | |
G026.60-0.02 | 18 39 55.82 | -05 38 45.0 | 23. | 10. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G027.18-0.08 | 18 41 12.04 | -05 09 06.5 | 18. | 414. | ampscalar spect | 18.0 | 744.7 | map spectrum | 0.74 | 18 41 13.24 | -05 09 00.7 | |
G027.28+0.14 | 18 40 35.23 | -04 57 44.1 | -22. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G027.79-0.27 | 18 42 59.91 | -04 41 59.7 | 0. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G027.87-0.23 | 18 43 01.11 | -04 36 40.6 | 10. | 16. | ampscalar spect | 12.6 | 9.0 | map spectrum | 0.68 | 18 43 01.58 | -04 36 42.2 | |
G028.20-0.05 | 18 42 58.08 | -04 13 59.8 | 0. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G028.32+1.24 | 18 38 34.38 | -03 32 05.8 | -46. | 16. | ampscalar spect | -46.0 | 4.2 | map spectrum | 0.62 | 18 38 34.77 | -03 32 02.7 | |
G028.60-0.36 | 18 44 48.53 | -04 01 28.9 | 0. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G028.83-0.25 | 18 44 50.63 | -03 46 03.7 | 85. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G028.86+0.07 | 18 43 45.84 | -03 35 36.3 | 92. | 90. | ampscalar spect | 105.8 | 215.9 | map spectrum | 0.95 | 18 43 46.22 | -03 35 30.1 | |
G028.88-0.02 | 18 44 06.86 | -03 36 45.9 | 135. | 8. | ampscalar spect | 109.1 | 4.3 | map spectrum | 0.77 | 18 44 06.95 | -03 36 53.4 | |
G029.48-0.18 | 18 45 46.93 | -03 09 23.7 | 0. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G029.95-0.01 | 18 46 01.46 | -02 39 33.7 | 97. | 65. | ampscalar spect | 83.5 | 26.2 | map spectrum | 0.95 | 18 46 03.72 | -02 39 22.6 | |
G030.72+0.42 | 18 45 53.15 | -01 46 46.2 | 55. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G030.78-0.02 | 18 47 35.51 | -01 55 25.9 | 102. | 6. | ampscalar spect | 113.2 | 4.8 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G030.88+0.13 | 18 47 14.54 | -01 46 20.3 | 40. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G031.16+0.04 | 18 48 03.59 | -01 33 22.9 | -19. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G031.21-0.18 | 18 48 56.36 | -01 36 43.2 | -39. | 0. | ampscalar spect | -15.6 | 4.2 | map spectrum | 0.64 | 18 48 56.66 | -01 36 43.3 | |
G031.24-0.11 | 18 48 45.29 | -01 33 11.9 | 19. | 3400. | ampscalar spect | 14.7 | 31.6 | map spectrum | 0.70 | 18 48 45.08 | -01 33 12.8 | |
G031.29+0.07 | 18 48 12.15 | -01 25 48.3 | 106. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 114.6 | 14.0 | map spectrum | 0.84 | 18 48 12.43 | -01 26 28.4 | |
G031.40-0.26 | 18 49 32.91 | -01 29 03.4 | 94. | 25. | ampscalar spect | 92.0 | 5.0 | map spectrum | 0.84 | 18 49 33.06 | -01 29 02.0 | |
G031.41+0.31 | 18 47 34.70 | -01 12 45.9 | 99. | 65. | ampscalar spect | 98.0 | 91.8 | map spectrum | 0.98 | 18 47 34.32 | -01 12 47.0 | |
G032.04+0.06 | 18 49 36.69 | -00 45 49.1 | 95. | 53. | ampscalar spect | 99.3 | 4.6 | map spectrum | 0.89 | 18 49 36.55 | -00 45 50.1 | |
G032.15+0.13 | 18 49 32.24 | -00 38 00.5 | 92. | 16. | ampscalar spect | 88.7 | 18.8 | map spectrum | 0.96 | 18 49 32.22 | -00 38 05.5 | |
G032.74-0.08 | 18 51 21.95 | -00 12 08.7 | 33. | 83. | ampscalar spect | 33.3 | 29.3 | map spectrum | 0.96 | 18 51 21.86 | -00 12 06.3 | |
G032.80+0.19 | 18 50 31.05 | -00 01 54.2 | 16. | 10. | ampscalar spect | 20.7 | 20.8 | map spectrum | 0.98 | 18 50 30.76 | -00 01 59.3 | |
G033.13-0.09 | 18 52 07.66 | +00 08 10.6 | 75. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 74.7 | 20.7 | map spectrum | 0.95 | 18 52 07.83 | +00 08 12.3 | |
G033.81-0.19 | 18 53 42.03 | +00 41 46.3 | 38. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 45.9 | 16.8 | map spectrum | 0.96 | 18 53 42.31 | +00 41 48.8 | |
G033.91+0.11 | 18 52 49.07 | +00 55 28.6 | 109. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G034.26+0.15 | 18 53 18.80 | +01 14 55.7 | 54. | 672. | ampscalar spect | 61.2 | 260.1 | map spectrum | 0.75 | 18 53 18.66 | +01 14 57.7 | |
G034.40+0.23 | 18 53 17.41 | +01 24 54.6 | 56. | 72. | ampscalar spect | 56.7 | 240.5 | map spectrum | 0.86 | 18 53 18.02 | +01 25 25.7 | |
G035.03+0.35 | 18 54 01.02 | +02 01 31.7 | 66. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 45.0 | 38.0 | map spectrum | 0.97 | 18 54 00.65 | +02 01 19.4 | |
G035.05-0.52 | 18 57 09.05 | +01 39 03.0 | 47. | 7. | ampscalar spect | 55.9 | 4.3 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G035.20-0.74 | 18 58 12.63 | +01 40 36.5 | 36. | 241. | ampscalar spect | 36.0 | 152.1 | map spectrum | 0.51 | ... | ... | |
G035.20-1.73 | 19 01 45.14 | +01 13 34.5 | 44. | 14. | ampscalar spect | 41.3 | 52.1 | map spectrum | 0.78 | 19 01 45.60 | +01 13 35.9 | |
