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Pabst, Stefan, and Jan Marcus Dahlström. Characterizing Attosecond Pulses In The Soft X-Ray Regime. Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 50. Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics (2017): 104002.
Friedrich, Bretislav. A Century Ago The Stern–Gerlach Experiment Ruled Unequivocally In Favor Of Quantum Mechanics. Israel Journal Of Chemistry. Israel Journal Of Chemistry (2023): e202300047. doi:
Rokaj, Vasil, Simeon I Mistakidis, and H. R Sadeghpour. Cavity Induced Collective Behavior In The Polaritonic Ground State. Scipost Phys 14. Scipost Phys (2023). doi:10.21468/SciPostPhys.14.6.167.
Hussein, M. S, J. F Babb, and R. Higa. The Casimir-Polder Interaction Between Two Neutrons And Possible Relevance To Tetraneutron States. Acta Phys. Pol. B 48. Acta Phys. Pol. B (2017): 1837. doi:10.5506/APhysPolB.48.1837.
Yan, Pei-Gen, Li-Yan Tang, Zong-Chao Yan, and James F Babb. Calculations Of Long-Range Three-Body Interactions For Li(22S) - Li(22S) - Li(22P). Phys. Rev. A 94. Phys. Rev. A (2016): 022705. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.94.022705.
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O'Gorman, B., R. Babbush, A. Perdomo-Ortiz, A. Aspuru-Guzik, and V. Smelyanskiy. Bayesian Network Structure Learning Using Quantum Annealing. European Physical Journal-Special Topics 224. European Physical Journal-Special Topics (2015): 163-188. doi:10.1140/epjst/e2015-02349-9.
Anand, M., Stefan Pabst, Ojoon Kwon, and Dong Eon Kim. Attosecond Counter-Rotating-Wave Effect In Xenon Driven By Strong Fields. Phys. Rev. A 95. Phys. Rev. A (2017): 053420. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.95.053420.
Frolov, Alexei M. Atomic Few-Body Systems With Muonium. Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 50. Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics (2017): 105102.
Heck{\"o}tter, Julian, Valentin Walther, Stefan Scheel, Manfred Bayer, Thomas Pohl, and Marc A{\ss}mann. Asymmetric Rydberg Blockade Of Giant Excitons In Cuprous Oxide. Nature Communications 12, no. 2041-1723. Nature Communications (2021): 3556. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-23852-z.
Brauneis, Fabian, Timothy Backert, Simeon Mistakidis, Mikhai Lemeshko, Hans-Werner Hammer, and Artem Volosniev. Artificial Atoms From Cold Bosons In One Dimension. New Journal Of Physics . New Journal Of Physics (2022). doi:10.1088/1367-2630/ac78d8.
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Chu, Y., M. Markham, D. J Twitchen, and M. D Lukin. All-Optical Control Of A Single Electron Spin In Diamond. Physical Review A 91. Physical Review A (2015). doi:{10.1103/PhysRevA.91.021801}.
Machado, Francisco, Quntao Zhuang, Norman Y Yao, and Michael P Zaletel. Absolutely Stable Time Crystals At Finite Temperature. Phys. Rev. Lett 131, no. 18. Phys. Rev. Lett (2023). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.180402.
Friedrich, Bretislav, Daniel Kleppner, and Dudley Herschbach. About Roy Glauber (2023). doi:
