Disk Usage & Quota
As of Thu Mar 13 23:06:02 EDT 2025
Disk Usage
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
netapp-fas83:/vol_home 22.05T 17.35T 4.70T 79%/11% /home
netapp-fas83-n01:/vol_data_public 142.50T 44.89T 97.61T 32%/3% /data/public
netapp-fas83-n01:/vol_pool_public 230.00T 96.95T 133.05T 43%/1% /pool/public
gpfs01:public 400.00T 329.11T 70.89T 83%/56% /scratch/public
netapp-fas83-n02:/vol_pool_kozakk 11.00T 10.72T 285.32G 98%/1% /pool/kozakk
netapp-fas83-n01:/vol_pool_nmnh_ggi 21.00T 13.80T 7.20T 66%/1% /pool/nmnh_ggi
netapp-fas83-n02:/vol_pool_sao_access 19.95T 5.47T 14.48T 28%/2% /pool/sao_access
netapp-fas83-n02:/vol_pool_sao_rtdc 10.45T 907.44G 9.56T 9%/1% /pool/sao_rtdc
netapp-fas83-n02:/vol_pool_sylvain 30.00T 24.18T 5.82T 81%/6% /pool/sylvain
gpfs01:nmnh_bradys 25.00T 21.84T 3.16T 88%/41% /scratch/bradys
gpfs01:nmnh_kistlerl 120.00T 106.33T 13.67T 89%/6% /scratch/kistlerl
gpfs01:nmnh_meyerc 25.00T 13.99T 11.01T 56%/4% /scratch/meyerc
gpfs01:nmnh_quattrinia 60.00T 42.46T 17.54T 71%/7% /scratch/nmnh_corals
gpfs01:nmnh_ggi 77.00T 21.94T 55.06T 29%/5% /scratch/nmnh_ggi
gpfs01:nmnh_lab 25.00T 8.17T 16.83T 33%/2% /scratch/nmnh_lab
gpfs01:nmnh_mammals 35.00T 15.13T 19.87T 44%/17% /scratch/nmnh_mammals
gpfs01:nmnh_mdbc 50.00T 33.62T 16.38T 68%/8% /scratch/nmnh_mdbc
gpfs01:nmnh_ocean_dna 40.00T 1.16T 38.84T 3%/1% /scratch/nmnh_ocean_dna
gpfs01:nzp_ccg 45.00T 41.72T 3.28T 93%/2% /scratch/nzp_ccg
gpfs01:sao_atmos 350.00T 266.41T 83.59T 77%/4% /scratch/sao_atmos
gpfs01:sao_cga 25.00T 9.50T 15.50T 38%/6% /scratch/sao_cga
gpfs01:sao_tess 50.00T 24.82T 25.18T 50%/83% /scratch/sao_tess
gpfs01:scbi_gis 80.00T 33.39T 46.61T 42%/35% /scratch/scbi_gis
gpfs01:nmnh_schultzt 25.00T 19.04T 5.96T 77%/75% /scratch/schultzt
gpfs01:serc_cdelab 15.00T 6.70T 8.30T 45%/4% /scratch/serc_cdelab
gpfs01:stri_ap 25.00T 18.96T 6.04T 76%/1% /scratch/stri_ap
gpfs01:sao_sylvain 70.00T 46.20T 23.80T 67%/47% /scratch/sylvain
gpfs01:usda_sel 25.00T 6.22T 18.78T 25%/7% /scratch/usda_sel
gpfs01:wrbu 50.00T 35.96T 14.04T 72%/6% /scratch/wrbu
netapp-fas83-n02:/vol_data_admin 4.75T 35.33G 4.72T 1%/1% /data/admin
netapp-fas83-n01:/vol_pool_admin 47.50T 32.99T 14.51T 70%/1% /pool/admin
gpfs01:admin 20.00T 3.58T 16.42T 18%/31% /scratch/admin
gpfs01:bioinformatics_dbs 10.00T 5.00T 5.00T 50%/2% /scratch/dbs
gpfs01:tmp 100.00T 38.33T 61.67T 39%/9% /scratch/tmp
gpfs01:ocio_dpo 10.00T 1.27T 8.73T 13%/8% /scratch/ocio_dpo
gpfs01:ocio_ids 5.00T 0.00G 5.00T 0%/1% /scratch/ocio_ids
qnas:/hydra 45.47T 29.07T 16.40T 64%/64% /qnas/hydra
qnas:/nfs-mesa-nanozoomer 372.89T 334.72T 38.18T 90%/90% /qnas/mesa
qnas:/sil 3840.36T 2829.37T 1011.00T 74%/74% /qnas/sil
nas1:/mnt/pool/admin 20.00T 7.90T 12.10T 40%/1% /store/admin
nas1:/mnt/pool/public 175.00T 87.00T 88.00T 50%/1% /store/public
nas1:/mnt/pool/nmnh_bradys 40.00T 7.86T 32.14T 20%/1% /store/bradys
nas2:/mnt/pool/n1p3/nmnh_ggi 90.00T 36.28T 53.72T 41%/1% /store/nmnh_ggi
nas2:/mnt/pool/nmnh_lab 40.00T 11.75T 28.25T 30%/1% /store/nmnh_lab
nas2:/mnt/pool/nmnh_ocean_dna 40.00T 973.76G 39.05T 3%/1% /store/nmnh_ocean_dna
nas1:/mnt/pool/nzp_ccg 222.21T 103.87T 118.34T 47%/1% /store/nzp_ccg
nas2:/mnt/pool/n1p2/ocio_dpo 50.00T 17.27T 32.73T 35%/1% /store/ocio_dpo
nas2:/mnt/pool/n1p1/sao_atmos 750.00T 469.15T 280.85T 63%/1% /store/sao_atmos
nas2:/mnt/pool/n1p2/nmnh_schultzt 40.00T 26.70T 13.30T 67%/1% /store/schultzt
