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Comparison with other Telescopes
Like the SPST,
these are single-dish submillimeter-wave telescopes.
All except the SEST are in the Northern Hemisphere and cannot effectively
observe south of declination = -40o.
The SEST does not operate at wavelengths shorter than 650µm.
None is capable of observing in the 200µm atmospheric windows.
The SPST will have an
improved optical design with low reflected and scattered radiation,
low cross-polarization,
and a field of view capable of feeding very large focal plane arrays.
The average data acquisition rate of the SPST will be
about two orders of magnitude faster than these instruments,
and the superior sky will allow deep observations which are
currently limited by sky noise.
These South Pole telescopes are each
less than 2 m diameter. They are not capable of high-resolution
studies, nor do they have the collecting area needed to study
high-redshift galaxies. In particular, they cannot resolve the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
in distant clusters.
These special-purpose millimeter-wave cosmic
microwave background
instruments do not operate at frequencies above 50 GHz, nor
can they observe at spatial scales smaller than 4'. The complementary
high-frequency, high-resolution capabilities of the SPST will allow separation of thermal
and velocity Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in detected anisotropies.
This airborne telescope will have much
better atmospheric conditions than the SPST. It is an
order of magnitude smaller in collecting area and its beam
area is an order of magnitude larger. Flight operations do
not allow for continuous, long-term use or for deep integrations.
For some projects, it is
of particular importance that the angular resolution of the SPST, 4'' at 200µm, matches that of
SOFIA at 50 µm.
This spacecraft has no atmospheric problems
and a low thermal background. Continuum sensitivity is limited
by the relatively small aperture. The submillimeter-wave search
for high-redshift objects will be confusion-limited by a beam area
an order of magnitude larger than that of the SPST.
Telescope lifetime and the size of its detector arrays are limited
by the inability to replace cryogenic liquids.
These interferometric array instruments
have large collecting area and very high resolution. Interferometry
requires the use of relatively complex heterodyne detectors, and
the cost and complexity of the correlator limit the
available bandwidth and number of detectors.
These instruments are not frequency agile
and do not operate in the 200µm windows.
Continuum sensitivity for blank-sky surveys is limited by
a small instantaneous field of view.
The field of view is too small for CMB measurements on
the interesting spatial scale between 30'' and 20'.
The SPST will serve as a wide-field survey instrument which
will greatly improve the effectiveness of these powerful array
The data sets from these satellites will
contain a confusion-limited contribution from S-Z effect
in galaxy clusters.
The SP 10 will resolve these clusters and will have the spectral
coverage required to separate the S-Z contribution from the contribution
due to primary anisotropy.