One of the ScienceNews 10 Early Career Scientist: Nicole Yunger Halpern.
Please apply here:
"Symmetry Matters", Nature Physics News & Views on the recent ITAMP publication
You can follow the schedule of lectures here:
The realization of large-scale entanglement was made in the experimental group of Rainer Blatt at Innsbruck.
You can read more by here:
The cover art for an ITAMP publication in an online-only journal Nature Communications Physics has
been chosen as the front cover for the journal:
The description of the art cover for Ceren B. Dağ, Simeon I. Mistakidis, Amos Chan & H. R. Sadeghpour,
Communications Physics volume 6, Article number: 136 (2023):
A binary mixture of atoms trapped and driven in an optical lattice giving rise to many-body quantum
chaos, depicted in Picasso style and rendered by Deep Dream Generator. The spectral form factor of this
experimentally feasible model is found to deviate from random matrix theory prediction before the
many-body Thouless time, revealing a universal scaling function in cold atom models beyond random
matrix theory.
Learn more here,
Also see the presentations from the recent ITAMP workshop on Rydberg physics (
You can read more in this Physics Focus article: "Atom and Molecule FormQuantum “Blockade”.
Our congratulations to Tijs Karman and Nina on the arrival of baby Lily!
It's with great pleasure that we announce that Ana Maria Rey, former fellow (2005-2008), was elected to the US
National Academy of Sciences. Congratulations Ana.
More on the list of the 2023 can be found here: