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Rokaj, Vasil, , Michael and Eich, Florian G, and Angel Rubio. Free Electron Gas In Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics. Phys. Rev. Research 4, no. 1. Phys. Rev. Research (2022): 013012. doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.013012.
Chu, Y., N. P de Leon, B. J Shields, B. Hausmann, R. Evans, E. Togan, M. J Burek, et al.. Coherent Optical Transitions In Implanted Nitrogen Vacancy Centers. Nano Letters 14. Nano Letters (2014): 1982-1986. doi:{10.1021/nl404836p}.
Carlson, Brett V, Jutta E Escher, and Mahir S Hussein. Theoretical Descriptions Of Compound-Nuclear Reactions: Open Problems And Challenges. Journal Of Physics G-Nuclear And Particle Physics 41. Journal Of Physics G-Nuclear And Particle Physics (2014). doi:10.1088/0954-3899/41/9/094003.