G035.47+0.14 | 18 55 34.19 | +02 19 08.3 | 1. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G035.58-0.03 | 18 56 22.17 | +02 20 25.7 | 50. | 86. | ampscalar spect | 48.0 | 8.3 | map spectrum | 0.52 | ... | ... | |
G037.12-0.85 | 19 02 06.36 | +03 20 15.0 | 60. | 18. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G037.43+1.52 | 18 54 13.78 | +04 41 31.7 | 44. | 27. | ampscalar spect | 20.9 | 18.2 | map spectrum | 0.88 | 18 54 14.24 | +04 41 40.7 | |
G037.49+0.53 | 18 57 52.75 | +04 18 05.2 | 10. | 50. | ampscalar spect | 9.3 | 27.6 | map spectrum | 0.86 | 18 57 53.39 | +04 18 17.8 | |
G037.55-0.11 | 19 00 16.04 | +04 03 15.3 | 50. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G037.55+0.20 | 18 59 09.77 | +04 12 13.6 | 0. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G037.75-0.11 | 19 00 37.74 | +04 14 10.8 | 44. | 35. | ampscalar spect | 51.9 | 5.4 | map spectrum | 0.52 | ... | ... | |
G037.76-0.22 | 19 01 02.18 | +04 11 59.6 | 65. | 56. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G037.82+0.42 | 18 58 52.49 | +04 32 12.4 | 18. | 242. | ampscalar spect | 19.3 | 47.4 | map spectrum | 0.89 | 18 58 53.89 | +04 32 14.1 | |
G037.87-0.40 | 19 01 53.27 | +04 12 43.2 | 58. | 6. | ampscalar spect | 58.7 | 4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G038.93-0.37 | 19 03 43.51 | +05 09 47.9 | 37. | 4. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G039.25-0.06 | 19 03 12.22 | +05 35 48.8 | 28. | 12. | ampscalar spect | 33.3 | 4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G040.50+2.54 | 18 56 11.83 | +07 53 24.2 | 32. | 102. | ampscalar spect | 33.3 | 33.5 | map spectrum | 0.99 | 18 56 11.43 | +07 53 16.9 | |
G040.53+2.62 | 18 55 58.65 | +07 57 24.3 | -6. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G040.62-0.14 | 19 06 01.10 | +06 46 34.6 | 35. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 33.4 | 4.6 | map spectrum | 0.76 | 19 06 01.66 | +06 46 37.8 | |
G041.07-0.63 | 19 08 36.83 | +06 57 01.5 | 71. | 6. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G042.10+0.35 | 19 06 59.77 | +08 18 41.8 | 28. | 15. | ampscalar spect | 19.5 | 4.4 | map spectrum | 0.68 | 19 07 00.60 | +08 18 47.0 | |
G042.16+0.61 | 19 06 11.56 | +08 29 07.4 | -4. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G042.27-0.65 | 19 10 55.47 | +08 00 12.2 | 10. | 4. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G042.43-0.26 | 19 09 49.88 | +08 19 44.7 | 66. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 55.5 | 8.3 | map spectrum | 0.78 | 19 09 49.87 | +08 19 46.3 | |
G043.03-0.45 | 19 11 37.40 | +08 46 30.2 | 58. | 5. | ampscalar spect | 48.8 | 4.1 | map spectrum | 0.68 | 19 11 38.99 | +08 46 31.7 | |
G043.17+0.01 | 19 10 13.40 | +09 06 14.4 | 10. | 30000. | ampscalar spect | 10.7 | 10040.8 | map spectrum | 1.03 | 19 10 13.45 | +09 06 15.4 | |
G043.18-0.52 | 19 12 08.70 | +08 52 08.4 | 52. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G043.24-0.04 | 19 10 33.27 | +09 08 26.7 | 9. | 324. | ampscalar spect | 10.7 | 87.6 | map spectrum | 0.58 | ... | ... | |
G043.25-0.19 | 19 11 05.64 | +09 05 06.0 | 9. | 21. | ampscalar spect | 10.7 | 7.4 | map spectrum | 0.58 | ... | ... | |
G043.30-0.21 | 19 11 15.90 | +09 07 26.7 | -5. | 61. | ampscalar spect | 10.4 | 4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G043.80-0.13 | 19 11 54.27 | +09 35 55.4 | 42. | 2200. | ampscalar spect | 41.3 | 910.8 | map spectrum | 0.82 | 19 11 53.98 | +09 35 51.5 | |
G043.89-0.78 | 19 14 26.16 | +09 22 33.9 | 51. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 49.3 | 12.6 | map spectrum | 0.60 | 19 14 26.41 | +09 22 36.8 | |
G045.47+0.05 | 19 14 23.92 | +11 09 37.8 | 58. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 50.8 | 17.9 | map spectrum | 0.83 | 19 14 21.29 | +11 09 16.3 | |
G045.47+0.13 | 19 14 07.26 | +11 12 16.7 | 45. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 59.2 | 8.0 | map spectrum | 0.44 | ... | ... | |
G046.26-1.48 | 19 21 25.27 | +11 08 39.8 | 40. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 57.1 | 30.2 | map spectrum | 0.83 | 19 21 25.14 | +11 08 41.3 | |
G048.61+0.02 | 19 20 31.26 | +13 55 24.2 | 34. | 33. | ampscalar spect | 26.0 | 128.6 | map spectrum | 0.87 | 19 20 31.18 | +13 55 24.9 | |
G049.20-0.34 | 19 23 01.21 | +14 16 40.5 | 69. | 6. | ampscalar spect | 69.3 | 31.1 | map spectrum | 0.89 | 19 22 57.74 | +14 16 09.5 | |
