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Serbyn, M., M. Knap, S. Gopalakrishnan, Z. Papic, N. Y Yao, C. R Laumann, D. A Abanin, M. D Lukin, and E. A Demler. Interferometric Probes Of Many-Body Localization. Physical Review Letters 113. Physical Review Letters (2014). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.147204.
Porsev, S. G, M. S Safronova, A. Derevianko, and Charles W Clark. Long-Range Interaction Coefficients For Ytterbium Dimers. Physical Review A 89. Physical Review A (2014). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.89.012711.
Sushkov, A. O, I. Lovchinsky, N. Chisholm, R. L Walsworth, H. Park, and M. D Lukin. Magnetic Resonance Detection Of Individual Proton Spins Using Quantum Reporters. Physical Review Letters 113. Physical Review Letters (2014). doi:{10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.197601}.
Yudin, V. I, A. V Taichenachev, and A. Derevianko. Magnetic-Dipole Transitions In Highly Charged Ions As A Basis Of Ultraprecise Optical Clocks. Physical Review Letters 113. Physical Review Letters (2014). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.233003.
Hazzard, Kaden RA, Bryce Gadway, Michael Foss-Feig, Bo Yan, Steven A Moses, Jacob P Covey, Norman Y Yao, et al.. Many-Body Dynamics Of Dipolar Molecules In An Optical Lattice. Physical Review Letters 113. Physical Review Letters (2014). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.195302.
Yao, N. Y, C. R Laumann, S. Gopalakrishnan, M. Knap, M. Mueller, E. A Demler, and M. D Lukin. Many-Body Localization In Dipolar Systems. Physical Review Letters 113. Physical Review Letters (2014). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.243002.
Onofrio, Roberto. Muonic Hydrogen As A Quantum Gravimeter. International Journal Of Modern Physics D 23. International Journal Of Modern Physics D (2014). doi:10.1142/S0218271814500059.
Kain, Ben, and Hong Y Ling. Nonequilibrium States Of A Quenched Bose Gas. Physical Review A 90. Physical Review A (2014). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.90.063626.
Patra, N., P. Kral, and Hossein R Sadeghpour. Nucleation And Stabilization Of Carbon-Rich Structures In Interstellar Media. Astrophysical Journal 785. Astrophysical Journal (2014). doi:10.1088/0004-637X/785/1/6.
Yao, N. Y, C. P Moca, I. Weymann, J. D Sau, M. D Lukin, E. A Demler, and G. Zarand. Phase Diagram And Excitations Of A Shiba Molecule. Physical Review B 90. Physical Review B (2014). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.90.241108.
Johnson, Allan S, Joel Yuen-Zhou, Alan Aspuru-Guzik, and Jacob J Krich. Practical Witness For Electronic Coherences. Journal Of Chemical Physics 141. Journal Of Chemical Physics (2014). doi:10.1063/1.4903982.
Kessler, E. M, I. Lovchinsky, A. O Sushkov, and M. D Lukin. Quantum Error Correction For Metrology. Physical Review Letters 112. Physical Review Letters (2014). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.150802.
Chan, Ching-Kit, Guin-Dar Lin, Susanne F Yelin, and Mikhail D Lukin. Quantum Interference Between Independent Reservoirs In Open Quantum Systems. Physical Review A 89. Physical Review A (2014). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.89.042117.
Kómár, P., E. M Kessler, M. Bishof, L. Jiang, A. S Sorensen, J. Ye, and D. Lukin. A Quantum Network Of Clocks. Nature Physics 10. Nature Physics (2014): 582-587. doi:10.1038/NPHYS3000.
Chang, Darrick E, Vladan Vuletic, and Mikhail D Lukin. Quantum Nonlinear Optics - Photon By Photon. Nature Photonics 8. Nature Photonics (2014): 685-694. doi:10.1038/NPHOTON.2014.192.
Peyronel, T., O. Firstenberg, Q. -Y Liang, A. Gorshkov, M. D Lukin, and V. Vuletic. Quantum Nonlinear Optics Using Cold Rydberg Atoms. In Advances In Photonics Of Quantum Computing, Memory, And Communication Vii. Vol. {8997}. Advances In Photonics Of Quantum Computing, Memory, And Communication Vii. SPIE, 2014. doi:10.1117/12.2043165.
Gacesa, Marko, and Vasili Kharchenko. Quantum Reactive Scattering Of O(3P)+H2 At Collision Energies Up To 4.4 Ev. Journal Of Chemical Physics 141. Journal Of Chemical Physics (2014). doi:10.1063/1.4899179.
Thompson, Jeff, and Mikhail D Lukin. Quantum Systems Under Control. Science 345. Science (2014): 272-273. doi:10.1126/science.1256529.
Onofrio, Roberto, and Gary A Wegner. Search For Higgs Shifts In White Dwarfs. Astrophysical Journal 791. Astrophysical Journal (2014). doi:10.1088/0004-637X/791/2/125.
Bertulani, Carlos A, Pierre Descouvemont, and Mahir S Hussein. Statistical Theory Of Breakup Reactions. In Cnr{*}13 - Fourth International Workshop On Compound Nuclear Reactions And Related Topics. Vol. {69}. Cnr{*}13 - Fourth International Workshop On Compound Nuclear Reactions And Related Topics, 2014. doi:10.1051/epjconf/20136900020.
Carlson, Brett V, Jutta E Escher, and Mahir S Hussein. Theoretical Descriptions Of Compound-Nuclear Reactions: Open Problems And Challenges. Journal Of Physics G-Nuclear And Particle Physics 41. Journal Of Physics G-Nuclear And Particle Physics (2014). doi:10.1088/0954-3899/41/9/094003.
Cooper, A., E. Magesan, H. N Yum, and P. Cappellaro. Time-Resolved Magnetic Sensing With Electronic Spins In Diamond. Nature Communications 5. Nature Communications (2014). doi:10.1038/ncomms4141.
Muralidharan, Sreraman, Jungsang Kim, Norbert Luetkenhaus, Mikhail D Lukin, and Liang Jiang. Ultrafast And Fault-Tolerant Quantum Communication Across Long Distances. Physical Review Letters 112. Physical Review Letters (2014). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.250501.
Diao, Ying, Kristina M Lenn, Wen-Ya Lee, Martin A Blood-Forsythe, Jie Xu, Yisha Mao, Yeongin Kim, et al.. Understanding Polymorphism In Organic Semiconductor Thin Films Through Nanoconfinement. Journal Of The American Chemical Society 136. Journal Of The American Chemical Society (2014): 17046-17057. doi:10.1021/ja507179d.
