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Diao, Ying, Kristina M Lenn, Wen-Ya Lee, Martin A Blood-Forsythe, Jie Xu, Yisha Mao, Yeongin Kim, et al.. Understanding Polymorphism In Organic Semiconductor Thin Films Through Nanoconfinement. Journal Of The American Chemical Society 136. Journal Of The American Chemical Society (2014): 17046-17057. doi:10.1021/ja507179d.
Felfli, Z, T Karman, V Kharchenko, D Vrinceanu, J F Babb, and H R Sadeghpour. Theory And Simulation Of Spectral Line Broadening By Exoplanetary Atmospheric Haze. Mon. Notices Royal Astron. Soc 482. Mon. Notices Royal Astron. Soc (2019): 1330-1337. doi:10.1093/mnras/sty2694.
Fey, C., M. Kurz, P. Schmelcher, S. T Rittenhouse, and Hossein R Sadeghpour. A Comparative Analysis Of Binding In Ultralong-Range Rydberg Molecules. New Journal Of Physics 17. New Journal Of Physics (2015). doi:10.1088/1367-2630/17/5/055010.
Forrey, R C, J F Babb, P C Stancil, and B M McLaughlin. Rate Constants For The Formation Of {Cs} By Radiative Association. Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 479. Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society (2018): 4727–4734. doi:10.1093/mnras/sty1739.
Forrey, R. C, J. F Babb, E. DS Courtney, R. T McArdle, and P. C Stancil. Revisiting The Formation Of Heh+ In The Planetary Nebula Ngc 7027. The Astrophysical Journal 898. The Astrophysical Journal (2020): 86. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab9a50.
Forrey, Robert C, James F Babb, Phillip C Stancil, and Brendan M McLaughlin. Formation Of Silicon Monoxide By Radiative Association: The Impact Of Resonances. J. Phys. B: At., Molec. And Opt. Phys 49. J. Phys. B: At., Molec. And Opt. Phys (2016): 184002. doi:10.1088/0953-4075/49/18/184002.
Friedrich, Bretislav. A Century Ago The Stern–Gerlach Experiment Ruled Unequivocally In Favor Of Quantum Mechanics. Israel Journal Of Chemistry. Israel Journal Of Chemistry (2023): e202300047. doi:
Friedrich, Bretislav, Gerard Meijer, Horst Schmidt-Böcking, and Gernot Grube. One Hundred Years Of Alfred Landé's G-Factor. Natural Sciences 1, no. 2. Natural Sciences (2021): nils.20210068. doi:10.1002/ntls.20210068.
Friedrich, Bretislav, Daniel Kleppner, and Dudley Herschbach. About Roy Glauber (2023). doi:
Friedrich, Bretislav. Rudolf Zahradn\'ik (1828-2020): ``d\v{E}Lej To, Co Se Slu\v{S}\'i A Pat\v{R}\'i''. Za Rudolfem A Milenou Zahradn\'ikov\'ymi. Za Rudolfem A Milenou Zahradn\'ikov\'ymi. Academia , 2021.
Friedrich, Bretislav. Electro-Optical Trap For Polar Molecules. Phys. Rev. A 105, no. 5. Phys. Rev. A (2022): 053126. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.105.053126.
Frolov, Alexei M. On The Hyperfine Structure Of The Triplet N3S-States Of The Four-Electron Atoms And Ions. The European Physical Journal D 71. The European Physical Journal D (2017): 113. doi:10.1140/epjd/e2017-80023-0.
Frolov, Alexei M. Highly Accurate Bound State Calculations Of The Two-Center Molecular Ions By Using The Universal Variational Expansion For Three-Body Systems. The European Physical Journal D 72. The European Physical Journal D (2018): 52. doi:10.1140/epjd/e2018-80470-y.
Frolov, Alexei M. Atomic Few-Body Systems With Muonium. Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 50. Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics (2017): 105102.
Gacesa, Marko, and Vasili Kharchenko. Quantum Reactive Scattering Of O(3P)+H2 At Collision Energies Up To 4.4 Ev. Journal Of Chemical Physics 141. Journal Of Chemical Physics (2014). doi:10.1063/1.4899179.
Gallagher, Liam AP, Joshua P Rogers, Jon D Pritchett, Rajan A Mistry, Danielle Pizzey, Charles S Adams, Matthew PA Jones, et al.. Microwave-Optical Coupling Via Rydberg Excitons In Cuprous Oxide. Phys. Rev. Research 4, no. 1. Phys. Rev. Research (2022): 013031. doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.013031.
Gavrila, Mihai. Crossed-Laser-Beam Solutions For The Klein-Gordon Equation. Phys. Rev. A 99. Phys. Rev. A (2019): 012120. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.99.012120.
Gelbwaser-Klimovsky, David, and Alan Aspuru-Guzik. Strongly Coupled Quantum Heat Machines. Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters 6. Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters (2015): 3477-3482. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b01404.
Gharibnejad, Heman, and Andrei Derevianko. Dark Forces And Atomic Electric Dipole Moments. Physical Review D 91. Physical Review D (2015). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.91.035007.