G050.32+0.68 | 19 21 27.55 | +15 44 21.1 | 25. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G052.10+1.04 | 19 23 37.05 | +17 28 59.1 | -27. | 220. | ampscalar spect | -30.7 | 389.8 | map spectrum | 0.91 | 19 23 37.35 | +17 29 10.9 | |
G052.65-1.08 | 19 32 31.67 | +16 57 33.2 | 56. | 10. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G053.18+0.16 | 19 29 03.09 | +18 01 09.2 | 23. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G053.71-0.07 | 19 30 58.34 | +18 22 28.0 | 24. | 11. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G054.15+0.17 | 19 30 58.94 | +18 52 16.1 | 25. | 3. | ampscalar spect | 32.6 | 6.1 | map spectrum | 0.70 | 19 30 58.57 | +18 52 12.2 | |
G055.16-0.30 | 19 34 45.90 | +19 31 42.3 | -12. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G056.09+2.10 | 19 27 43.39 | +21 30 03.0 | 24. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G056.37-0.63 | 19 38 31.69 | +20 25 21.4 | 36. | 23. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G058.47+0.43 | 19 38 58.02 | +22 46 32.2 | 37. | 7. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G059.60+0.92 | 19 39 33.22 | +23 59 54.6 | 39. | 33. | ampscalar spect | 34.7 | 12.3 | map spectrum | 0.89 | 19 39 34.51 | +23 59 47.5 | |
G059.78+0.06 | 19 43 11.55 | +23 43 54.0 | 26. | 432. | ampscalar spect | 7.6 | 4.6 | map spectrum | 0.61 | 19 43 11.25 | +23 44 05.4 | |
G059.83+0.67 | 19 40 59.29 | +24 04 39.3 | 50. | 34. | ampscalar spect | 34.2 | 66.7 | map spectrum | 0.76 | 19 40 59.11 | +24 04 43.0 | |
G060.88-0.13 | 19 46 20.46 | +24 35 22.4 | 26. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 30.0 | 4.8 | map spectrum | 0.56 | ... | ... | |
G061.48+0.10 | 19 46 47.59 | +25 12 56.2 | 10. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G063.12+0.34 | 19 49 32.59 | +26 45 14.0 | 21. | 1400. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G063.12+0.44 | 19 49 09.88 | +26 48 51.5 | 24. | 11. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G063.59+1.70 | 19 45 20.86 | +27 50 50.6 | 18. | 1. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G064.81+0.18 | 19 54 05.41 | +28 07 36.6 | -12. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G065.78-2.61 | 20 07 06.75 | +27 28 52.9 | -2. | 68. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G068.34+1.31 | 19 58 03.33 | +31 44 07.0 | -71. | 7. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G069.54-0.98 | 20 10 09.14 | +31 31 37.4 | 15. | 105. | ampscalar spect | 14.1 | 88.7 | map spectrum | 0.87 | 20 10 09.20 | +31 31 36.8 | |
G069.92+1.52 | 20 01 09.76 | +33 11 08.8 | -64. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G070.14+1.73 | 20 00 52.60 | +33 29 07.8 | -28. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G070.29+1.60 | 20 01 45.60 | +33 32 41.1 | -19. | 11. | ampscalar spect | -24.0 | 10.6 | map spectrum | 1.00 | 20 01 45.47 | +33 32 43.8 | |
G071.31+0.83 | 20 07 31.53 | +33 59 38.7 | 8. | 125. | ampscalar spect | 7.4 | 6.3 | map spectrum | 0.68 | 20 07 31.30 | +33 59 42.0 | |
G071.53-0.40 | 20 13 01.90 | +33 30 17.0 | 16. | 176. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G073.06+1.80 | 20 08 09.66 | +35 59 20.2 | -2. | 10. | ampscalar spect | 1.3 | 7.9 | map spectrum | 0.84 | 20 08 10.16 | +35 59 24.3 | |
G073.65+0.19 | 20 16 21.67 | +35 36 05.3 | -77. | 13. | ampscalar spect | -76.7 | 36.6 | map spectrum | 0.79 | 20 16 21.95 | +35 36 05.0 | |
G074.04-1.71 | 20 25 07.00 | +34 50 05.6 | -4. | 12. | ampscalar spect | 7.9 | 19.9 | map spectrum | 0.78 | 20 25 07.14 | +34 49 58.0 | |
G075.30+1.32 | 20 16 15.87 | +37 35 40.0 | -57. | 36. | ampscalar spect | -57.4 | 12.5 | map spectrum | 0.71 | 20 16 16.04 | +37 35 44.7 | |
G075.76+0.34 | 20 21 41.02 | +37 25 29.5 | 3. | 86. | ampscalar spect | -5.3 | 36.0 | map spectrum | 0.48 | ... | ... | |
G076.09+0.14 | 20 23 27.61 | +37 34 58.8 | 6. | 15. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G076.20+0.11 | 20 23 52.76 | +37 39 08.3 | -35. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G076.38-0.62 | 20 27 25.74 | +37 22 51.8 | -12. | 0. | ampscalar spect | -14.6 | 16.7 | map spectrum | 0.84 | 20 27 25.48 | +37 22 48.9 | |
G077.46+1.76 | 20 20 39.25 | +39 37 51.9 | -1. | 21. | ampscalar spect | -4.0 | 7.6 | map spectrum | 0.72 | 20 20 39.28 | +39 37 55.2 | |
G077.48-1.08 | 20 32 34.53 | +37 59 35.7 | -89. | 37. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G078.12+3.63 | 20 14 26.04 | +41 13 31.5 | -5. | 72. | ampscalar spect | -8.0 | 384.3 | map spectrum | 0.73 | 20 14 25.93 | +41 13 36.4 | |
