Winter School 2013 - Quantum Control of Mesoscopic Systems
ITAMP/B2 Institute Winter Graduate School on AMO Physics 2016
The year 2013 theme will be on quantum control of molecular, cold atomic ensembles,
photonic systems, and mechanical oscillators.
Tomaso Calarco, University of Ulm
Aash Clerk, McGill University
Steve Girvin, Yale University
Jeff Kimble, Caltech
Andrew Geraci, Univ. of Nevada, Reno
Pierre Meystre, University of Arizona
Herschel Rabbitz (Princeton University),
Peter Rabl (University of Innsbruck),
Oriol Romero-Isart (Max-Planck Garching),
Keith Schwab (Caltech),
Dan Stamper-Kurn (Berkeley),
John Teufel (NIST)