Fundamental three-body processes in physics and chemistry

Monday, June 2, 2025 - 8:00am to Wednesday, June 4, 2025 - 6:00pm

Three-body processes, the interaction of three particles, find applications in a large variety of physical and chemical scenarios, spanning a wide range of energies: from the MeV of the nucleons in nuclei (nuclear physics) to the ultralow energies of neV in cold and ultracold systems (cold and ultracold chemistry). In particular, three-body processes, such as three-body recombination or ternary association, play a relevant role in ion reactivity in ultracold gases, impurity physics, and as an action spectroscopy tool. However, even though three-body processes are ubiquitous, the underlying physics is not fully understood. This workshop aims to unite the community working in few-body physics, chemical physics, AMO, and nuclear physics under a general scientific umbrella.

Organizing Committee: 

Jesus Perez Rios (Stonybrook)
Roland Wester (Innsbruck)