Research Articles by number of atoms
2 atoms
Rotational spectroscopy of isotopologues of silicon monoxide, SiO, and spectroscopic parameters from a combined fit of rotational and rovibrational data . H. S. P. Müller, S. Spezzano, L. Bizzocchi, C. A. Gottlieb, C. D. Esposti, and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 , 13843-13854 (2013) bib
PO and PN in the wind of the oxygen-rich AGB star IK Tauri . E. De Beck, T. Kamiński, N. A. Patel, K. H. Young, C. A. Gottlieb, K. M. Menten, and L. Decin. Astronomy and Astrophysics 558 , A132 (2013) bib
Pure rotational spectra of TiO and TiO2 in VY Canis Majoris . T. Kamiński, C. A. Gottlieb, K. M. Menten, N. A. Patel, K. H. Young, S. Brünken, H. S. P. Müller, M. C. McCarthy, J. M. Winters, and L. Decin. Astronomy and Astrophysics 551 , A113 (2013) bib
Astronomical identification of CN- , the smallest observed molecular anion . M. Agúndez, J. Cernicharo, M. Guélin, C. Kahane, E. Roueff, J. Klos, F. J. Aoiz, F. Lique, N. Marcelino, J. R. Goicoechea, M. González García, C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. Astronomy and Astrophysics 517 , L2 (2010) bib
Submillimeter narrow emission lines from the inner envelope of IRC+10216 . N. A. Patel, K. H. Young, S. Brünken, R. W. Wilson, P. Thaddeus, K. M. Menten, M. Reid, M. C. McCarthy, D.-V-Trung, C. A. Gottlieb, A. Hedden. The Astrophysical Journal 692 , 1205-1210 (2009) bib
[SiS, CS]
Detection of vibrationally excited CO in IRC+10216 . N. A. Patel, K. H. Young, S. Brünken, K. M. Menten, P. Thaddeus and R. W. Wilson. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 691 , L55-L58 (2009) bib
The far-infrared and microwave spectra of the CH radical in the v = 1 level of the state X2 Π state . M. Jackson, L. R. Zink, M. C. McCarthy, L. Perez, and J. M. Brown. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 247 , 128-139 (2008) bib
Rotational spectroscopy of the isotopic species of silicon monosulfide, SiS . H. S. P. Müller, M. C. McCarthy, L. Bizzocchi, H. Gupta, S. Esser, H. Lichau, M. Caris, F. Lewen, J. Hahn, C. Degli Esposti, S. Schlemmer, and P. Thaddeus. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 9 , 1579-1586 (2007) bib
The rotational spectrum of CN- . C. A. Gottlieb, S. Brünken, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 126 , 191101 (2007) bib
Detection of low-frequency lambda-doublet transitions of the free 12 CH and 13 CH radicals . M. C. McCarthy, S. Mohamed, J. M. Brown and P. Thaddeus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103 , 12263 (2006) bib
Precise millimeter-wave laboratory frequencies for CS and C34 S . C. A. Gottlieb, P. C. Myers, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 588 , 655-661 (2003) bib
Rotational transitions of SO, SiO, and SiS excited by a discharge in a supersonic molecular beam: Vibrational temperatures, dunham coefficients, born-oppenheimer breakdown, and hyperfine structure . M. E. Sanz, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 119 , 11715-11727 (2003) bib
3 atoms
Automated Construction of Potential Energy Surfaces Suitable to Describe van der Waals Complexes with Highly Excited Nascent Molecules: The Rotational Spectra of Ar–CS(v) and Ar–SiS(v) . E. Quintas-Sánchez, R. Dawes, K. Lee, and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 124 , 4445 (2020) bib
The hunt for elusive molecules: Insights from joint theoretical and experimental investigations . M.-A. Martin-Drumel, J. Baraban, P. B. Changala, J. F. Stanton, and M. C. McCarthy, Chemistry -- A European Journal 25 , 7243 (2019) bib
[gauche -butadiene, Si2 C, GeC2 ]
The rotational spectrum and potential energy surface of the Ar-SiO complex . M. C. McCarthy, S. A. Ndengue, and R. Dawes. The Journal of Chemical Physics 149 , 134308 (2018) bib
Vibrational satellites of C2 S, C3 S, and C4 S: Microwave spectral taxonomy as a stepping stone to the millimeter-wave band . B. A. McGuire, M.-A. Martin-Drumel, K. L. K. Lee, J. F. Stanton, C. A. Gottlieb, and M. C. McCarthy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , 20 , 13870 (2018) bib
Germanium dicarbide: Evidence for a T-shaped ground state structure . O. Zingsheim, M. A. Martin-Drumel, S. Thorwirth, S. Schlemmer, C. A. Gottlieb, J. Gauss, and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8 , 3776 (2017) bib
A molecular precursor to phosphaethyne and its application in synthesis of the aromatic 1,2,3,4-phosphatriazolate anion . W. J. Transue, A. Velian, M. Nava, M. A. Martin-Drumel, C. C. Womack, J. Jiang, G.-L. Hou, X.-B. Wang, M. C. McCarthy, R. W. Field, and C. C. Cummins. Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 , 6731 (2016) bib
An ASAP treatment of vibrationally excited S2 O: The ν3 mode and the ν3 + ν2 − ν2 hot band . S. Thorwirth, M. A. Martin-Drumel, C. P. Endres, T. Salomon, O. Zingsheim, J. van Wijngaarden, O. Pirali, S. Gruet, F. Lewen, S. Schlemmer, and M. C. McCarthy. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 319 , 47-49 (2016) bib
The ground electronic state of Si2 C: Rovibrational level structure, quantum monodromy, and astrophysical implications . N. J. Reilly, P. B. Changala, J. H. Baraban, D. L. Kokkin, J. F. Stanton, and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Chemical Physics 142 , 231101 (2015) bib
Discovery of SiCSi in IRC+10216: A missing link between gas and dust carriers of Si-C bonds . J. Cernicharo, M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, M. Agúndez, L. Velilla Prieto, J. H. Baraban, P. B. Changala, M. Guélin, C. Kahane, M. A. Martin-Drumel, N. A. Patel, N. J. Reilly, J. F. Stanton, G. Quintana-Lacaci, S. Thorwirth, and K. H. Young. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 806 , L3 (2015) bib
Discovery of a missing link: Detection and structure of the elusive disilicon carbide cluster . M. C. McCarthy, J. H. Baraban, P. B. Changala, J. F. Stanton, M. A. Martin-Drumel, S. Thorwirth, C. A. Gottlieb, and N. J. Reilly. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6 , 2107-2111 (2015) bib
The SOLEIL view on sulfur rich oxides: The S2 O bending mode ν2 at 380 cm−1 and its analysis using an Automated Spectral Assignment Procedure (ASAP) . M. A. Martin-Drumel, C. P. Endres, O. Zingsheim, T. Salomon, J. van Wijngaarden, O. Pirali, S. Gruet, F. Lewen, S. Schlemmer, M. C. McCarthy, and S. Thorwirth. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 315 , 72-79 (2015) bib
High-resolution rotational spectroscopy of iminosilylene, HNSi . M. C. McCarthy, F. Tamassia, and S. Thorwirth. Molecular Physics 113 , 2204-2216 (2015) bib
Pure rotational spectra of TiO and TiO2 in VY Canis Majoris . T. Kamiński, C. A. Gottlieb, K. M. Menten, N. A. Patel, K. H. Young, S. Brünken, H. S. P. Müller, M. C. McCarthy, J. M. Winters, and L. Decin. Astronomy and Astrophysics 551 , A113 (2013) bib
Cyclic SiS2 : A new perspective on the Walsh rules . L. A. Mück, V. Lattanzi, S. Thorwirth, M. C. McCarthy, and J. Gauss. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 51 , 3695-3698 (2012) bib
The rotational spectra of 29 SiC2 and 30 SiC2 . D. L. Kokkin, S. Brünken, K. H. Young, N. A. Patel, C. A. Gottlieb, P. Thaddeus, and M. C. McCarthy. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 196 , 17 (2011) bib
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the B 1 A '-X 1 A ' electronic transition of CuSH . D. L. Kokkin, N. J. Reilly, M. C. McCarthy, J. F. Stanton. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 268 , 23-27 (2011) bib
Silicon oxysulfide, OSiS: Rotational spectrum, quantum-chemical calculations, and equilibrium structure . S. Thorwirth, L. A. Mück, J. Gauss, F. Tamassia, V. Lattanzi, and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2 , 1228-1231 (2011) bib
The pure rotational spectrum of HPS (X 1 A '): Chemical bonding in second-row elements . D. T. Halfen, D. J. Clouthier, L. M. Ziurys, V. Lattanzi, M. C. McCarthy, P. Thaddeus, and S. Thorwirth. The Journal of Chemical Physics 134 , 134302 (2011) bib
Rotational spectra and equilibrium structures of H2 SiS and Si2 S . M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, P. Thaddeus, S. Thorwirth, and J. Gauss. The Journal of Chemical Physics 134 , 034306 (2011) bib
Bonding in the heavy analogue of hydrogen cyanide: The curious case of bridged HPSi . V. Lattanzi, S. Thorwirth, D. T. Halfen, P. Thaddeus, L. M. Ziurys, J. Gauss, and M. C. McCarthy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 49 , 5661-5664 (2010) bib
The rotational spectrum of the NCO- Anion . V. Lattanzi, C. A. Gottlieb, P. Thaddeus, S. Thorwirth, and M. C. McCarthy. The Astrophysical Journal 720 , 1717-1720 (2010) bib
High-resolution rotational spectroscopy of NNOH+ , DCS+ , Ar···D3 + , Ar···DCO+ , and Ar···HN2 + . M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 263 , 71-77 (2010) bib
[N2 H+ , ArD3 + , ArDCO+ , ArHN2 + ]
A laboratory and theoretical study of silicon hydroxide SiOH . M. C. McCarthy, F. Tamassia, D. E. Woon, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 129 , 184301 (2008) bib
The rotational spectrum of TiO2 . S. Brünken, H. S. P. Müller, K. M. Menten, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 676 , 1367-1371 (2008) bib
Laboratory detection of the negative molecular ion CCH- . S. Brünken, C. A. Gottlieb, H. Gupta, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. Astronomy and Astrophysics 464 , L33-L36 (2007) bib
Rotational spectra of vibrationally excited CCH and CCD . T. C. Killian, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 127 , 114320 (2007) bib
