On the critical importance of sky noiseSky noise refers to fluctuations in total power or phase of a detector caused by variations in atmospheric emissivity and path length on timescales of order one second. Sky noise causes systematic errors in the measurement of astronomical sources. In an instrument that is well-designed, meaning that it has no intrinsic systematic errors, the sky noise will determine the minimum flux that can be observed, the flux below which the instrument will no longer "integrate down". This flux limit is proportional to the power in the sky noise spectral energy distribution at the switching frequency of the observing equipment. Sky noise causes observational techniques to fail: fluctuations in a component of the data due to sky noise integrates down more slowly than t-1/2 and will come to dominate the error during long observations. For deep background experiments, it is important to choose the best possible site. Sky noise is a source of systematic noise which is not within the control of the instrument designer, and the limits to measurement imposed by sky noise are frequently reached in ground-based submillimeter-wave instrumentation. The success or failure of various submillimeter-wave observational techniques depends critically on sky noise. Just as it makes no sense to carry out visual-wavelength photometry in cloudy weather, there is an atmospheric opacity and sky noise above which any particular submillimeter-wave observational technique will fail to give usable results. This threshold depends on the details of the particular technique and its sensitivity to the spectrum of atmospheric noise. Sky noise measurements at the PoleSky noise at the Pole is considerably smaller than at other sites at the same opacity. As shown here, the PWV at the Pole is often so low that the opacity is dominated by the "dry air" component; the "dry air" emissivity and phase error do not vary as strongly or rapidly as the emissivity and phase error due to water vapor.
Sky noise at the South Pole is low because the precipitable water vapor is low. The spectral energy density of sky noise is determined by turbulence in the atmosphere and has a roughly similar spectral shape at all sites. Measurement of spectral noise at one frequency can therefore be extrapolated to other frequencies.
This figure gives a direct indication of sky noise at submillimeter wavelengths at the largest scales. The upper plot for each site shows the root-mean-square deviation of opacity measurements made within an hour's time. As a measure of sky noise, this value has two defects:
It is, however, an indication that the power in sky noise at Pole is usually several times less than at Mauna Kea or Chajnantor. Other instruments are sensitive to sky noise at frequencies near 10 Hz and can be used to give quantitative results over more limited periods of time. Sky noise at the Pole has been measured in conjunction with cosmic microwave background experiments at the Pole. Python, with a 2.75o throw, had 1 mK Hz-1/2 sky noise on a median summer day, and White Dish, which had a 0.5o throw, was much less affected by sky noise. Extrapolating to 218 GHz and a 0.2o throw, the median sky noise is estimated to be 150�K Hz-1/2 even in the Austral summer, lower by a factor of ten than the sky noise observed during Sunyeav-Zel'dovich (S-Z) effect observations on Mauna Kea by Holzapfel and collaborators. We therefore expect that kinetic S-Z effect experiments which have barely worked during the best conditions at Mauna Kea will work well from the Pole. Lay and Halverson have compared the Python experiment at Pole with the Site Testing Interferometer at Chajnantor. These are very different instruments, but the differences can be bridged by fitting to a parametric model. Lay and Halverson have developed an atmospheric model for sky noise with a Kolmogorov power law with both three- and two-dimensional regimes, and have applied it to data from Python and the Chajnantor Testing Interferometer. They find that the amplitude of the sky noise at the Pole is 10 to 50 � less than that at Chajnantor. Sky noise at the South Pole is significantly less than at other sites. This will translate into an order-of-magnitude improvement in the flux limits that can be observed. |
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