Shimon Kolkowitz (UC Berkeley)
Andrew Jayich (UC Santa Barbara)
Tanya Zelevinsky (Columbia University)

10/03/2024 to 10/04/2024

Hossein Sadeghpour (ITAMP)
Kaden Hazzard (Rice University)

10/17/2024 to 10/18/2024
S.I. Mistakidis; K. Mukherjee; S.M. Reimann; H.R. Sadeghpour, "Tunneling dynamics of $^{164}\mathrm{Dy}$ supersolids and droplets" (2024)
D. Mellado-Alcedo; A. Guttridge; S.L. Cornish; H.R. Sadeghpour; R. Gonzalez-Ferez, "Ultralong-range Cs-RbCs Rydberg molecules: Nonadiabaticity of dipole moments" (2024)
J. Enkner; L. Graziotto; F. Appugliese; V. Rokaj; J. Wang; M. Ruggenthaler; C. Reichl; W. Wegscheider; A. Rubio; J. Faist, "Testing the Renormalization of the von Klitzing Constant by Cavity Vacuum Fields" (2024)
Amichay Vardi Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 10/01/2023 to 09/30/2025
Max Wolf Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University 08/12/2024 to 09/30/2024
Francis Roxbicheaux Purdue University 09/01/2024 to 09/30/2024
Jacob Taylor University of Maryland 09/04/2024 to 10/30/2024