Rotational spectroscopy of S2 O: Vibrational satellites, 33 S isotopomers, and the sub-millimeter wave spectrum . S. Thorwirth, P. Theulé, C. A. Gottlieb, H. S. P. Müller, M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Structure 795 , 219-229 (2006) bib
The radio spectra of S3 and S4 . C. A. Gottlieb, S. Thorwirth, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 619 , 939-944 (2005) bib
Vibrational excitation and relaxation of five polyatomic molecules in an electrical discharge . M. E. Sanz, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 122 , 194319 (2005) bib
[OCS, OC3 S, HC3 N, HC5 N, SiC2 S]
Rotational spectroscopy and equilibrium structures of S3 and S4 . S. Thorwirth, M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, P. Thaddeus, H. Gupta, and J. F. Stanton. the Journal of Chemical Physics 123 , 054326 (2005) bib
Detection of the SiNC radical in IRC+10216 . M. Guélin, H. S. P. Müller, J. Cernicharo, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. Astronomy and Astrophysics 426 , L49-L52 (2004) bib
The rotational spectrum and geometrical structure of thiozone, S3 . M. C. McCarthy, S. Thorwirth, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 , 4096-4097 (2004) bib
Rotational spectra of the nitrogen-sulfur carbon chains NCn S, n = 1-7 . M. C. McCarthy, A. L. Cooksy, S. Mohamed, V. D. Gordon, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 144 , 287-297 (2003) bib
[NCS, NCCS (NC2 S), NC3 S, NC4 S, NC5 S, NC6 S, NC7 S]
Rotational transitions of SO, SiO, and SiS excited by a discharge in a supersonic molecular beam: Vibrational temperatures, dunham coefficients, born-oppenheimer breakdown, and hyperfine structure . M. E. Sanz, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 119 , 11715-11727 (2003) bib
Rotational spectrum and structure of Si3 . M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. Physical Review Letters 90 , 213003 (2003) bib
The radio spectrum of Si3 . M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 592 , L91-L93 (2003) bib
Rotational spectra of SiCN, SiNC, and the SiCn H (n = 2, 4-6) radicals . M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 115 , 870-877 (2001) bib
[SiCN, SiNC, SiC2 H, SiC4 H, SiC5 H, SiC6 H]
Astronomical detection of the free radical SiCN . M. Guélin, S. Muller, J. Cernicharo, A.J. Apponi, M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. Astronomy and Astrophysics 363 , L9-L12 (2000) bib
The radio spectra of SiCCH, SiCN, and SiNC . A. J. Apponi, M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 536 , L55-L58 (2000) bib
4 atoms
HSCO+ and DSCO+ : A Multi-Technique Approach in the Laboratory for the Spectroscopy of Interstellar Ions . V. Lattanzi, S. Spezzano, J. C. Laas, J. Chantzos, L. Bizzocchi, K. L. L. Lee, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Caselli. Astronomy and Astrophysics 620 , A184 (2018) bib
Vibrational satellites of C2 S, C3 S, and C4 S: Microwave spectral taxonomy as a stepping stone to the millimeter-wave band . B. A. McGuire, M.-A. Martin-Drumel, K. L. K. Lee, J. F. Stanton, C. A. Gottlieb, and M. C. McCarthy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , 20 , 13870 (2018) bib
Oxygen-18 Isotopic Studies of HOOO and DOOO . L. Barreau, O. Martinez Jr., K. N. Crabtree, C. C. Womack, J. F. Stanton, and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 121 , 6296 (2017) bib
Spontaneous and Selective Formation of HSNO, a Crucial Intermediate Linking H2 S and Nitroso Chemistries . M. Nava, M. A. Martin-Drumel, C. A. Lopez, K. N. Crabtree, C. C. Womack, T. L. Nguyen, S. Thorwirth, C. C. Cummins, J. F. Stanton, and M. C. McCarthy. Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 , 11441 (2016) bib
Molecular polymorphism: Microwave spectra, equilibrium structures, and an astronomical investigation of the HNCS isomeric family . B. A. McGuire, M. A. Martin-Drumel, S. Thorwirth, S. Brünken, V. Lattanzi, J. L. Neill, S. Spezzano, Z. Yu, D. P. Zaleski, A. J. Remijan, B. H. Pate, and M. C. McCarthy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 , 22693 (2016) bib
Isotopic studies of trans - and cis -HOCO using rotational spectroscopy: Formation, chemical bonding, and molecular structures . M. C. McCarthy, O. Martinez Jr., B. A. McGuire, K. N. Crabtree, M. A. Martin-Drumel, and J. F. Stanton. The Journal of Chemical Physics 144 , 124304 (2016) bib
Microwave spectral taxonomy: A semi-automated combination of chirped-pulse and cavity Fourier-transform microwave spectroscopy . K. N. Crabtree, M. A. Martin-Drumel, G. G. Brown, S. A. Gaster, T. M. Hall, and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Chemical Physics 144 , 124201 (2016) bib
[C3 S, HC(S)CCH (HCSCCH), 3,4-difluorobenzaldehyde (C7 H4 OF2 )]
High resolution spectroscopy of six SOCl2 isotopologues from the microwave to the far-infrared . M. A. Martin-Drumel, A. Roucou, G. G. Brown, S. Thorwirth, O. Pirali, G. Mouret, F. Hindle, M. C. McCarthy, and A. Cuisset. The Journal of Chemical Physics 144 , 084305 (2016) bib
Spectroscopic and structural characterization of three silaisocyanides: exploring an elusive class of reactive molecules at high resolution . S. Thorwirth, R. I. Kaiser, K. N. Crabtree, and M. C. McCarthy. Chemical Communications 51 , 11305 (2015) bib
A laboratory study of C3 H+ and the C3 H radical in three new vibrationnally excited 2 Σ states using a pin-hole nozzle discharge source . M. C. McCarthy, K. N. Crabtree, M. A. Martin-Drumel, O. Martinez Jr., B. A. McGuire, and C. A. Gottlieb. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 217 , 10 (2015)bib
Phosphorus and silicon analogs of isocyanic acid: Microwave detection of HPCO and HNSiO . S. Thorwirth, V. Lattanzi, and M. C. McCarthy. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 310 , 119-125 (2015) bib
Optical spectrum of Si3 C, and a re-analysis of the C 1 B 1 ← X 1 A 1 transitions . N. J. Reilly, M. Steglich, D. L. Kokkin, J. P. Maier, J. F. Stanton, and M. C. McCarthy. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 310 , 135140 (2015) bib
Fundamental vibrational frequencies and spectroscopic constants of cis - and trans -HOCS, HSCO, and isotopologues via quartic force fields . R. C. Fortenberry, X. Huang, M. C. McCarthy, T. D. Crawford, and T. J. Lee. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 , 6498-6510 (2014) bib
Detection and structure of HOON: Microwave spectroscopy reveals an O‒O bond exceeding 1.9 Å . K. N. Crabtree, M. R. Talipov, O. Martinez Jr., G. D. O'Connor, S. L. Khursan, and M. C. McCarthy. Science 342 , 1354-1357 (2013) bib
Spectroscopic detection and structure of hydroxidooxidosulfur (HOSO) radical, an important intermediate in the chemistry of sulfur-bearing compounds . M. C. McCarthy, V. Lattanzi, O. Martinez Jr., J. Gauss, and S. Thorwirth. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 4 , 4074-4079 (2013) bib
Detection of two highly stable silicon nitrides: HSiNSi and H3 SiNSi . K. N. Crabtree, O. Martinez Jr., and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 , 11282-11288 (2013) bib
Detection of nitrogen-protonated nitrous oxide (HNNO+ ) by rotational spectroscopy . M. C. McCarthy, O. Martinez Jr., K. N. Crabtree, V. Lattanzi, S. E. Novick, and S. Thorwirth. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 , 9968-9974 (2013) bib
The electronic spectrum of Si3 I: Triplet D3h system . N. J. Reilly, D. L. Kokkin, X. Zhuang, V. Gupta, R. Nagarajan, R. C. Fortenberry, J. P. Maier, T. C. Steimle, J. F. Stanton, and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Chemical Physics 136 , 194307 (2012) bib
On the molecular structure of HOOO . M. C. McCarthy, V. Lattanzi, D. Kokkin, O. Martinez Jr., and J. F. Stanton. The Journal of Chemical Physics 136 , 034303 (2012) bib
The rotational spectrum of protonated sulfur dioxide, HOSO+ . V. Lattanzi, C. A. Gottlieb, P. Thaddeus, S. Thorwirth, and M. C. McCarthy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 533 , L11 (2011) bib
Rotational spectra and equilibrium structures of H2 SiS and Si2 S . M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, P. Thaddeus, S. Thorwirth, and J. Gauss. The Journal of Chemical Physics 134 , 034306 (2011) bib
High-resolution rotational spectroscopy of NNOH+ , DCS+ , Ar···D3 + , Ar···DCO+ , and Ar···HN2 + . M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 263 , 71-77 (2010) bib
[N2 H+ , ArD3 + , ArDCO+ , ArHN2 + ]
Laboratory detection of protonated SO2 in two isomeric forms . V. Lattanzi, P. Thaddeus, M. C. McCarthy, and S. Thorwirth. Journal of Chemical Physics 133 , 194305 (2010) bib
[HOSO+ ]
Laboratory detection of thiocyanic acid HSCN . S. Brünken, Z. Yu, C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 706 , 1588-1593 (2009) bib
Detection of a new interstellar molecule: Thiocyanic acid HSCN . D. T. Halfen, L. M. Ziurys, S. Brünken, Z. Yu, C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 702 , L124-L127 (2009) bib
Laboratory detection of HOCN and tentative identification in Sgr B2 . S. Brünken, C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. The Astroph1ysical Journal 697 , 880-885 (2009) bib
A laboratory and theoretical study of protonated carbon disulfide, HSCS+ . M. C. McCarthy, P. Thaddeus, J. J. Wilke, H. F. Schaefer. The Journal of Chemical Physics 130 , 224304 (2009) bib
Isofulminic acid, HONC: Ab initio theory and microwave spectroscopy . M. Mladenovic, M. Lewerenz, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 131 , 174308 (2009) bib
