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Science Goals
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Science Goals
Instrument Design
Budget & Schedule

The SPST Science Workshop and later analyses have identified the critical projects that drive the telescope design:

Primary Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Anisotropy

The SPST will study recombination and re-ionization in the early Universe.

Sunyaev Zel'dovich Effect

Detection of secondary CMB anisotropy towards known galaxy clusters and blank-sky fields determines cosmological parameters.

It is possible to detect intercluster baryon filaments which cause the forest towards quasars in the space between galaxy clusters.

Protogalaxy Searches

The SPST will detect thousands of submillimeter-bright protogalaxies for further study with the ALMA and SMA.  The SPST will determine the spatial distribution of galaxies at redshifts between z = 1 and z = 5, at scales between an arcminute and a degree, enabling observational study of cluster formation.

Star-forming Cores in the Milky Way

A complete survey at 350µm wavelength will detect all embedded protostellar cores within 2 kpc of the Sun.




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Last modified: April 23, 2000