G078.17-0.40 | 20 31 52.59 | +38 57 22.4 | -36. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G078.89+0.71 | 20 29 24.92 | +40 11 20.9 | -9. | 28. | ampscalar spect | -6.0 | 80.9 | map spectrum | 0.72 | 20 29 24.82 | +40 11 22.2 | |
G079.13+2.28 | 20 23 23.62 | +41 17 39.8 | -2. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G079.87+1.18 | 20 30 27.95 | +41 15 47.6 | -7. | 19. | ampscalar spect | -5.4 | 11.4 | map spectrum | 0.81 | 20 30 29.07 | +41 15 55.9 | |
G079.89+2.55 | 20 24 31.38 | +42 04 16.8 | -2. | 44. | ampscalar spect | 5.3 | 21.3 | map spectrum | 0.75 | 20 24 31.64 | +42 04 24.4 | |
G080.36+0.44 | 20 35 09.45 | +41 13 17.7 | 8. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G080.87+0.42 | 20 36 52.21 | +41 36 32.6 | 0. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G084.60+0.15 | 20 50 39.70 | +44 22 31.3 | -4. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G085.41+2.12 | 20 44 52.91 | +46 14 16.6 | 0. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G088.10+0.42 | 21 02 32.40 | +47 12 35.8 | -50. | 42. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G089.37-0.67 | 21 12 21.21 | +47 24 24.2 | 0. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G089.93+1.67 | 21 04 15.37 | +49 24 25.1 | -75. | 0. | ampscalar spect | -79.3 | 32.0 | map spectrum | 0.82 | 21 04 15.31 | +49 24 28.0 | |
G090.21+2.32 | 21 02 22.86 | +50 03 06.4 | 4. | 15. | ampscalar spect | -6.6 | 55.9 | map spectrum | 0.91 | 21 02 22.70 | +50 03 07.3 | |
G092.69+3.08 | 21 09 25.22 | +52 23 43.7 | -18. | 39. | ampscalar spect | -3.5 | 40.6 | map spectrum | 0.30 | ... | ... | |
G093.16+1.87 | 21 17 14.71 | +51 54 11.5 | -65. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G093.41-0.36 | 21 28 22.55 | +50 29 53.3 | -50. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G093.53+3.90 | 21 09 11.09 | +53 34 27.1 | -85. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G093.76+1.37 | 21 22 18.19 | +51 58 37.8 | -42. | 0. | ampscalar spect | -36.7 | 7.6 | map spectrum | 0.74 | 21 22 17.97 | +51 58 37.3 | |
G094.26-0.41 | 21 32 31.46 | +51 02 22.4 | -48. | 5. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G094.46-0.80 | 21 35 09.18 | +50 53 09.2 | -44. | 10. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G094.60-1.80 | 21 39 58.24 | +50 14 20.6 | -46. | 44. | ampscalar spect | -55.9 | 88.1 | map spectrum | 0.51 | ... | ... | |
G095.00-1.58 | 21 40 57.33 | +50 39 53.0 | -43. | 8. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G095.05+3.97 | 21 15 55.90 | +54 43 30.9 | -88. | 752. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G095.25+2.40 | 21 24 29.05 | +53 45 33.9 | -101. | 14. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G095.30-0.94 | 21 39 40.81 | +51 20 34.8 | -41. | 9. | ampscalar spect | -50.5 | 22.1 | map spectrum | 0.74 | 21 39 40.53 | +51 20 32.8 | |
G095.59+3.90 | 21 18 53.17 | +55 03 19.3 | -83. | 6. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G097.31+3.28 | 21 30 35.27 | +55 49 11.5 | -67. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G097.34+3.25 | 21 30 52.88 | +55 48 55.2 | -70. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G097.52+3.17 | 21 32 12.99 | +55 52 55.8 | -71. | 70. | ampscalar spect | -77.2 | 65.2 | map spectrum | 0.67 | 21 32 12.46 | +55 53 45.5 | |
G097.70+2.05 | 21 38 30.45 | +55 10 22.0 | -70. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G097.76+2.13 | 21 38 26.21 | +55 16 31.8 | -84. | 8. | ampscalar spect | -84.6 | 8.4 | map spectrum | 0.83 | 21 38 25.92 | +55 16 31.8 | |
G098.04+1.45 | 21 43 01.36 | +54 56 16.3 | -60. | 9. | ampscalar spect | -66.6 | 14.9 | map spectrum | 0.35 | ... | ... | |
G098.86+2.93 | 21 40 29.01 | +56 35 58.0 | -4. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G099.07+1.20 | 21 49 40.63 | +55 24 49.4 | -74. | 31. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G099.98+4.17 | 21 40 42.36 | +58 16 09.7 | -4. | 129. | ampscalar spect | 0.0 | 110.5 | map spectrum | 0.64 | 21 40 41.92 | +58 16 12.2 | |
G100.16+1.67 | 21 53 38.60 | +56 27 52.7 | -63. | 0. | ampscalar spect | -75.1 | 4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G100.21+1.88 | 21 52 56.94 | +56 39 51.0 | -50. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G100.25+1.28 | 21 55 54.13 | +56 12 58.7 | -47. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G100.38-3.58 | 22 16 10.21 | +52 21 32.1 | -20. | 62. | ampscalar spect | -33.2 | 34.0 | map spectrum | 0.41 | ... | ... | |