Rotational spectrum and equilibrium structure of silanethione, H2 Si=S . S. Thorwirth, J. Gauss, M. C. McCarthy, F. Shindo, and P. Thaddeus. Chemical Communications 42 , 5292-5294 (2008) bib
[H2 SiS]
High-resolution rotational spectroscopy of the carbon chain anions C3 N- , C4 H- , and C4 D- . M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 129 , 054314 (2008) bib
Laboratory and astronomical detection of the negative molecular ion C3 N- . P. Thaddeus, C. A. Gottlieb, H. Gupta, S. Brünken, M. C. McCarthy, M. Agúndez, M. Guélin, and J. Cernicharo. The Astrophysical Journal 677 , 1132-1139 (2008) bib
Laboratory detection of the elusive HSCO+ isomer . M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 127 , 221104 (2007) bib
The radio spectra of S3 and S4 . C. A. Gottlieb, S. Thorwirth, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 619 , 939-944 (2005) bib
Laser spectroscopy of Si3 C . J. F. Stanton, J. Dudek, Patrice Theulé, H. Gupta, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 122 , 124314 (2005) bib
Rotational spectrum and carbon-13 hyperfine structure of the C3 H, C5 H, C6 H, and C7 H radicals . M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 122 , 174308 (2005) bib
Vibrational excitation and relaxation of five polyatomic molecules in an electrical discharge . M. E. Sanz, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 122 , 194319 (2005) bib
[OCS, OC3 S, HC3 N, HC5 N, SiC2 S]
Rotational spectroscopy and equilibrium structures of S3 and S4 . S. Thorwirth, M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, P. Thaddeus, H. Gupta, and J. F. Stanton. the Journal of Chemical Physics 123 , 054326 (2005) bib
Tetrasulfur, S4 : Rotational spectrum, interchange tunneling, and geometrical structure . M. C. McCarthy, S. Thorwirth, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 121 , 632-635 (2004) bib
Rotational spectra of the nitrogen-sulfur carbon chains NCn S, n = 1-7 . M. C. McCarthy, A. L. Cooksy, S. Mohamed, V. D. Gordon, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 144 , 287-297 (2003) bib
[NCS, NCCS (NC2 S), NC3 S, NC4 S, NC5 S, NC6 S, NC7 S]
Rotational spectra of C4 N, C6 N, and the isotopic species of C3 N . M. C. McCarthy, G. W. Fuchs, J. Kucera, G. Winnewisser, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 118 , 3549-3557 (2003) bib
Geometrical structure of monobridged disilyene Si(H)SiH . M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 222 , 248-254 (2003) bib
[SiHSiH (Si2 H2 )]
Laboratory detection of HSiCN and HSiNC . M. E. Sanz, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 577 , L71-L74 (2002) bib
Ab initio theory and rotational spectra of linear carbon chains SiCn S . P. Botschwina, M. E. Sanz, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 116 , 10719-10729 (2002) bib
[SiC2 S, SiC3 S, SiC4 S, SiC6 S]
Rotational spectra of SiCN, SiNC, and the SiCn H (n = 2, 4-6) radicals . M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 115 , 870-877 (2001) bib
[SiCN, SiNC, SiC2 H, SiC4 H, SiC5 H, SiC6 H]
The radio spectra of SiCCH, SiCN, and SiNC . A. J. Apponi, M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 536 , L55-L58 (2000) bib
Laboratory detection of five new linear silicon carbides: SiC3 , SiC5 , SiC6 , SiC7 , and SiC8 . M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 538 , 766-772 (2000) bib
Rhomboidal SiC3 . M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 110 , 10645 (1999) bib
The rotational spectrum of rhomboidal SiC3 . A. J. Apponi, M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 111 , 3911-3918 (1999) bib
Astronomical detection of rhomboidal SiC3 . A. J. Apponi, M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 516 , L103-L106 (1999) bib
A second rhomboidal isomer of SiC3 . M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 111 , 7175-7178 (1999) bib
5 atoms
Descendant of the X-ogen Carrier and a ‘Mass of 69’: Infrared Action Spectroscopic detection of HC3O+ and HC3S+ . S. Thorwirth, M. E. Harding, O. Asvany, S. Brünken, P. Jusko, K. L. K. Lee, T. Salomon, M. C. McCarthy, and S. Schlemmer. Molecular Physics 118 , e1776409 (2020) bib
Gas phase detection and rotational spectroscopy of ethynethiol, HCCSH . K. L. K. Lee, M.-A. Martin-Drumel, V. Lattanzi, B. A. McGuire, P. Caselli, and M. C. McCarthy. Molecular Physics 117 , 9 (2019) bib
Vibrational satellites of C2 S, C3 S, and C4 S: Microwave spectral taxonomy as a stepping stone to the millimeter-wave band . B. A. McGuire, M.-A. Martin-Drumel, K. L. K. Lee, J. F. Stanton, C. A. Gottlieb, and M. C. McCarthy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , 20 , 13870 (2018) bib
Detection and structural characterization of nitrosamide H2 NNO: A central intermediate in deNOx processes . M. C. McCarthy, K. L. K. Lee, and J. F. Stanton. The Journal of Chemical Physics 147 , 134301 (2017) bib
Exotic SiO2 H2 isomers: Theory and experiment working in harmony . M. C. McCarthy and J. Gauss. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7 , 1895 (2016) bib
[HOSiOH, c -H2 SiO2 ]
A study of the C3 H2 isomers and isotopologues: first interstellar detection of HDCCC . S. Spezzano, H. Gupta, S. Brünken, C. A. Gottlieb, P. Caselli, K. M. Menten, H. S. P. Müller, L. Bizzocchi, P. Schilke, M. C. McCarthy, and S. Schlemmer. Astronomy and Astrophysics 3586 , A110 (2016) bib
Spectroscopic and structural characterization of three silaisocyanides: exploring an elusive class of reactive molecules at high resolution . S. Thorwirth, R. I. Kaiser, K. N. Crabtree, and M. C. McCarthy. Chemical Communications 51 , 11305 (2015) bib
Observation of the simplest Criegee intermediate CH2 OO in the gas-phase ozonolysis of ethylene . C. C. Womack, M. A. Martin-Drumel, G. G. Brown, R. W. Field, and M. C. McCarthy. Science Advances 1 , e1400105 (2015) bib
[H2 COO]
Relatively selective production of the simplest Criegee intermediate in a CH4 /O2 electric discharge: Kinetic analysis of a plausible mechanism . T. L. Nguyen, M. C. McCarthy, and J. F. Stanton. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 119 , 7197-7204 (2015) bib
[H2 COO]
Stabilization of the simplest Criegee intermediate from the reaction between ozone and ethylene: A high-level quantum chemical and kinetic analysis of ozonolysis . T. H. Nguyen, H. Lee, D. Matthews, M. C. McCarthy, and J. F. Stanton. The Journal of the Physical Chemistry A 119 , 5524-5533 (2015) bib
[H2 COO]
Vibrationally excited C4 H . A. L. Cooksy, C. A. Gottlieb, T. C. Killian, P. Thaddeus, N. A. Patel, K. H. Young, and M. C. McCarthy. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 216 , 30 (2015) bib
Optical spectra of the silicon-terminated carbon chain radicals SiCn H (n = 3,4,5) . D. L. Kokkin, N. J. Reilly, R. C. Fortenberry, T. D. Crawford, and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Chemical Physics 141 , 044310 (2014) bib
[SiC3 H, SiC4 H, SiC5 H]
Gas-phase structure determination of dihydroxycarbene, one of the smallest stable singlet carbenes . C. C. Womack, K. N. Crabtree, L. McCaslin, O. Martinez Jr., R. W. Field, J. F. Stanton, and M. C. McCarthy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 , 4089-4092 (2014) bib
The simplest Criegee intermediate (H2 C=O-O): Isotopic spectroscopy, equilibrium structure, and possible formation from atmospheric lightning . M. C. McCarthy, L. Cheng, K. N. Crabtree, O. Martinez Jr., T. L. Nguyen, C. C. Womack, and J. F. Stanton. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 4 , 4133-4139 (2013) bib
Laboratory measurements and tentative astronomical identification of H2 NCO+ . H. Gupta, C. A. Gottlieb, V. Lattanzi, J. C. Pearson, and M. C. McCarthy. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 778 , L1 (2013) bib
Interstellar detection of c-C3 D2 . S. Spezzano, S. Brünken, P. Schilke, P. Caselli, K. M. Menten, M. C. McCarthy, L. Bizzocchi, S. P. Trevinõ-Morales, Y. Aikawa, and S. Schlemmer. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 769 , L19 (2013) bib
Microwave detection of sulfoxylic acid (HOSOH) . K. N. Crabtree, O. Martinez Jr., L. Barreau, S. Thorwirth, and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 , 3608-3613 (2013) bib
Two isomers of protonated isocyanic acid: Evidence for an ion–molecule pathway for HNCO ↔ HOCN isomerization . V. Lattanzi, S. Thorwirth, C. A. Gottlieb, and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3 , 3420-3424 (2012) bib
[H2 NCO+ , HNCOH+ ]
A high-resolution isotopic study of the rotational spectrum of c -C3 H2 . S. Spezzano, F. Tamassia, S. Thorwirth, P. Thaddeus, C. A. Gottlieb, and M. C. McCarthy. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 200 , 1 (2012) bib
High-resolution rotational spectroscopy of the carbon chain anions C3 N- , C4 H- , and C4 D- . M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 129 , 054314 (2008) bib
Search for anions in molecular sources: C4 H- detection in L1527 . M. Agúndez, J. Cernicharo, M. Guélin, M. Gerin, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. Astronomy and Astrophysics 478 , L19-L22 (2008) bib
Rotational spectra of the carbon chain negative ions C4 H- and C8 H- . H. Gupta, S. Brünken, F. Tamassia, C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 655 , L57-L60 (2007) bib
Astronomical detection of C4 H- , the second interstellar anion . J. Cernicharo, M. Guélin, M. Agúndez, K. Kawaguchi, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. Astronomy and Astrophysics 467 , L37-L40 (2007) bib
