
The Formation of a Predoctoral Research Review Committee (PRRC)

A PRRC is composed of:

  • Current SAO Advisor (sponsor)
  • Two other scientists (preferably in the student’s area of research)
  • A designated chair (one of the other committee members but not the advisor)
  • One of three members may be an outside scientist or a postdoctoral fellow

Preliminary Meetings

A preliminary meeting does not require a presentation by the new predoctoral fellow; however, it does require a meeting between the PRRC and student within one month of their arrival – as well as the submission of a Preliminary Report to the Fellowship Program Coordinator.

Annual Meetings

An annual meeting should be scheduled one year from the date of the predoctoral fellow's arrival or start date. If the student is only present for 6-month award, the annual meeting should be scheduled 5 months from the date of the student's arrival or start date. Additional meetings are encouraged in cases where the student needs additional guidance to complete or narrow the scope of their project.

Required Reports

  • Preliminary Report for Newly Arrived Predoctoral Fellows completed by the PRRC Chair
  • Evaluation Report completed by the PRRC Chair

Student Expectations

  • Schedule Meetings, Reserve Rooms, Send Reminders
  • Progress Report sent to PRRC prior to Annual Meeting
  • Annual Presentation (approximately 40-45 minutes)