G101.00+2.56 | 21 54 21.56 | +57 41 13.4 | -70. | 9. | ampscalar spect | -68.0 | 19.0 | map spectrum | 0.74 | 21 54 22.05 | +57 41 18.6 | |
G101.76+2.81 | 21 57 44.49 | +58 21 05.9 | -70. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G102.32+3.68 | 21 56 59.41 | +59 22 38.3 | -88. | 14. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G102.35+3.64 | 21 57 24.61 | +59 21 56.2 | -90. | 18. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G102.65+15.8 | 20 39 06.23 | +68 02 16.3 | -38. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G102.80-0.72 | 22 19 09.00 | +56 04 44.9 | -45. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G103.69+0.43 | 22 19 56.22 | +57 31 41.4 | -61. | 0. | ampscalar spect | -59.3 | 6.2 | map spectrum | 0.92 | 22 19 54.49 | +57 31 50.2 | |
G103.80+0.41 | 22 20 46.50 | +57 34 17.0 | -60. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G103.87+1.86 | 22 15 07.57 | +58 49 10.3 | -12. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G105.40+9.87 | 21 43 04.02 | +66 05 57.1 | -31. | 31. | ampscalar spect | -18.2 | 26.7 | map spectrum | 0.21 | ... | ... | |
G105.51+0.23 | 22 32 24.30 | +58 18 58.2 | -53. | 26. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G105.63+0.34 | 22 32 46.01 | +58 28 21.8 | -49. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G106.32+0.06 | 22 38 24.54 | +58 34 19.7 | -54. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G106.80+5.31 | 22 19 18.33 | +63 18 48.4 | 5. | 27. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G107.18+5.43 | 22 21 33.26 | +63 37 21.5 | -9. | 22. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G107.30+5.64 | 22 21 27.61 | +63 51 45.3 | -22. | 255. | ampscalar spect | -10.8 | 47.1 | map spectrum | 0.91 | 22 21 26.72 | +63 51 37.7 | |
G107.50+4.49 | 22 28 29.35 | +62 59 43.7 | 2. | 5. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G108.20+0.59 | 22 49 29.55 | +59 55 36.7 | -54. | 11. | ampscalar spect | -57.2 | 32.4 | map spectrum | 0.82 | 22 49 31.46 | +59 55 41.9 | |
G108.21-1.29 | 22 55 59.71 | +58 14 50.0 | -36. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G108.36-1.06 | 22 56 17.02 | +58 31 13.3 | -38. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G108.47-2.82 | 23 02 31.56 | +56 57 23.5 | -50. | 32. | ampscalar spect | -61.2 | 35.1 | map spectrum | 0.47 | ... | ... | |
G108.48-2.80 | 23 02 34.96 | +56 58 54.6 | -56. | 8. | ampscalar spect | -60.7 | 10.8 | map spectrum | 0.82 | 23 02 32.09 | +56 57 51.4 | |
G108.59+0.49 | 22 52 36.92 | +60 00 47.8 | -48. | 289. | ampscalar spect | -55.9 | 10.5 | map spectrum | 0.75 | 22 52 38.26 | +60 00 52.0 | |
G108.77-0.94 | 22 58 42.61 | +58 47 45.2 | -47. | 30. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G108.78+0.25 | 22 54 50.77 | +59 52 40.6 | -47. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G108.92+2.59 | 22 47 17.45 | +62 01 57.7 | 14. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G109.10-0.35 | 22 59 06.39 | +59 28 27.6 | -54. | 3. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G109.81+2.70 | 22 53 40.49 | +62 31 59.1 | -10. | 7. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G109.87+2.11 | 22 56 17.83 | +62 01 46.4 | -11. | 327. | ampscalar spect | -12.0 | 216.5 | map spectrum | 0.57 | ... | ... | |
G109.92+1.98 | 22 57 11.13 | +61 56 03.4 | -8. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G109.99-0.28 | 23 05 23.11 | +59 53 52.6 | -52. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G110.09-0.07 | 23 05 25.67 | +60 08 07.7 | -53. | 0. | ampscalar spect | -70.4 | 4.3 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G110.11+0.04 | 23 05 10.02 | +60 14 32.4 | -47. | 2. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G110.48+1.48 | 23 03 12.98 | +61 42 21.3 | 4. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G111.08+2.09 | 23 05 50.04 | +62 30 12.1 | -14. | 0. | ampscalar spect | -12.6 | 28.4 | map spectrum | 0.44 | ... | ... | |
G111.24-1.24 | 23 17 20.99 | +59 28 48.8 | -54. | 28. | ampscalar spect | -55.3 | 23.0 | map spectrum | 0.43 | ... | ... | |
G111.25-0.77 | 23 16 09.72 | +59 55 28.8 | -55. | 56. | ampscalar spect | -50.1 | 19.9 | map spectrum | 0.61 | 23 16 10.31 | +59 55 28.4 | |
G111.28-0.67 | 23 16 04.29 | +60 01 40.7 | -44. | 7. | ampscalar spect | -48.6 | 4.2 | map spectrum | 0.76 | 23 16 04.36 | +60 01 33.5 | |
G111.54+0.78 | 23 13 44.72 | +61 28 09.8 | -60. | 126. | ampscalar spect | -60.7 | 70.4 | map spectrum | 0.93 | 23 13 45.31 | +61 28 10.5 | |