nas1:/mnt/pool/sao_sylvain 50.00T 8.41T 41.59T 17%/1% /store/sylvain
nas1:/mnt/pool/wrbu 80.00T 10.02T 69.98T 13%/1% /store/wrbu
You can view plots of disk use vs time, for the past
30, or
120 days;
as well as
plots of disk usage
by user, or
by device (for the past 90 or 240 days respectively).
Capacity shows % disk space full and % of inodes used.
When too many small files are written on a disk, the file system can become full because it is
unable to keep track of new files.
The % of inodes should be lower or comparable to the % of disk space used.
If it is much larger, the disk can become unusable before it gets full.
You can view the plots of the GPFS IB traffic for the past
days, and
throughput info.
Disk Quota Report
Volume=NetApp:vol_data_public, mounted as /data/public
-- disk -- -- #files -- default quota: 4.50TB/10.0M
Disk usage %quota usage %quota name, affiliation - username (indiv. quota)
-------------------- ------- ------ ------ ------ -------------------------------------------
/data/public 4.17TB 92.7% 5.07M 50.7% Alicia Talavera, NMNH - talaveraa
Volume=NetApp:vol_home, mounted as /home
-- disk -- -- #files -- default quota: 512.0GB/10.0M
Disk usage %quota usage %quota name, affiliation - username (indiv. quota)
-------------------- ------- ------ ------ ------ -------------------------------------------
/home 511.3GB 99.9% 1.80M 18.0% *** Michael Trizna, NMNH/BOL - triznam
/home 497.1GB 97.1% 0.12M 1.2% *** Jaiden Edelman, SAO/SSP - jedelman
/home 493.2GB 96.3% 0.29M 2.9% *** Paul Cristofari, SAO/SSP - pcristof
/home 478.6GB 93.5% 0.24M 2.4% Michael Connelly, NMNH - connellym
/home 476.5GB 93.1% 3.30M 33.0% Heesung Chong, SAO/AMP - hchong
/home 475.0GB 92.8% 0.42M 4.2% Adela Roa-Varon, NMNH - roa-varona
/home 443.6GB 86.6% 0.97M 9.7% Hyeong-Ahn Kwon, SAO/AMP - hkwon
Volume=NetApp:vol_pool_nmnh_ggi, mounted as /pool/nmnh_ggi
-- disk -- -- #files -- default quota: 16.00TB/39.0M
Disk usage %quota usage %quota name, affiliation - username (indiv. quota)
-------------------- ------- ------ ------ ------ -------------------------------------------
/pool/nmnh_ggi 13.76TB 86.0% 6.08M 15.6% Vanessa Gonzalez, NMNH/LAB - gonzalezv
Volume=NetApp:vol_pool_public, mounted as /pool/public
-- disk -- -- #files -- default quota: 7.50TB/18.0M
Disk usage %quota usage %quota name, affiliation - username (indiv. quota)
-------------------- ------- ------ ------ ------ -------------------------------------------
/pool/public 7.50TB 100.0% 0.01M 0.1% *** Carlos Arias, STRI - ariasc
/pool/public 6.65TB 88.7% 0.24M 1.3% Xiaoyan Xie, SAO/HEA - xxie
/pool/public 6.64TB 88.5% 1.39M 7.7% Juan Uribe, NMNH - uribeje
Volume=GPFS:scratch_public, mounted as /scratch/public
-- disk -- -- #files -- default quota: 15.00TB/38.8M
Disk usage %quota usage %quota name, affiliation - username (indiv. quota)
-------------------- ------- ------ ------ ------ -------------------------------------------
/scratch/public 14.80TB 98.7% 0.73M 1.9% *** Matthew Girard, NMNH - girardmg
/scratch/public 14.00TB 93.3% 7.13M 18.4% Kevin Mulder, NZP - mulderk
/scratch/public 13.70TB 91.3% 2.41M 6.2% Henrique Figueiro, SCBI - figueiroh
Volume=GPFS:scratch_stri_ap, mounted as /scratch/stri_ap
-- disk -- -- #files -- default quota: 5.00TB/12.6M
Disk usage %quota usage %quota name, affiliation - username (indiv. quota)
-------------------- ------- ------ ------ ------ -------------------------------------------
