| | The South Pole Submillimeter Telescope project telescope design and science goals are the
result of discussions and reports from the worldwide community of
- SPST Science Workshop
Science goals in Star Formation, Galactic Astronomy and
Observational Cosmology were defined in an open workshop.
- Talks and Colloquia on the SPST
The SPST telescope has been presented and discussed at
meetings and University colloquia.
- Report to Committee on Astronomy and
Astrophysics of the National Academy of Sciences
Emerging technology of focal plane arrays will revolutionize the
sensitivity of single-dish submillimeter-wave telescopes.
- Report to the Astronomy Decadal
Committee of the National Academy of Sciences
The SPST will be a valuable wide-field complement to the
Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) and the Smithsonian
Submillimeter Array.