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Rozman, M. G, M. Bredice, J. Smucker, H. R Sadeghpour, D. Vrinceanu, R. C\^ot\'e, and V. Kharchenko. Kinetics And Nucleation Dynamics In Ion-Seeded Atomic Clusters. Phys. Rev. A 105, no. 2. Phys. Rev. A (2022): 022807. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.105.022807.
Chen, Jie, Simeon I Mistakidis, and Peter Schmelcher. Intra- And Interband Excitations Induced Residue Decay Of The Bose Polaron In A One-Dimensional Double-Well. New Journal Of Physics} 24, no. 3. New Journal Of Physics} (2022): 033004. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/ac51ed}.
Bougas, G., S. I Mistakidis, P. Schmelcher, C. H Greene, and P. Giannakeas. Interferometry Of Efimov States In Thermal Gases By Modulated Magnetic Fields. Phys. Rev. Res 5, no. 4. Phys. Rev. Res (2023): 043134. doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.043134.
Serbyn, M., M. Knap, S. Gopalakrishnan, Z. Papic, N. Y Yao, C. R Laumann, D. A Abanin, M. D Lukin, and E. A Demler. Interferometric Probes Of Many-Body Localization. Physical Review Letters 113. Physical Review Letters (2014). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.147204.
Sadeghpour, Hossein R, J. Loreau, and A. Dalgarno. Interaction Of Ag(5S) And Ag(5P) With Noble Gas Atoms. In Xxviii International Conference On Photonic, Electronic And Atomic Collisions (Icpeac). Vol. {488}. Xxviii International Conference On Photonic, Electronic And Atomic Collisions (Icpeac). Natl Nat Sci Fdn China; Chinese Acad Sci; Int Union Pure & Appl Phys; Inst Modern Phys; Youth Innovat Promot Assoc, Inst Modern Phys, 2014. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/488/12/122006.
Sipahigil, A., K. D Jahnke, L. J Rogers, T. Teraji, J. Isoya, A. S Zibrov, F. Jelezko, and M. D Lukin. Indistinguishable Photons From Separated Silicon-Vacancy Centers In Diamond. Physical Review Letters 113. Physical Review Letters (2014). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.113602.
Cappellaro, Paola. Implementation Of State Transfer Hamiltonians In Spin Chains With Magnetic Resonance Techniques. In Quantum State Transfer And Network Engineering, 183-222. Quantum State Transfer And Network Engineering, 2014. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-39937-4.
Bartschat, Klaus, and Hossein R Sadeghpour. Hyperfine-Changing Transitions In He-3 Ii And Other One-Electron Ions By Electron Scattering. In Xxix International Conference On Photonic, Electronic, And Atomic Collisions (Icpeac2015), Pts 1-12. Vol. 635. Xxix International Conference On Photonic, Electronic, And Atomic Collisions (Icpeac2015), Pts 1-12. Univ Autonoma Madrid; Consejo Super Investigaciones Cient, 2015. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/635/5/052016.
Bartschat, Klaus, and Hossein R Sadeghpour. Hyperfine-Changing Transitions In He-3 Ii And Other One-Electron Ions By Electron Scattering. Astrophysical Journal 788. Astrophysical Journal (2014). doi:{10.1088/0004-637X/788/1/69}.
Frolov, Alexei M. On The Hyperfine Structure Of The Triplet N3S-States Of The Four-Electron Atoms And Ions. The European Physical Journal D 71. The European Physical Journal D (2017): 113. doi:10.1140/epjd/e2017-80023-0.
Derevianko, A., and M. Pospelov. Hunting For Topological Dark Matter With Atomic Clocks. Nature Physics 10. Nature Physics (2014): 933-936. doi:10.1038/NPHYS3137.
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Pawlak, M., N. Moiseyev, and Hossein R Sadeghpour. Highly Excited Rydberg States Of A Rubidium Atom: Theory Versus Experiments. Physical Review A 89. Physical Review A (2014). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.89.042506.
Frolov, Alexei M. Highly Accurate Bound State Calculations Of The Two-Center Molecular Ions By Using The Universal Variational Expansion For Three-Body Systems. The European Physical Journal D 72. The European Physical Journal D (2018): 52. doi:10.1140/epjd/e2018-80470-y.
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Onofrio, Roberto. High-Energy Density Implications Of A Gravitoweak Unification Scenario. Modern Physics Letters A 29. Modern Physics Letters A (2014). doi:10.1142/S0217732313501873.
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Borregaard, J., P. Kómár, E. M Kessler, A. S Sorensen, and M. D Lukin. Heralded Quantum Gates With Integrated Error Detection In Optical Cavities. Physical Review Letters 114. Physical Review Letters (2015). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.110502.
Kessler, E. M, P. Kómár, M. Bishof, L. Jiang, A. S Sorensen, J. Ye, and M. D Lukin. Heisenberg-Limited Atom Clocks Based On Entangled Qubits. Physical Review Letters 112. Physical Review Letters (2014). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.190403.