Rotational spectra of the van der Waals complexes of molecular hydrogen and OCS . Z. Yu, K. J. Higgins, W. Klemperer, M. C. McCarthy, P. Thaddeus, K. Liao, amd W. Jäger. The Journal of Chemical Physics 127 , 054305 (2007) bib
[H2 OCS]
Nuclear hyperfine interaction of rotating hydrogen: A spectroscopic investigation of hydrogen-OCS van der Waals complexes . Z. Yu, K. J. Higgins, W. Klemperer, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 123 , 221106 (2005) bib
[H2 OCS]
Vibrational excitation and relaxation of five polyatomic molecules in an electrical discharge . M. E. Sanz, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 122 , 194319 (2005) bib
[OCS, OC3 S, HC3 N, HC5 N, SiC2 S]
Rotational spectra of the nitrogen-sulfur carbon chains NCn S, n = 1-7 . M. C. McCarthy, A. L. Cooksy, S. Mohamed, V. D. Gordon, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 144 , 287-297 (2003) bib
[NCS, NCCS (NC2 S), NC3 S, NC4 S, NC5 S, NC6 S, NC7 S]
Rotational spectra of C4 N, C6 N, and the isotopic species of C3 N . M. C. McCarthy, G. W. Fuchs, J. Kucera, G. Winnewisser, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 118 , 3549-3557 (2003) bib
Mono- and dibridged isomers of Si2 H3 and Si2 H4 : The true ground state global minima. Theory and experiment in concert . L. Sari, M. C. McCarthy, H. F. Schaefer III, and P. Thaddeus. Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 , 11409-11417 (2003) bib
Carbon-13 isotopic species of H2 C3 , H2 C4 , and H2 C5 : High-resolution rotational spectra . M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 211 , 235-240 (2002) bib
The rotational spectra of H2 CCSi and H2 C4 Si . M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 211 , 228-234 (2002) bib
[H2 C2 Si, H2 C4 Si]
Ab initio theory and rotational spectra of linear carbon chains SiCn S . P. Botschwina, M. E. Sanz, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 116 , 10719-10729 (2002) bib
[SiC2 S, SiC3 S, SiC4 S, SiC6 S]
Rotational spectra of sulfur-carbon chains I. The radicals C4 S, C5 S, C6 S, C7 S, C8 S, and C9 S . V. D. Gordon, M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 134 , 311-317 (2001) bib
The rotational spectra of the HCCCNH+ , NCCNH+ , and CH3 CNH+ ions . C. A. Gottlieb, A. J. Apponi, M. C. McCarthy, P. Thaddeus, and H. Linnartz. The Journal of Chemical Physics 113 , 1910-1915 (2000) bib
[HC3 NH+ , NC2 NH+ , CH3 CNH+ ]
Structures of the linear silicon carbides SiC4 and SiC6 : Isotopic substitution and ab initio theory . V. D. Gordon, E. S. Nathan, A. J. Apponi, M. C. McCarthy, P. Thaddeus, and P. Botschwina. The Journal of Chemical Physics 113 , 5311-5320 (2000) bib
6 atoms
Rotational Spectroscopy and Bound State Calculations of Deuterated NH3−H2 van der Waals Complexes . I. Tarabukin, L. Surin, M. Hermanns, B. Heyne, S. Schlemmer, K. Lee, M. C. McCarthy, and A. van der Avoird. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 377 , 111442 (2021) bib
Synthetic and Spectroscopic Investigations Enabled by Modular Synthesis of Molecular Phosphaalkyne Precursors . W. J. Transue, J. Yang, M. Nava, I. V. Sergeyev, T. J. Barnum, M. C. McCarthy, and C. C. Cummins. The Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 , 17985 (2018) bib
Gas-Phase Synthetic Pathways to Benzene and Benzonitrile: A Combined Microwave and Thermochemical Investigation . K. L. K. Lee, B. A. McGuire, and M. C. McCarthy, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 , 2946 (2019) bib
Laboratory rotational spectra of silyl isocyanide . K. L. K. Lee, C. A. Gottlieb, and M. C. McCarthy. The Astrophysical Journal , 860 , 63 (2018) bib
Rotational spectroscopy of the NH3 -H2 molecular complex . L. A. Surin, I. V. Tarabukin, S. Schlemmer, A. A. Breier, T. F. Giesen, M. C. McCarthy, and A. van der Avoird. The Astrophysical Journal , 838 , 27 (2017) bib
Pyrolysis of the simplest carbohydrate, glycolaldehyde (CHO-CH2 OH) and glyoxal in a heated micro-reactor. J. Porterfield, J. H. Baraban, T. P. Troy, M. Ahmed, M. C. McCarthy, K. M. Morgan, J. W. Daily, T. L. Nguyen, J. F. Stanton, and G. B. Ellison. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 120 , 2161-2172 (2016) bib
Microwave spectral taxonomy: A semi-automated combination of chirped-pulse and cavity Fourier-transform microwave spectroscopy . K. N. Crabtree, M. A. Martin-Drumel, G. G. Brown, S. A. Gaster, T. M. Hall, and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Chemical Physics 144 , 124201 (2016) bib
[C3 S, HC(S)CCH (HCSCCH), 3,4-difluorobenzaldehyde (C7 H4 OF2 )]
Optical spectra of the silicon-terminated carbon chain radicals SiCn H (n = 3,4,5) . D. L. Kokkin, N. J. Reilly, R. C. Fortenberry, T. D. Crawford, and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Chemical Physics 141 , 044310 (2014) bib
[SiC3 H, SiC4 H, SiC5 H]
Detection of two highly stable silicon nitrides: HSiNSi and H3 SiNSi . K. N. Crabtree, O. Martinez Jr., and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 , 11282-11288 (2013) bib
Detection of E-cyanomethanimine toward Sagittarius B2(N) in the Green Bank Telescope PRIMOS survey. D. P. Zaleski, N. A. Seifert, A. L. Steber, M. T. Muckle, R. A. Loomis, J. F. Corby, O. Martinez, Jr., K. N. Crabtree, P. R. Jewell, J. M. Hollis, F. J. Lovas, D. Vasquez, J. Nyiramahirwe, N. Sciortino, K. Johnson, M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Remijan, and B. H. Pate. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 765 , L10 (2013) bib
[HNCHCN, HCN dimer]
A survey of C4 H, C6 H, and C6 H- with the Green Bank Telescope . H. Gupta, C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 691 , 1494-1500 (2009) bib
Detection of C5 N− and vibrationally excited C6 H in IRC+10216 . J. Cernicharo, M. Guélin, M. Agúndez, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 688 , L83-L86 (2008) bib
Monobridged Si2 H4 . M. C. McCarthy, Z. Yu, L. Sari, H. F. Schaefer III, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 124 , 074303 (2006) bib
Rotational spectrum and carbon-13 hyperfine structure of the C3 H, C5 H, C6 H, and C7 H radicals . M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 122 , 174308 (2005) bib
Rotational spectra of the nitrogen-sulfur carbon chains NCn S, n = 1-7 . M. C. McCarthy, A. L. Cooksy, S. Mohamed, V. D. Gordon, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 144 , 287-297 (2003) bib
[NCS, NCCS (NC2 S), NC3 S, NC4 S, NC5 S, NC6 S, NC7 S]
Rotational spectra of C4 N, C6 N, and the isotopic species of C3 N . M. C. McCarthy, G. W. Fuchs, J. Kucera, G. Winnewisser, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 118 , 3549-3557 (2003) bib
Mono- and dibridged isomers of Si2 H3 and Si2 H4 : The true ground state global minima. Theory and experiment in concert . L. Sari, M. C. McCarthy, H. F. Schaefer III, and P. Thaddeus. Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 , 11409-11417 (2003) bib
Carbon-13 isotopic species of H2 C3 , H2 C4 , and H2 C5 : High-resolution rotational spectra . M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 211 , 235-240 (2002) bib
Ab initio theory and rotational spectra of linear carbon chains SiCn S . P. Botschwina, M. E. Sanz, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 116 , 10719-10729 (2002) bib
[SiC2 S, SiC3 S, SiC4 S, SiC6 S]
The cyclic C5 H radical . A. J. Apponi, M. E. Sanz, C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 547 , L65-L68 (2001) bib
Rotational spectra of SiCN, SiNC, and the SiCn H (n = 2, 4-6) radicals . M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 115 , 870-877 (2001) bib
[SiCN, SiNC, SiC2 H, SiC4 H, SiC5 H, SiC6 H]
Rotational spectra of sulfur-carbon chains I. The radicals C4 S, C5 S, C6 S, C7 S, C8 S, and C9 S . V. D. Gordon, M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 134 , 311-317 (2001) bib
The rotational spectra of the HCCCNH+ , NCCNH+ , and CH3 CNH+ ions . C. A. Gottlieb, A. J. Apponi, M. C. McCarthy, P. Thaddeus, and H. Linnartz. The Journal of Chemical Physics 113 , 1910-1915 (2000) bib
[HC3 NH+ , NC2 NH+ , CH3 CNH+ ]
Laboratory detection of five new linear silicon carbides: SiC3 , SiC5 , SiC6 , SiC7 , and SiC8 . M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 538 , 766-772 (2000) bib
Laboratory detection of the ring-chain carbenes HC4 N and HC6 N . M. C. McCarthy, J.-U. Grabow, M. J. Travers, W. Chen, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 513 , 305-310 (1999) bib
Hyperfine structure of the C5 H, C6 H, and C8 H radicals . M. C. McCarthy, W. Chen, A. J. Apponi, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 520 , 158-161 (1999) bib
Rotational spectrum and theoretical structure of the carbene HC4 N . M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, V. D. Gordon, C. A. Gottlieb, P. Thaddeus, T. Daniel Crawford, and John F. Stanton. The Journal of Chemical Physics 111 , 6750-6754 (1999) bib
7 atoms
Detection of Interstellar HC4NC and an Investigation of Isocyanopolyyne Chemistry under TMC- 1 Conditions . C. Xue, E. R. Willis, R. A. Loomis, K. L. K. Lee, A. M. Burkhardt, C. N. Shingledecker, S. B. Charnley, M. A. Cordiner, S. Kalenskii, M. C. McCarthy, E. Herbst, A. J. Remijan, and B. A. McGuire. The Astrophysical Journal 900 , L9 (2020) bib
Submillimeter spectroscopy and astronomical searches of vinyl mercaptan, C2 H3 SH . M.-A. Martin-Drumel, K. L. K. Lee, A. Belloche, O. Zingsheim, S. Thorwirth, H. S. P. Müller, F. Lewen, R. T. Garrod, K. M. Menten, M. C. McCarthy, and S. Schlemmer. Astronomy and Astrophysics 623 , A167 (2019) bib