G111.87+0.82 | 23 16 11.64 | +61 37 44.8 | -47. | 4. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G112.24-2.20 | 23 27 18.46 | +58 54 44.2 | -26. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G113.61-0.62 | 23 33 44.36 | +60 50 29.9 | -50. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G114.08+2.86 | 23 28 27.79 | +64 17 32.8 | 0. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G114.49+14.7 | 22 35 24.22 | +75 17 05.7 | -11. | 24. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G114.53-0.54 | 23 40 53.29 | +61 10 19.1 | -54. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G114.62+14.5 | 22 38 42.35 | +75 10 38.8 | 2. | 9. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G116.30+0.58 | 23 53 06.20 | +62 41 38.3 | 0. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G117.32+3.14 | 23 57 05.13 | +65 25 10.8 | -27. | 4. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G117.69+4.10 | 23 58 41.66 | +66 26 13.9 | -57. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G117.77-3.64 | 00 11 26.52 | +58 49 50.0 | -30. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G118.96+1.89 | 00 14 26.31 | +64 28 44.4 | -30. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G119.80-6.05 | 00 28 45.82 | +56 41 07.8 | -41. | 38. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G120.15+3.38 | 00 23 58.09 | +66 06 03.1 | -71. | 7. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G121.30+0.66 | 00 36 47.51 | +63 29 02.1 | 0. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G121.37+1.24 | 00 37 11.07 | +64 03 59.9 | -20. | 0. | ampscalar spect | -28.6 | 12.6 | map spectrum | 0.78 | 00 37 13.32 | +64 04 15.3 | |
G121.74+0.23 | 00 40 54.87 | +63 04 48.2 | -18. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G122.01-7.07 | 00 44 57.52 | +55 47 18.0 | -45. | 66. | ampscalar spect | -47.2 | 62.4 | map spectrum | 0.48 | ... | ... | |
G122.78+2.86 | 00 49 55.82 | +65 43 38.7 | -51. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G123.07-6.31 | 00 52 25.16 | +56 33 54.3 | -29. | 23. | ampscalar spect | -35.3 | 81.2 | map spectrum | 0.90 | 00 52 24.68 | +56 33 50.6 | |
G124.64+2.54 | 01 07 50.70 | +65 21 21.5 | -84. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G125.52+2.03 | 01 15 42.93 | +64 46 38.1 | -53. | 0. | ampscalar spect | -54.6 | 8.5 | map spectrum | 0.71 | 01 15 40.82 | +64 46 41.0 | |
G125.60+2.10 | 01 16 35.07 | +64 50 32.9 | -53. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G125.63+2.02 | 01 16 47.22 | +64 45 42.6 | -47. | 18. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G132.16-0.73 | 02 08 04.95 | +60 45 55.7 | -49. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G132.98+8.48 | 02 47 00.16 | +69 04 10.9 | -14. | 19. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G133.40+8.88 | 02 53 07.17 | +69 14 36.2 | 15. | 13. | ampscalar spect | 7.5 | 17.8 | map spectrum | 0.43 | ... | ... | |
G133.78+1.42 | 02 26 50.80 | +62 15 52.2 | -44. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G133.95+1.07 | 02 27 04.69 | +61 52 25.6 | -49. | 14100. | ampscalar spect | -51.3 | 4478.0 | map spectrum | 0.72 | 02 27 04.81 | +61 52 24.6 | |
G134.83+1.31 | 02 34 46.28 | +61 46 22.3 | -55. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G135.28+2.80 | 02 43 29.12 | +62 56 59.4 | -67. | 20. | ampscalar spect | -72.6 | 10.5 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G135.89-0.46 | 02 37 05.66 | +59 43 37.8 | -30. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G136.38+2.27 | 02 50 09.23 | +61 59 58.1 | -44. | 0. | ampscalar spect | -45.9 | 8.3 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G136.84+1.14 | 02 49 23.13 | +60 47 01.2 | -22. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G137.07+3.00 | 02 58 13.10 | +62 20 29.1 | -51. | 0. | ampscalar spect | -50.7 | 11.1 | map spectrum | 0.33 | ... | ... | |
G138.30+1.56 | 03 01 32.31 | +60 29 10.8 | -38. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G138.50+1.64 | 03 03 19.68 | +60 27 56.3 | -33. | 0. | ampscalar spect | -32.6 | 6.0 | map spectrum | 0.43 | ... | ... | |
G139.91+0.20 | 03 07 25.61 | +58 30 52.4 | -28. | 10. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G140.64+0.68 | 03 14 06.38 | +58 33 10.0 | -39. | 8. | ampscalar spect | -59.8 | 7.3 | map spectrum | 0.67 | 03 14 05.03 | +58 33 07.6 | |
