Predoc List

Zolal Ayazpour, Atomic and Molecular Physics
Advisor: Gonzalo Gonzalez Abad
Francesco Barra, High Energy Astrophysics
Advisor: Laura Brenneman
Ernesto Camacho Iniguez, Optical and Infrared
Advisor: Igor Chilingaryan
Bore Gao, Optical and Infrared
Johns Hopkins University
Advisor: Catherine Zucker
Carlos Gascon, Atomic and Molecular Physics
Advisor: Robert Hargreaves
Claire Hinrichs, Optical and Infrared
Dartmouth College
Advisor: Wystan Benbow
Ivan Oparin, Solar, Stellar, and Planetary Sciences
Advisor: Chengcai Shen
Xing Pan, Radio and Geoastronomy
Nanjing University
Advisor: Qizhou Zhang
Crisel Suarez
Crisel Suarez Bustamante, High Energy Astrophysics
Advisor: Christopher Moore

Crisel Suarez is a graduate student at Vanderbilt University where she is currently pursuing her Ph.D in Physics. She is interested in studying the physical properties of the solar corona by comparing different types of observations to numerical models. Her research focuses on analyzing solar flare observations from the Miniature X-ray Solar Spectrometer (MinXSS) Cubesats and using the hydrodynamic numerical simulations (HYDRAD) to better understand the emission, temperature and elemental abundances of the solar corona during flares. While at the CfA, Crisel is working with Dr. Christopher Moore to better understand the signature of Quasi-Periodic Pulsations (QPP) in solar flares by using a data constrained successive reconnection model.

Noah Vowell, Solar, Stellar, and Planetary Sciences
Michigan State University
Advisor: Samuel Quinn
Courtney Watson, High Energy Astrophysics
Boston University
Advisor: Scott Randall
Josephine Wong, High Energy Astrophysics
Stanford University
Advisor: Michael McCollough