Gas-Phase Synthetic Pathways to Benzene and Benzonitrile: A Combined Microwave and Thermochemical Investigation . K. L. K. Lee, B. A. McGuire, and M. C. McCarthy, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 , 2946 (2019) bib
Equilibrium molecular structures of vinyl carbon chains: Vinyl acetylene, vinyl diacetylene, and vinyl cyanide . S. Thorwirth, M. E. Harding, J. B.Dudek, and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Molecular spectroscopy 350 , 10 (2018) bib
[C2 H3 C2 H, C2 H3 C4 H, C2 H3 CN]
Detection of HC5 N and HC7 N Isotopologues in TMC-1 with the Green Bank Telescope . A. M. Burkhardt, E. Herbst, S. V. Kalenskii, M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Remijan, B. A. McGuire. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474 , 5068 (2018) bib
Detection of interstellar HC5 O in TMC-1 with the Green Bank Telescope . B. A. McGuire, A. M. Burkhardt, C. N. Shingledecker, S. V. Kalenskii, E. Herbst, A. J. Remijan, and M. C. McCarthy. The Astrophysical Journal Letters , 843 , L28 (2017) bib
Spectroscopic and structural characterization of three silaisocyanides: exploring an elusive class of reactive molecules at high resolution . S. Thorwirth, R. I. Kaiser, K. N. Crabtree, and M. C. McCarthy. Chemical Communications 51 , 11305 (2015) bib
Optical spectra of the silicon-terminated carbon chain radicals SiCn H (n = 3,4,5) . D. L. Kokkin, N. J. Reilly, R. C. Fortenberry, T. D. Crawford, and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Chemical Physics 141 , 044310 (2014) bib
[SiC3 H, SiC4 H, SiC5 H]
Vibrationally excited C6 H . C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 189 , 261-269 (2010) bib
Detection of C5 N− and vibrationally excited C6 H in IRC+10216 . J. Cernicharo, M. Guélin, M. Agúndez, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 688 , L83-L86 (2008) bib
Laboratory and astronomical identification of the negative molecular ion C6 H- . M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, H. Gupta, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 652 , L141-L144 (2006) bib
Rotational spectra of the carbon-chain radicals HC5 O, HC6 O, and HC7 O . S. Mohamed, M.C. McCarthy, A. L. Cooksy, C. Hinton, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 123 , 234301 (2005) bib
Rotational spectrum and carbon-13 hyperfine structure of the C3 H, C5 H, C6 H, and C7 H radicals . M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 122 , 174308 (2005) bib
Vibrational excitation and relaxation of five polyatomic molecules in an electrical discharge . M. E. Sanz, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 122 , 194319 (2005) bib
[OCS, OC3 S, HC3 N, HC5 N, SiC2 S]
Rotational spectra of the nitrogen-sulfur carbon chains NCn S, n = 1-7 . M. C. McCarthy, A. L. Cooksy, S. Mohamed, V. D. Gordon, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 144 , 287-297 (2003) bib
[NCS, NCCS (NC2 S), NC3 S, NC4 S, NC5 S, NC6 S, NC7 S]
Carbon-13 isotopic species of H2 C3 , H2 C4 , and H2 C5 : High-resolution rotational spectra . M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 211 , 235-240 (2002) bib
The rotational spectra of H2 CCSi and H2 C4 Si . M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 211 , 228-234 (2002) bib
[H2 C2 Si, H2 C4 Si]
Rotational spectra of sulphur-carbon chains. II. HC5 S, HC6 S, HC7 S, and HC8 S, and H2 C4 S, H2 C5 S, H2 C6 S and H2 C7 S . V. D. Gordon, M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 138 , 297-303 (2002) bib
Ab initio theory and rotational spectra of linear carbon chains SiCn S . P. Botschwina, M. E. Sanz, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 116 , 10719-10729 (2002) bib
[SiC2 S, SiC3 S, SiC4 S, SiC6 S]
Rotational spectra of SiCN, SiNC, and the SiCn H (n = 2, 4-6) radicals . M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 115 , 870-877 (2001) bib
[SiCN, SiNC, SiC2 H, SiC4 H, SiC5 H, SiC6 H]
Rotational spectra of sulfur-carbon chains I. The radicals C4 S, C5 S, C6 S, C7 S, C8 S, and C9 S . V. D. Gordon, M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 134 , 311-317 (2001) bib
The rotational spectra of the HCCCNH+ , NCCNH+ , and CH3 CNH+ ions . C. A. Gottlieb, A. J. Apponi, M. C. McCarthy, P. Thaddeus, and H. Linnartz. The Journal of Chemical Physics 113 , 1910-1915 (2000) bib
[HC3 NH+ , NC2 NH+ , CH3 CNH+ ]
Laboratory detection of five new linear silicon carbides: SiC3 , SiC5 , SiC6 , SiC7 , and SiC8 . M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 538 , 766-772 (2000) bib
Structures of the linear silicon carbides SiC4 and SiC6 : Isotopic substitution and ab initio theory . V. D. Gordon, E. S. Nathan, A. J. Apponi, M. C. McCarthy, P. Thaddeus, and P. Botschwina. The Journal of Chemical Physics 113 , 5311-5320 (2000) bib
Microwave spectra of 11 polyyne carbon chains carbides . M. C. McCarthy, W. Chen, M. J. Travers, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 129 , 611-623 (2000) bib
[HC15 N, HC17N , HC4 NC, HC6 NC, CH3 C6 CN, CH3 C8 CN, CH3 C10 CN, CH3 C8 H, CH3 C10 H, CH3 C12 H, CH3 C14 H]
Observations of long Cn H molecules in the dust cloud TMC-1 . M. B. Bell, P. A. Feldman, J. K. G. Watson, M. C. McCarthy, M. J. Travers, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 518 , 740-747 (1999) bib
[C6 H, C8 H]
Hyperfine structure of the C5 H, C6 H, and C8 H radicals . M. C. McCarthy, W. Chen, A. J. Apponi, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 520 , 158-161 (1999) bib
Electronic ground and excited state spectroscopy of C6 H and C6 D . H. Linnartz, T. Motylewski, O. Vaizert, J. P. Maier, A. J. Apponi, M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 197 , 1-11 (1999) bib
Laboratory detection of a new carbon chain radical: H2 CCCCN . W. Chen, M. C. McCarthy, M. J. Travers, E. W. Gottlieb, M. R. Munrow, S. E. Novick, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 492 , 849-853 (1998) bib
[H2 C4 N]
The isocyanopolyynes HC4 NC and HC6 NC: Microwave spectra and ab initio calculations . P. Botschwina, A. Heyl, W. Chen, M. C. McCarthy, J.-U. Grabow, M. J. Travers, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 109 , 3108-3115 (1998) bib
Laboratory detection of two new C5 H2 isomers . C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, V. D. Gordon, J. M. Chakan, A. J. Apponi, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 509 , L141-L144 (1998) bib
Detection and characterization of the cumulene carbenes H2 C5 and H2 C6 . M. C. McCarthy, M. J. Travers, A. Kovacs, W. Chen, S. E. Novick, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. Science 275 , 518-520 (1997) bib
Laboratory detection of the ring-chain molecule C5 H2 . M. J. Travers, M. C. McCarthy, A. Kovacs, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 483 , L135-L138 (1997) bib
Eight new carbon chain molecules . M. C. McCarthy, M. J. Travers, A. Kovacs, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 113 , 105-120 (1997) bib
[HC11 N, HC13 N, C7 H, C8 H, C9 H, C11 H, H2 C5 , H2 C6 ]
8 atoms
Early Science from GOTHAM: Project Overview, Methods, and the Detection of Interstellar Propargyl Cyanide (HCCCH2CN) in TMC-1 . B. A. McGuire, A. M. Burkhardt, R. A. Loomis, C. N. Shingledecker, K. L. K. Lee, S. B. Charnley, M. A. Cordiner, E. Herbst, S. Kalenskii, E. Momjian, E. R. Willis, C. Xue, A. J. Remijan, and M. C. McCarthy. The Astrophysical Journal 900 , L10 (2020) bib
Equilibrium molecular structures of vinyl carbon chains: Vinyl acetylene, vinyl diacetylene, and vinyl cyanide . S. Thorwirth, M. E. Harding, J. B.Dudek, and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Molecular spectroscopy 350 , 10 (2018) bib
[C2 H3 C2 H, C2 H3 C4 H, C2 H3 CN]
Discovery of methyl silane and confirmation of silyl cyanide in IRC+10216 . J. Cernicharo, M. Agúndez, L. Velilla Prieto, M. Guélin, J.R. Pardo, C. Kahane, C. Marka, C. Kramer, S. Navarro, G. Quintana-Lacaci, J.P. Fonfría, N. Marcelino, B. Tercero, E. Moreno, S. Massalkhi, M. Santander-García, M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, and J. L. Alonzo. Astronomy and Astrophysics 606 , L5 (2017) bib
To kink or not: A search for long-chain cumulenones using microwave spectral taxonomy . M. C. McCarthy, L. Zou, and M. A. Martin-Drumel. The Journal of Chemical Physics , 146 , 154301 (2017) bib
[HC(O)C4 H, HC(S)C4 H, HC(O)C6 H]
Thermal unimolecular decomposition of syn -CH3 CHOO: A kinetic study . T. L. Nguyen, L. McCaslin, M. C. McCarthy, and J. F. Stanton. The Journal of Chemical Physics 145 , 131102 (2016) bib
Pyrolysis of the simplest carbohydrate, glycolaldehyde (CHO-CH2 OH) and glyoxal in a heated micro-reactor. J. Porterfield, J. H. Baraban, T. P. Troy, M. Ahmed, M. C. McCarthy, K. M. Morgan, J. W. Daily, T. L. Nguyen, J. F. Stanton, and G. B. Ellison. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 120 , 2161-2172 (2016) bib
Detection of protonated vinyl cyanide, CH2 CHCNH+ , a prototypical branched nitrile cation. O. Martinez Jr., V. Lattanzi, S. Thorwirth, and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Chemical Physics 138 , 094316 (2013) bib
The detection of interstellar ethanimine (CH3 CHNH) from observations taken during the GBT PRIMOS survey . R. A. Loomis, D. P. Zaleski, A. L. Steber, J. L. Neill, M. T. Muckle, B. J. Harris, J. M. Hollis, P. R. Jewell, V. Lattanzi, F. J. Lovas, O. Martinez Jr., M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Remijan, B. H. Pate, and J. F. Corby. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 765 , L9 (2013) bib