G141.08-1.06 | 03 10 15.16 | +56 50 18.2 | 36. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G141.14+1.50 | 03 20 44.30 | +58 59 33.2 | -55. | 10. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G142.00+1.82 | 03 27 38.22 | +58 47 03.0 | -15. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G143.83-1.56 | 03 24 59.10 | +54 57 24.6 | -33. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G144.89+0.45 | 03 39 14.44 | +55 59 36.4 | -33. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G147.84+1.09 | 03 58 18.97 | +54 39 36.7 | 0. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G148.04+0.63 | 03 57 19.64 | +54 10 41.3 | -53. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G149.43+2.06 | 04 10 56.50 | +54 19 29.6 | -42. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G150.86+2.19 | 04 18 33.02 | +53 26 01.9 | -44. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G150.98-0.47 | 04 07 10.82 | +51 24 45.8 | -78. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G151.61-0.46 | 04 10 11.17 | +50 59 57.3 | -54. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G154.35+2.59 | 04 36 14.96 | +51 12 05.9 | -41. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G160.14+3.16 | 05 01 39.74 | +47 07 23.1 | -17. | 56. | ampscalar spect | -16.7 | 22.6 | map spectrum | 0.46 | ... | ... | |
G160.26+0.85 | 04 51 38.68 | +45 35 33.1 | -27. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G161.03+4.42 | 05 10 44.37 | +47 10 44.7 | -10. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 21.6 | 4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G168.06+0.82 | 05 17 13.28 | +39 22 14.4 | -28. | 62. | ampscalar spect | -30.0 | 70.8 | map spectrum | 0.58 | ... | ... | |
G168.47-0.98 | 05 10 59.29 | +37 59 16.9 | 0. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G170.66-0.27 | 05 20 16.14 | +36 37 21.1 | -21. | 69. | ampscalar spect | -21.3 | 124.5 | map spectrum | 0.29 | ... | ... | |
G172.88+2.27 | 05 36 52.49 | +36 10 49.3 | -16. | 16. | ampscalar spect | -24.0 | 4.1 | map spectrum | 0.83 | 05 36 52.47 | +36 10 58.4 | |
G173.17+2.35 | 05 37 57.85 | +35 58 40.5 | -18. | 13. | ampscalar spect | -18.0 | 5.5 | map spectrum | 0.65 | 05 38 00.30 | +35 59 01.6 | |
G173.37+3.03 | 05 41 23.26 | +36 09 55.6 | -20. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G173.48+2.45 | 05 39 12.91 | +35 45 54.1 | -17. | 238. | ampscalar spect | -22.6 | 5.7 | map spectrum | 0.84 | 05 39 13.08 | +35 45 51.3 | |
G173.58+2.45 | 05 39 27.77 | +35 40 58.0 | -16. | 5. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G173.72+2.70 | 05 40 53.32 | +35 41 48.8 | 1. | 7. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G173.90+0.29 | 05 31 26.50 | +34 14 57.7 | 44. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G174.21-0.07 | 05 30 48.81 | +33 47 26.4 | 4. | 106. | ampscalar spect | -5.3 | 49.5 | map spectrum | 0.82 | 05 30 47.98 | +33 47 52.4 | |
G176.47-1.67 | 05 30 21.22 | +31 01 27.2 | -20. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G176.52+0.20 | 05 37 53.13 | +31 59 34.6 | -27. | 127. | ampscalar spect | -14.2 | 34.2 | map spectrum | 0.83 | 05 37 52.21 | +32 00 04.1 | |
G180.83+3.99 | 06 03 22.88 | +30 14 11.2 | 16. | 6. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G182.68-3.27 | 05 39 28.25 | +24 56 32.3 | -5. | 46. | ampscalar spect | -6.7 | 15.5 | map spectrum | 0.94 | 05 39 28.42 | +24 56 31.5 | |
G183.72-3.66 | 05 40 24.93 | +23 50 56.2 | -2. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 4.6 | 177.7 | map spectrum | 0.94 | 05 40 24.26 | +23 50 54.7 | |
G184.96-0.85 | 05 53 44.80 | +24 14 45.0 | 7. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G185.31-2.14 | 05 49 41.84 | +23 17 03.7 | -4. | 6. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G188.80+1.03 | 06 09 07.81 | +21 50 38.7 | -10. | 128. | ampscalar spect | -7.4 | 397.7 | map spectrum | 0.86 | 06 09 06.99 | +21 50 41.4 | |
G188.95+0.89 | 06 08 53.94 | +21 38 36.7 | 8. | 39. | ampscalar spect | -3.8 | 78.1 | map spectrum | 0.98 | 06 08 53.36 | +21 38 29.2 | |
G188.97-1.94 | 05 58 24.56 | +20 13 58.5 | -68. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G189.03+0.78 | 06 08 40.97 | +21 31 00.6 | 0. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G189.05+1.07 | 06 09 48.03 | +21 38 10.7 | 5. | 149. | ampscalar spect | -9.9 | 8.3 | map spectrum | 0.98 | 06 09 49.64 | +21 38 05.1 | |
G189.78+0.35 | 06 08 35.52 | +20 39 13.0 | 9. | 89. | ampscalar spect | 11.3 | 4.1 | map spectrum | 0.80 | 06 08 35.30 | +20 39 07.3 | |
