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Jordan, I., M. Huppert, S. Pabst, A. S Kheifets, D. Baykusheva, and H. J Wörner. Spin-Orbit Delays In Photoemission. Phys. Rev. A 95. Phys. Rev. A (2017): 013404. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.95.013404.
Kain, Ben, and Hong Y Ling. Nonequilibrium States Of A Quenched Bose Gas. Physical Review A 90. Physical Review A (2014). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.90.063626.
Kanasz-Nagy, M., B. Dora, E. A Demler, and G. Zarand. Stabilizing The False Vacuum: Mott Skyrmions. Scientific Reports 5. Scientific Reports (2015). doi:10.1038/srep07692.
Kanaz-Nagy, M., E. A Demler, and G. Zarand. Confinement-Induced Interlayer Molecules: A Route To Strong Interatomic Interactions. Physical Review A 91. Physical Review A (2015). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.91.032704.
Karman, Tijs, and Jeremy M Hutson. Microwave Shielding Of Ultracold Polar} Molecules. Physical Review Letters 121. Physical Review Letters (2018): 163401. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.163401.
Karra, Mallikarjun, Burkhard Schmidt, and Bretislav Friedrich. Quantum Dynamics Of A Polar Rotor Acted Upon By An Electric Rectangular Pulse Of Variable Duration. Molecular Physics 119, no. 17-18. Molecular Physics (2021): e1966111. doi:10.1080/00268976.2021.1966111.
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Kolkowitz, Shimon, Nick Langellier, Igor Pikovski, Mikhail Lukin, Ron Walsworth, and Jun Ye. Gravitational Wave Detection With Optical Lattice Clocks. Bulletin Of The American Physical Society. Bulletin Of The American Physical Society (2016).
Kómár, P., E. M Kessler, M. Bishof, L. Jiang, A. S Sorensen, J. Ye, and D. Lukin. A Quantum Network Of Clocks. Nature Physics 10. Nature Physics (2014): 582-587. doi:10.1038/NPHYS3000.
Larson, Åsa, Samantha Fonseca do Santos, and Ann E Orel. Dissociative Recombination Of Hcl+. The Journal Of Chemical Physics 147. The Journal Of Chemical Physics (2017): 084304. doi:10.1063/1.5000266.