Laboratory and tentative interstellar detection of trans -methylformate using the publicly available Green Bank Telescope PRIMOS survey . J. L. Neill, M. T. Muckle, D. P. Zaleski, A. L. Steber, B. H. Pate, V. Lattanzi, S. Spezzano, M. C. McCarthy, and A. J. Remijan. The Astrophysical Journal 755 , 153 (2012) bib
[HCOOCH3 (C2 H4 O2 )]
A survey of C4 H, C6 H, and C6 H- with the Green Bank Telescope . H. Gupta, C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 691 , 1494-1500 (2009) bib
Rotational spectra of the carbon-chain radicals HC5 O, HC6 O, and HC7 O . S. Mohamed, M.C. McCarthy, A. L. Cooksy, C. Hinton, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 123 , 234301 (2005) bib
Rotational spectrum and carbon-13 hyperfine structure of the C3 H, C5 H, C6 H, and C7 H radicals . M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 122 , 174308 (2005) bib
Rotational spectra of the nitrogen-sulfur carbon chains NCn S, n = 1-7 . M. C. McCarthy, A. L. Cooksy, S. Mohamed, V. D. Gordon, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 144 , 287-297 (2003) bib
[NCS, NCCS (NC2 S), NC3 S, NC4 S, NC5 S, NC6 S, NC7 S]
Laboratory detection of a bent-chain carbene isomer of C6 H2 . M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 569 , L55-L58 (2002) bib
Rotational spectra of sulphur-carbon chains. II. HC5 S, HC6 S, HC7 S, and HC8 S, and H2 C4 S, H2 C5 S, H2 C6 S and H2 C7 S . V. D. Gordon, M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 138 , 297-303 (2002) bib
Rotational spectra of SiCN, SiNC, and the SiCn H (n = 2, 4-6) radicals . M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 115 , 870-877 (2001) bib
[SiCN, SiNC, SiC2 H, SiC4 H, SiC5 H, SiC6 H]
Rotational spectra of sulfur-carbon chains I. The radicals C4 S, C5 S, C6 S, C7 S, C8 S, and C9 S . V. D. Gordon, M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 134 , 311-317 (2001) bib
Laboratory detection of five new linear silicon carbides: SiC3 , SiC5 , SiC6 , SiC7 , and SiC8 . M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 538 , 766-772 (2000) bib
Laboratory detection of HC6 N, a carbon chain with a triplet electronic ground state . V. D. Gordon, M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 540 , 286-291 (2000) bib
Laboratory detection of the ring-chain carbenes HC4 N and HC6 N . M. C. McCarthy, J.-U. Grabow, M. J. Travers, W. Chen, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 513 , 305-310 (1999) bib
Microwave spectroscopy of the 2,4-pentadiynyl radical: H2 CCCCCH . W. Chen, S. E. Novick, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 109 , 10190 (1998) bib
[H2 C5 H]
Detection and characterization of the cumulene carbenes H2 C5 and H2 C6 . M. C. McCarthy, M. J. Travers, A. Kovacs, W. Chen, S. E. Novick, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. Science 275 , 518-520 (1997) bib
First astronomical detection of the cumulene carbon chain molecule H2 C6 in TMC-1 . W. D. Langer, T. Velusamy, T. B. H. Kuiper, R. Peng, M. C. McCarthy, M. J. Travers, A. Kovacs, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 480 , L63-L66 (1997) bib
Detection of a new linear carbon chain radical C7 H . M. Guélin, J. Cernicharo, M. J. Travers, M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, P. Thaddeus, M. Ohishi, S. Saito, and S. Yamamoto. Astronomy and Astrophysics 317 , L1-L4 (1997) bib
Eight new carbon chain molecules . M. C. McCarthy, M. J. Travers, A. Kovacs, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 113 , 105-120 (1997) bib
[HC11 N, HC13 N, C7 H, C8 H, C9 H, C11 H, H2 C5 , H2 C6 ]
9 atoms
Discovery of Interstellar trans- Cyanovinylacetylene (HCCCH-CHCN) and Vinylcyanoacetylene (H2C–CHC3N) in GOTHAM Observations of TMC-1 . K. L. K. Lee, R. A. Loomis, A. M. Burkhardt, I. R. Cooke, C. Xue, M. A. Siebert, C. N. Shingledecker, A. Remijan, S. B. Charnley, M. C. McCarthy, and B. A. McGuire. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 908 , L11 (2021) bib
SOLEIL and ALMA Views on Prototypical Organic Nitriles: C2H5CN . C. P. Endres, M.-A. Martin-Drumel, O. Zingsheim, L. Bonah, O. Pirali, T. Zhang, Á. Sánchez- Monge, T. Möller, N. Wehres, P. Schilke, M. C. McCarthy, S. Schlemmer, P. Caselli, and S. Thorwirth. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 375 , 111392 (2020) bib
Study of Benzene Fragmentation, Isomerization, and Growth Using Microwave Spectroscopy . K. L. K. Lee, and M. C. McCarthy, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 , 2408 (2019) bib
[C5 H4 , C6 H4 , C6 H6 , C7 H4 , C7 H6 , C10 H6 ]
Detection of HC5 N and HC7 N Isotopologues in TMC-1 with the Green Bank Telescope . A. M. Burkhardt, E. Herbst, S. V. Kalenskii, M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Remijan, B. A. McGuire. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474 , 5068 (2018) bib
Rotational spectra of the carbon chain negative ions C4 H- and C8 H- . H. Gupta, S. Brünken, F. Tamassia, C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 655 , L57-L60 (2007) bib
Detection of the carbon chain negative ion C8 H- in TMC-1 . S. Brünken, H. Gupta, C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 664 , L43-L46 (2007) bib
Observation of C8 H- toward IRC+10216 . K. Kentarou, R. Fujimori, S. Aimi, S. Takano, E. Y. Okabayashi, H. Gupta, S. Brünken, C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 59 , L47-L50 (2007) bib
Rotational spectra of the carbon-chain radicals HC5 O, HC6 O, and HC7 O . S. Mohamed, M.C. McCarthy, A. L. Cooksy, C. Hinton, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 123 , 234301 (2005) bib
High resolution microwave spectroscopy of the isomeric pair vinylcyanoacetylene and cyanovinylacetylene . S. Thorwirth, M. C. McCarthy, J. Dudek, and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 225 , 93-95 (2004) bib
Rotational spectra of the nitrogen-sulfur carbon chains NCn S, n = 1-7 . M. C. McCarthy, A. L. Cooksy, S. Mohamed, V. D. Gordon, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 144 , 287-297 (2003) bib
[NCS, NCCS (NC2 S), NC3 S, NC4 S, NC5 S, NC6 S, NC7 S]
Rotational spectra of sulphur-carbon chains. II. HC5 S, HC6 S, HC7 S, and HC8 S, and H2 C4 S, H2 C5 S, H2 C6 S and H2 C7 S . V. D. Gordon, M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 138 , 297-303 (2002) bib
Rotational spectra of sulfur-carbon chains I. The radicals C4 S, C5 S, C6 S, C7 S, C8 S, and C9 S . V. D. Gordon, M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 134 , 311-317 (2001) bib
Laboratory detection of four new cumulene carbenes: H2 C7 , H2 C8 , H2 C9 , and D2 C10 . A. J. Apponi, M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 530 , 357-361 (2000) bib
Experimental structures of the carbon chains HC7 N, HC9 N, and HC11 N by isotopic substitution . M. C. McCarthy, E. S. Levine, A. J. Apponi, and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 203 , 75-81 (2000) bib
Cavity ringdown spectroscopy of the linear carbon chains HC7 H, HC9 H, HC11 H, and HC13 H . C. D. Ball, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 112 , 10149-10155 (2000) bib
Laboratory detection of five new linear silicon carbides: SiC3 , SiC5 , SiC6 , SiC7 , and SiC8 . M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 538 , 766-772 (2000) bib
Microwave spectra of 11 polyyne carbon chains carbides . M. C. McCarthy, W. Chen, M. J. Travers, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 129 , 611-623 (2000) bib
[HC15 N, HC17N , HC4 NC, HC6 NC, CH3 C6 CN, CH3 C8 CN, CH3 C10 CN, CH3 C8 H, CH3 C10 H, CH3 C12 H, CH3 C14 H]
Observations of long Cn H molecules in the dust cloud TMC-1 . M. B. Bell, P. A. Feldman, J. K. G. Watson, M. C. McCarthy, M. J. Travers, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 518 , 740-747 (1999) bib
[C6 H, C8 H]
Hyperfine structure of the C5 H, C6 H, and C8 H radicals . M. C. McCarthy, W. Chen, A. J. Apponi, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 520 , 158-161 (1999) bib
Laser spectroscopy of the carbon chains HC7 H . C. D. Ball, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 523 , L89-L91 (1999) bib
The isocyanopolyynes HC4 NC and HC6 NC: Microwave spectra and ab initio calculations . P. Botschwina, A. Heyl, W. Chen, M. C. McCarthy, J.-U. Grabow, M. J. Travers, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 109 , 3108-3115 (1998) bib
Laboratory detection of the ring-chain molecule C7 H2 . M. C. McCarthy, M. J. Travers, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 483 , L139-L142 (1997) bib
Eight new carbon chain molecules . M. C. McCarthy, M. J. Travers, A. Kovacs, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 113 , 105-120 (1997) bib
[HC11 N, HC13 N, C7 H, C8 H, C9 H, C11 H, H2 C5 , H2 C6 ]
10 atoms
Detection of Interstellar H2CCCHC3N— A Possible Link Between Chains and Rings in Cold Cores? . C. N. Shingledecker, K. L. K. Lee, J. T. Wandishin, N. Balucani, A. M. Burkhardt, S. B. Charnley, R. Loomis, M. Schreffler, M. Siebert, M. C. McCarthy, and B. A. McGuire. Astronomy and Astrophysics 652 , L12 (2021) bib
Synchrotron-Based High Resolution Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of trans-Butadiene . M.-A. Martin-Drumel, J. P. Porterfield, M. Goubet, P. Asselin, R. Georges, P. Soulard, M. Nava, P. B. Changala, B. Billinghurst, O. Pirali, M. C. McCarthy, and J. H. Baraban. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 124 , 2427 (2020) bib
The hunt for elusive molecules: Insights from joint theoretical and experimental investigations . M.-A. Martin-Drumel, J. Baraban, P. B. Changala, J. F. Stanton, and M. C. McCarthy, Chemistry -- A European Journal 25 , 7243 (2019) bib
[gauche -butadiene, Si2 C, GeC2 ]