G190.05+0.53 | 06 09 51.71 | +20 30 04.4 | -44. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G191.43-0.78 | 06 07 49.49 | +18 39 27.2 | -80. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G192.16-3.82 | 05 58 13.87 | +16 32 00.1 | 11. | 86. | ampscalar spect | 3.4 | 5.2 | map spectrum | 0.87 | 05 58 13.51 | +16 31 57.8 | |
G192.98+0.15 | 06 14 24.11 | +17 45 13.4 | 11. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G195.82-0.21 | 06 18 41.70 | +15 04 53.6 | 21. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G195.82-0.57 | 06 17 24.30 | +14 54 37.2 | 35. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 49.2 | 14.8 | map spectrum | 0.95 | 06 17 24.05 | +14 54 41.2 | |
G196.16-1.25 | 06 15 34.63 | +14 17 10.2 | 11. | 7. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G196.45-1.68 | 06 14 36.46 | +13 49 33.4 | 19. | 150. | ampscalar spect | 20.0 | 238.1 | map spectrum | 0.86 | 06 14 37.06 | +13 49 35.9 | |
G197.14-3.10 | 06 10 49.60 | +12 32 43.8 | 25. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G197.14-3.10 | 06 10 49.60 | +12 32 43.8 | 25. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G200.08-1.63 | 06 21 47.57 | +10 39 21.9 | 0. | 0. | ampscalar spect | 33.6 | 6.3 | map spectrum | 0.89 | 06 21 47.56 | +10 39 22.5 | |
G206.78-1.94 | 06 33 16.36 | +04 34 56.8 | 10. | 6. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G206.84-2.38 | 06 31 48.07 | +04 19 31.1 | 10. | 13. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G207.32-2.15 | 06 33 31.09 | +04 00 06.7 | 10. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G210.49-2.61 | 06 37 42.14 | +00 58 37.6 | 18. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G210.79-2.54 | 06 38 29.22 | +00 44 38.1 | 57. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G211.60+1.06 | 06 52 45.47 | +01 40 14.9 | 52. | 55. | ampscalar spect | 49.3 | 36.3 | map spectrum | 0.81 | 06 52 45.36 | +01 40 23.4 | |
G211.89-1.23 | 06 45 10.18 | +00 21 49.3 | 43. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G212.06-0.74 | 06 47 12.87 | +00 26 06.5 | 45. | 67. | ampscalar spect | 46.6 | 5.5 | map spectrum | 0.89 | 06 47 13.33 | +00 26 06.1 | |
G212.25-1.10 | 06 46 15.59 | +00 06 18.6 | 34. | 11. | ampscalar spect | 43.2 | 5.1 | map spectrum | 0.86 | 06 46 15.81 | +00 06 27.7 | |
G217.30-0.05 | 06 59 14.45 | -03 54 51.9 | 12. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G217.33-1.37 | 06 54 34.71 | -04 32 13.2 | 49. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G218.05-0.12 | 07 00 23.07 | -04 36 37.8 | 31. | 192. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G218.10-0.37 | 06 59 34.78 | -04 46 00.4 | -24. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G220.46-0.60 | 07 03 05.10 | -06 58 28.3 | 31. | 49. | ampscalar spect | 30.7 | 5.1 | map spectrum | 0.82 | 07 03 04.87 | -06 58 23.3 | |
G220.79-1.71 | 06 59 41.75 | -07 46 29.0 | 2. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G221.96-1.99 | 07 00 51.52 | -08 56 29.0 | 50. | 10. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G224.32-2.14 | 07 04 42.17 | -11 06 22.2 | 18. | 29. | ampscalar spect | 16.7 | 7.6 | map spectrum | 0.99 | 07 04 44.45 | -11 07 12.5 | |
G224.42-0.70 | 07 10 05.42 | -10 31 45.8 | 10. | 13. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G226.36-0.77 | 07 13 29.86 | -12 16 51.1 | 16. | 16. | ampscalar spect | 16.1 | 4.8 | map spectrum | 0.77 | 07 13 29.90 | -12 16 50.1 | |
G229.57+0.15 | 07 23 01.28 | -14 41 32.5 | 52. | 104. | ampscalar spect | 46.7 | 17.2 | map spectrum | 0.52 | ... | ... | |
G231.96-2.06 | 07 19 34.84 | -17 50 25.5 | 36. | 7. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G232.62+1.00 | 07 32 10.00 | -16 58 14.7 | 18. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G233.68-0.19 | 07 29 56.24 | -18 27 59.9 | 36. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G234.58+0.84 | 07 35 34.31 | -18 45 32.5 | -10. | 0. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G235.69-1.25 | 07 30 05.29 | -20 44 04.6 | 73. | 5. | ampscalar spect | 73.3 | 9.9 | map spectrum | 0.40 | ... | ... | |
G236.82+1.98 | 07 44 27.85 | -20 08 31.9 | 45. | 35. | ampscalar spect | 51.8 | 17.2 | map spectrum | 0.65 | 07 44 28.24 | -20 08 28.4 | |
G237.51-4.84 | 07 20 06.55 | -24 02 20.9 | 21. | 34. | ampscalar spect | ... | <4.0 | map spectrum | ... | ... | ... | |
G240.32+0.07 | 07 44 51.90 | -24 07 40.6 | 71. | 34. | ampscalar spect | 64.7 | 10.9 | map spectrum | 0.49 | ... | ... | |
G359.97-0.46 | 17 47 21.34 | -29 12 05.2 | 20. | 52. | ampscalar spect | 4.2 | 11.5 | map spectrum | 0.73 | 17 47 20.23 | -29 11 57.4 |