/scratch/stri_ap 14.60TB 97.3% 0.05M 0.4% *** Carlos Arias, STRI - ariasc (15.0TB/12M)
Volume=NAS:store_public, mounted as /store/public
-- disk -- -- #files -- default quota: 0.0MB/0.0M
Disk usage %quota usage %quota name, affiliation - username (indiv. quota)
-------------------- ------- ------ ------ ------ -------------------------------------------
/store/public 4.80TB 96.1% - - *** Madeline Bursell, OCIO - bursellm (5.0TB/0M)
/store/public 4.51TB 90.1% - - Alicia Talavera, NMNH - talaveraa (5.0TB/0M)
/store/public 4.49TB 89.9% - - Matthew Kweskin, NMNH - kweskinm (5.0TB/0M)
/store/public 4.39TB 87.8% - - Mirian Tsuchiya, NMNH/Botany - tsuchiyam (5.0TB/0M)
SSD Usage
Node -------------------------- /ssd -------------------------------
Name Size Used Avail Use% | Resd Avail Resd% | Resd/Used
50-01 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
64-17 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
64-18 3.49T 24.6G 3.47T 0.7% | 0.0G 3.49T 0.0% | 0.00
65-02 3.49T 24.6G 3.47T 0.7% | 0.0G 3.49T 0.0% | 0.00
65-03 3.49T 24.6G 3.47T 0.7% | 0.0G 3.49T 0.0% | 0.00
65-04 3.49T 24.6G 3.47T 0.7% | 0.0G 3.49T 0.0% | 0.00
65-05 3.49T 24.6G 3.47T 0.7% | 0.0G 3.49T 0.0% | 0.00
65-06 3.49T 24.6G 3.47T 0.7% | 0.0G 3.49T 0.0% | 0.00
65-09 3.49T 24.6G 3.47T 0.7% | 0.0G 3.49T 0.0% | 0.00
65-10 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
65-11 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
65-12 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
65-13 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
65-14 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
65-15 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
65-16 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
65-17 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
65-18 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
65-19 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
65-20 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
65-21 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
65-22 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
65-23 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
65-24 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
65-25 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
65-26 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
65-27 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
65-28 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
65-29 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
65-30 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
75-02 6.98T 50.2G 6.93T 0.7% | 0.0G 6.98T 0.0% | 0.00
75-03 6.98T 50.2G 6.93T 0.7% | 0.0G 6.98T 0.0% | 0.00
75-04 6.98T 50.2G 6.93T 0.7% | 0.0G 6.98T 0.0% | 0.00
75-05 6.98T 50.2G 6.93T 0.7% | 0.0G 6.98T 0.0% | 0.00
75-06 6.98T 50.2G 6.93T 0.7% | 0.0G 6.98T 0.0% | 0.00
75-07 6.98T 50.2G 6.93T 0.7% | 0.0G 6.98T 0.0% | 0.00
76-03 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
76-04 1.75T 12.3G 1.73T 0.7% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
76-13 1.75T 31.7G 1.71T 1.8% | 0.0G 1.75T 0.0% | 0.00
79-01 7.28T 51.2G 7.22T 0.7% | 0.0G 7.28T 0.0% | 0.00
79-02 7.28T 51.2G 7.22T 0.7% | 0.0G 7.28T 0.0% | 0.00
93-05 6.98T 50.2G 6.93T 0.7% | 0.0G 6.98T 0.0% | 0.00
Total 133.2T 964.6G 132.3T 0.7% | 0.0G 133.2T 0.0% | 0.00
Note: the disk usage and the quota report are compiled 4x/day, the SSD usage is updated every 10m.