Study of Benzene Fragmentation, Isomerization, and Growth Using Microwave Spectroscopy . K. L. K. Lee, and M. C. McCarthy, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 , 2408 (2019) bib
[C5 H4 , C6 H4 , C6 H6 , C7 H4 , C7 H6 , C10 H6 ]
Equilibrium molecular structures of vinyl carbon chains: Vinyl acetylene, vinyl diacetylene, and vinyl cyanide . S. Thorwirth, M. E. Harding, J. B.Dudek, and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Molecular spectroscopy 350 , 10 (2018) bib
[C2 H3 C2 H, C2 H3 C4 H, C2 H3 CN]
The molecular structure of gauche -1,3-butadiene: Experimental establishment of non-planarity . J. H. Baraban, M.-A. Martin-Drumel, P. B. Changala, S. Eibenberger, M. Nava, D. Patterson, J. F. Stanton, G. B. Ellison, and M. C. McCarthy. Angewandte Chemie , 57 , 1821 (2018) bib
To kink or not: A search for long-chain cumulenones using microwave spectral taxonomy . M. C. McCarthy, L. Zou, and M. A. Martin-Drumel. The Journal of Chemical Physics , 146 , 154301 (2017) bib
[HC(O)C4 H, HC(S)C4 H, HC(O)C6 H]
Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy of vinyldiacetylene, vinyltriacetylene and vinylcyanodiacetylene . S. Thorwirth, M. C. McCarthy, J. B. Dudek, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 122 , 184308 (2005) bib
[C6 H4 , C8 H4 , C7 H3 N]
The rotational spectrum of HC8 N, a linear molecule with a triplet ground state . M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 232 , 351-357 (2005) bib
Molecular structure of o -benzyne from microwave measurements . S. G. Kukolich, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 108 , 2645-2651 (2004) bib
[C6 H4 ]
Microwave spectrum of o -benzyne produced in a discharge nozzle . S. G. Kukolich, C. Tanjaroon, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 119 , 4353-4359 (2003) bib
Rotational spectra of sulphur-carbon chains. II. HC5 S, HC6 S, HC7 S, and HC8 S, and H2 C4 S, H2 C5 S, H2 C6 S and H2 C7 S . V. D. Gordon, M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 138 , 297-303 (2002) bib
Rotational spectra of sulfur-carbon chains I. The radicals C4 S, C5 S, C6 S, C7 S, C8 S, and C9 S . V. D. Gordon, M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Apponi, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 134 , 311-317 (2001) bib
Laboratory detection of four new cumulene carbenes: H2 C7 , H2 C8 , H2 C9 , and D2 C10 . A. J. Apponi, M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 530 , 357-361 (2000) bib
Microwave spectra of the methylcyanopolyynes CH3 (CC)n CN, n = 2, 3, 4, 5 . W. Chen, J.-U. Grabow, M. J. Travers, M. R. Munrow, S. E. Novick, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 192 , 1-11 (1998) bib
[CH3 C5 N, CH3 C7 N, CH3 C9 N, CH3 C11 N]
Eight new carbon chain molecules . M. C. McCarthy, M. J. Travers, A. Kovacs, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 113 , 105-120 (1997) bib
[HC11 N, HC13 N, C7 H, C8 H, C9 H, C11 H, H2 C5 , H2 C6 ]
11 atoms
Study of Benzene Fragmentation, Isomerization, and Growth Using Microwave Spectroscopy . K. L. K. Lee, and M. C. McCarthy, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 , 2408 (2019) bib
[C5 H4 , C6 H4 , C6 H6 , C7 H4 , C7 H6 , C10 H6 ]
An accurate molecular structure of phenyl, the simplest aryl radical . O. Martinez Jr., K. N. Crabtree, C. A. Gottlieb, J. F. Stanton, and M. C. McCarthy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 , 1808-1811 (2015) bib
[C6 H5 ]
Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy of vinyldiacetylene, vinyltriacetylene and vinylcyanodiacetylene . S. Thorwirth, M. C. McCarthy, J. B. Dudek, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 122 , 184308 (2005) bib
[C6 H4 , C8 H4 , C7 H3 N]
The radio spectrum of the phenyl radical . R. J. McMahon, M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, J. B. Dudek, J. F. Stanton, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 590 , L61-L64 (2003) bib
[C6 H5 ]
Laboratory detection of four new cumulene carbenes: H2 C7 , H2 C8 , H2 C9 , and D2 C10 . A. J. Apponi, M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 530 , 357-361 (2000) bib
Experimental structures of the carbon chains HC7 N, HC9 N, and HC11 N by isotopic substitution . M. C. McCarthy, E. S. Levine, A. J. Apponi, and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 203 , 75-81 (2000) bib
Cavity ringdown spectroscopy of the linear carbon chains HC7 H, HC9 H, HC11 H, and HC13 H . C. D. Ball, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 112 , 10149-10155 (2000) bib
Laser spectroscopy of the carbon chains HC7 H and HC9 H . C. D. Ball, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 523 , L89-L91 (1999) bib
Laboratory detection of the carbon ring chain C9 H2 . M. C. McCarthy, M. J. Travers, W. Chen, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 498 , L89-L92 (1998) bib
Rotational spectra of the carbon chain free radicals C10 H, C12 H, C13 H, and C14 H . C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, M. J. Travers, J.-U. Grabow, and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Chemical Physics 109 , 5433-5438 (1998)
The excitation temperatures of HC9 N and other long cyanopolyynes in TMC-1 . M. B. Bell, J. K. G. Watson, P. A. Feldman, and M. J. Travers. The Astrophysical Journal 508 , 286-290 (1998) bib
12 atoms
Interstellar Detection of 2-Cyanocyclopentadiene, C5H5CN, a Second Five-Membered Ring Toward TMC-1 . K. L. K. Lee, P. B. Changala, R. A. Loomis, A. M. Burkhardt, C. Xue, M. A. Cordiner, S. B. Charnley, M. C. McCarthy, and B. A. McGuire. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 910 , L2 (2021) bib
Interstellar Detection of the Highly Polar Five-Membered Ring Cyanocyclopentadiene . M. C. McCarthy, K. L. K. Lee, R. A. Loomis, A. M. Burkhardt, C. N. Shingledecker, S. B. Charnley, M. A. Cordiner, E. Herbst, S. Kalenskii, E. R. Willis, C. Xue, A. J. Remijan, and B. A. McGuire. Nature Astronomy 5 , 176 (2020) bib
Study of Benzene Fragmentation, Isomerization, and Growth Using Microwave Spectroscopy . K. L. K. Lee, and M. C. McCarthy, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 , 2408 (2019) bib
[C5 H4 , C6 H4 , C6 H6 , C7 H4 , C7 H6 , C10 H6 ]
The electron donor-acceptor nature of the ethanol-CO2 dimer . B. A. McGuire, M. A. Martin-Drumel, and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 121 , 6283 (2017) bib
Improved line frequencies for the nucleic acid base uracil for a radioastronomical search . S. Brünken, M. C. McCarthy, P. Thaddeus, P. D. Godfrey, and R. D. Brown. Astronomy and Astrophysics 459 , 317-320 (2006) bib
[C4 H4 N2 O2 ]
Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy of vinyldiacetylene, vinyltriacetylene and vinylcyanodiacetylene . S. Thorwirth, M. C. McCarthy, J. B. Dudek, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 122 , 184308 (2005) bib
[C6 H4 , C8 H4 , C7 H3 N]
Laboratory detection of four new cumulene carbenes: H2 C7 , H2 C8 , H2 C9 , and D2 C10 . A. J. Apponi, M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 530 , 357-361 (2000) bib
Microwave spectra of 11 polyyne carbon chains carbides . M. C. McCarthy, W. Chen, M. J. Travers, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 129 , 611-623 (2000) bib
[HC15 N, HC17N , HC4 NC, HC6 NC, CH3 C6 CN, CH3 C8 CN, CH3 C10 CN, CH3 C8 H, CH3 C10 H, CH3 C12 H, CH3 C14 H]
Microwave spectra of the methylcyanopolyynes CH3 (CC)n CN, n = 2, 3, 4, 5 . W. Chen, J.-U. Grabow, M. J. Travers, M. R. Munrow, S. E. Novick, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 192 , 1-11 (1998) bib
[CH3 C5 N, CH3 C7 N, CH3 C9 N, CH3 C11 N]
Microwave spectroscopy of the carbon chain radical C11 H . M. C. McCarthy, M. J. Travers, P. Kalmus, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. Chemical Physics Letters 264 , 252-256 (1997) bib
Eight new carbon chain molecules . M. C. McCarthy, M. J. Travers, A. Kovacs, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 113 , 105-120 (1997) bib
[HC11 N, HC13 N, C7 H, C8 H, C9 H, C11 H, H2 C5 , H2 C6 ]
13 atoms
An Investigation of Spectral Line Stacking Techniques and Application to the Detection of HC11N . R. A. Loomis, A. M. Burkhardt, C. N. Shingledecker, S. B. Charnley, M. A. Cordiner, E. Herbst, S. Kalenskii, K. L. K. Lee, E. R. Willis, C. Xue, A. J. Remijan, M. C. McCarthy, and B. A. McGuire. Nature Astronomy 5 , 188 (2021) bib
Study of Benzene Fragmentation, Isomerization, and Growth Using Microwave Spectroscopy . K. L. K. Lee, and M. C. McCarthy, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 , 2408 (2019) bib
[C5 H4 , C6 H4 , C6 H6 , C7 H4 , C7 H6 , C10 H6 ]
The ozonolysis of isoprene in a cryogenic buffer gas cell by high resolution microwave spectroscopy . J. P. Porterfield, S. Eibenberger, D. Patterson, and M. C. McCarthy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , 20 , 16828 (2018) bib
Detection of the aromatic molecule benzonitrile (c -C6 H5 CN) in the interstellar medium . B. A. McGuire, A. M. Burkhardt, S. Kalenskii, C. N. Shingledecker, A. J. Remijan, E. Herbst, and M. C. McCarthy. Science 359 , 202 (2018) bib
Experimental structures of the carbon chains HC7 N, HC9 N, and HC11 N by isotopic substitution . M. C. McCarthy, E. S. Levine, A. J. Apponi, and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 203 , 75-81 (2000) bib
Cavity ringdown spectroscopy of the linear carbon chains HC7 H, HC9 H, HC11 H, and HC13 H . C. D. Ball, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 112 , 10149-10155 (2000) bib
Microwave spectra of 11 polyyne carbon chains carbides . M. C. McCarthy, W. Chen, M. J. Travers, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 129 , 611-623 (2000) bib
[HC15 N, HC17N , HC4 NC, HC6 NC, CH3 C6 CN, CH3 C8 CN, CH3 C10 CN, CH3 C8 H, CH3 C10 H, CH3 C12 H, CH3 C14 H]
Microwave spectra of the methylpolyynes CH3 (CC)4 H and CH3 (CC)5 H . M. J. Travers, W. Chen, J.-U. Grabow, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 192 , 12-16 (1998) bib
[CH3 C8 H, CH3 C10 H]
Rotational spectra of the carbon chain free radicals C10 H, C12 H, C13 H, and C14 H . C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, M. J. Travers, J.-U. Grabow, and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Chemical Physics 109 , 5433-5438 (1998) bib
Detection of HC11 N in the cold dust cloud TMC-1 . M. B. Bell, P. A. Feldman, M. J. Travers, M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 483 , L61-L64 (1997) bib
Eight new carbon chain molecules . M. C. McCarthy, M. J. Travers, A. Kovacs, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 113 , 105-120 (1997) bib
[HC11 N, HC13 N, C7 H, C8 H, C9 H, C11 H, H2 C5 , H2 C6 ]
14 atoms
Rotational Characterization of the Elusive gauche -Isoprene . J. P. Porterfield, J. H. Westerfield, L. Satterthwaite, D. Patterson, P. B. Changala, J. H. Baraban, and M. C. McCarthy, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8 , 1981 (2019) bib
Microwave spectral taxonomy: A semi-automated combination of chirped-pulse and cavity Fourier-transform microwave spectroscopy . K. N. Crabtree, M. A. Martin-Drumel, G. G. Brown, S. A. Gaster, T. M. Hall, and M. C. McCarthy. The Journal of Chemical Physics 144 , 124201 (2016) bib
[C3 S, HC(S)CCH (HCSCCH), 3,4-difluorobenzaldehyde (C7 H4 OF2 )]
The rotational spectra, electric dipole moments and molecular structures of anisole and benzaldehyde . O. Desyatnyk, L. Pszczolkowski, S. Thorwirth, T. M. Krygowski, and Z. Kisiel. Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics 7 , 1708-1715 (2005) bib
[C7 H8 O, C7 H6 O]
Microwave spectra of 11 polyyne carbon chains carbides . M. C. McCarthy, W. Chen, M. J. Travers, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 129 , 611-623 (2000) bib
[HC15 N, HC17N , HC4 NC, HC6 NC, CH3 C6 CN, CH3 C8 CN, CH3 C10 CN, CH3 C8 H, CH3 C10 H, CH3 C12 H, CH3 C14 H]
Microwave spectra of the methylcyanopolyynes CH3 (CC)n CN, n = 2, 3, 4, 5 . W. Chen, J.-U. Grabow, M. J. Travers, M. R. Munrow, S. E. Novick, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 192 , 1-11 (1998) bib
[CH3 C5 N, CH3 C7 N, CH3 C9 N, CH3 C11 N]
Rotational spectra of the carbon chain free radicals C10 H, C12 H, C13 H, and C14 H . C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, M. J. Travers, J.-U. Grabow, and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Chemical Physics 109 , 5433-5438 (1998)
15 atoms
A Rotational and Vibrational Investigation of Phenylpropiolonitrile (C6H5C3N) . Z. Buchanan, K. L. K. Lee, O. Chitarra, M. C. McCarthy, O. Pirali, and M.-A. Martin-Drumel. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 377 , 111425 (2021) bib
Cavity ringdown spectroscopy of the linear carbon chains HC7 H, HC9 H, HC11 H, and HC13 H . C. D. Ball, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Journal of Chemical Physics 112 , 10149-10155 (2000) bib
Microwave spectra of 11 polyyne carbon chains carbides . M. C. McCarthy, W. Chen, M. J. Travers, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 129 , 611-623 (2000)
[HC15 N, HC17N , HC4 NC, HC6 NC, CH3 C6 CN, CH3 C8 CN, CH3 C10 CN, CH3 C8 H, CH3 C10 H, CH3 C12 H, CH3 C14 H]
Microwave spectra of the methylpolyynes CH3 (CC)4 H and CH3 (CC)5 H . M. J. Travers, W. Chen, J.-U. Grabow, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 192 , 12-16 (1998) bib
[CH3 C8 H, CH3 C10 H]
Rotational spectra of the carbon chain free radicals C10 H, C12 H, C13 H, and C14 H . C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, M. J. Travers, J.-U. Grabow, and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Chemical Physics 109 , 5433-5438 (1998)
Eight new carbon chain molecules . M. C. McCarthy, M. J. Travers, A. Kovacs, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 113 , 105-120 (1997) bib
[HC11 N, HC13 N, C7 H, C8 H, C9 H, C11 H, H2 C5 , H2 C6 ]
16 atoms
Study of Benzene Fragmentation, Isomerization, and Growth Using Microwave Spectroscopy . K. L. K. Lee, and M. C. McCarthy, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 , 2408 (2019) bib
[C5 H4 , C6 H4 , C6 H6 , C7 H4 , C7 H6 , C10 H6 ]
The rotational spectra, electric dipole moments and molecular structures of anisole and benzaldehyde . O. Desyatnyk, L. Pszczolkowski, S. Thorwirth, T. M. Krygowski, and Z. Kisiel. Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics 7 , 1708-1715 (2005) bib
[C7 H8 O, C7 H6 O]
Microwave spectra of 11 polyyne carbon chains carbides . M. C. McCarthy, W. Chen, M. J. Travers, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 129 , 611-623 (2000)
[HC15 N, HC17N , HC4 NC, HC6 NC, CH3 C6 CN, CH3 C8 CN, CH3 C10 CN, CH3 C8 H, CH3 C10 H, CH3 C12 H, CH3 C14 H]
Microwave spectra of the methylcyanopolyynes CH3 (CC)n CN, n = 2, 3, 4, 5 . W. Chen, J.-U. Grabow, M. J. Travers, M. R. Munrow, S. E. Novick, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 192 , 1-11 (1998) bib
[CH3 C5 N, CH3 C7 N, CH3 C9 N, CH3 C11 N]
17 atoms
Discovery of the Pure Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Indene (c-C9H8) with GOTHAM Observations of TMC-1 . A. M. Burkhardt, K. L. K. Lee, P. B. Changala, C. N. Shingledecker, I. R. Cooke, R. A. Loomis, H. We, S. B. Charnley, E. Herbst, M. C. McCarthy, and B. A. McGuire. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 913 , L18 (2021) bib
Interconversion of methyltropyl and xylyl radicals: A pathway unavailable to the benzyl-tropyl rearrangement . N. J. Reilly, G. da Silva, C. M. Wilcox, Z. Ge, D. L. Kokkin, T. P. Troy, K. Nauta, S. H. Kable, M. C. McCarthy, and T. W. Schmidt. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A , 122 , 1261 (2018) bib
Jet-cooled spectroscopy of the α-methylbenzyl radical: Probing the state-dependent effects of methyl rocking against a radical site . N. M. Kidwell, N. J. Reilly, B. Nebgen, D. N. Mehta-Hurt, R. D. Hoehn, D. L. Kokkin, M. C. McCarthy, L. V. Slipchenko, and T. S. Zwier. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 , 13465-13480 (2013) bib
[C8 H9 ]
Microwave spectra of 11 polyyne carbon chains carbides . M. C. McCarthy, W. Chen, M. J. Travers, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 129 , 611-623 (2000)
[HC15 N, HC17N , HC4 NC, HC6 NC, CH3 C6 CN, CH3 C8 CN, CH3 C10 CN, CH3 C8 H, CH3 C10 H, CH3 C12 H, CH3 C14 H]
Microwave spectra of the methylpolyynes CH3 (CC)6 H and CH3 (CC)7 H . W. Chen, M. C. McCarthy, S. E. Novick, and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 196 , 335- 337 (1999) bib
[CH3 C12 H, CH3 C14 H]
Laboratory detection of the carbon chains HC15 N and HC17 N . M. C. McCarthy, J.-U. Grabow, M. J. Travers, W. Chen, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 494 , L231-L234 (1998) bib
18 atoms
Automated microwave double resonance spectroscopy: A tool to identify and characterize chemical compounds . M. A. Martin-Drumel, M. C. McCarthy, D. Patterson, B. A. McGuire, and K. N. Crabtree. The Journal of Chemical Physics 144 , 124202 (2016) bib
[cinnalmaldehyde (C9 H8 O), α-ionone (C13 H20 O), β-ionone (C13 H20 O)]
Rotational spectra of small PAHs: acenaphthene, acenaphthylene, azulene, and fluorene . S. Thorwirth, P. Theulé, C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 662 , 1309-1314 (2007) bib
[C12 H10 , C12 H8 , C10 H8 , C13 H10 ]
19 atoms
Discovery of the Interstellar Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons 1- and 2- Cyanonaphthalene . B. A. McGuire, R. A. Loomis, A. M. Burkhardt, K. L. K. Lee, C. N. Shingledecker, S. B. Charnley, I. R. Cooke, M. A. Cordiner, E. Herbst, S. Kalenskii, M. A. Siebert, E. R. Willis, C. Xue, A. J. Remijan, and M. C. McCarthy. Science 371 , 1265 (2021) bib
Microwave spectra of 11 polyyne carbon chains carbides . M. C. McCarthy, W. Chen, M. J. Travers, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 129 , 611-623 (2000)
[HC15 N, HC17N , HC4 NC, HC6 NC, CH3 C6 CN, CH3 C8 CN, CH3 C10 CN, CH3 C8 H, CH3 C10 H, CH3 C12 H, CH3 C14 H]
Microwave spectra of the methylpolyynes CH3 (CC)6 H and CH3 (CC)7 H . W. Chen, M. C. McCarthy, S. E. Novick, and P. Thaddeus. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 196 , 335- 337 (1999) bib
[CH3 C12 H, CH3 C14 H]
Laboratory detection of the carbon chains HC15 N and HC17 N . M. C. McCarthy, J.-U. Grabow, M. J. Travers, W. Chen, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 494 , L231-L234 (1998) bib
20 atoms
Rotational spectra of small PAHs: acenaphthene, acenaphthylene, azulene, and fluorene . S. Thorwirth, P. Theulé, C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 662 , 1309-1314 (2007) bib
[C12 H10 , C12 H8 , C10 H8 , C13 H10 ]
22 atoms
Rotational spectra of small PAHs: acenaphthene, acenaphthylene, azulene, and fluorene . S. Thorwirth, P. Theulé, C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 662 , 1309-1314 (2007) bib
[C12 H10 , C12 H8 , C10 H8 , C13 H10 ]
23 atoms
Rotational spectra of small PAHs: acenaphthene, acenaphthylene, azulene, and fluorene . S. Thorwirth, P. Theulé, C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. The Astrophysical Journal 662 , 1309-1314 (2007) bib
[C12 H10 , C12 H8 , C10 H8 , C13 H10 ]
28 atoms
34 atoms
McCarthy group, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA