=:List of Available Modules on Hydra-7 =:------------------------------------ =:BioInformatics bioinformatics/R/4.4.0 : System paths to run R, 4.4.0 bioinformatics/R/4.4.1 : System paths to run R, 4.4.1 bioinformatics/R/RStudio/desktop/2024.04.2-764: System paths to run RStudio desktop 2024.04.2-764 and R 4.4.1 bioinformatics/R/RStudio/server/2024.04.2-764: System paths to run RStudio server 2024.04.2-764 and R 4.4.1 bioinformatics/abyss/2.3.7 : System paths to run abyss, 2.3.7 bioinformatics/admixtools/7.0.2 : System paths to run admixtools, 7.0.2 bioinformatics/admixture/1.3.0 : System paths to run admixture, 1.3.0 bioinformatics/angsd/0.941 : System paths to run angsd, 0.941 bioinformatics/assembly_stats/0.1.4: System paths to run assembly_stats, 0.1.4 bioinformatics/aster/1.16 : System paths to run aster, 1.16 bioinformatics/astral/5.15.5-MP : System paths to run astral, 5.15.5-MP bioinformatics/astral/5.7.8 : System paths to run astral, 5.7.8 bioinformatics/augustus/3.5.0 : System paths to run augustus, 3.5.0 bioinformatics/basespace/1.5.4 : System paths to run basespace, 1.5.4 bioinformatics/bayescan/2.1 : System paths to run bayescan, 2.1 bioinformatics/bbmap/39.06 : System paths to run bbmap, 39.06 bioinformatics/bcftools/1.19 : System paths to run bcftools, 1.19 bioinformatics/beagle/4.0.1-j17-cuda: System paths to run beagle, 4.0.1-java17-cuda11.8_24.7 bioinformatics/beagle/4.0.1-j17 : System paths to run beagle, 4.0.1-java17-gcc10.1 bioinformatics/beagle/4.0.1-j8-cuda: System paths to run beagle, 4.0.1-java8-cuda11.8_24.7 bioinformatics/beagle/4.0.1-j8 : System paths to run beagle, 4.0.1-java8-gcc10.1 bioinformatics/beagle/4.0.1 : System paths to run beagle, 4.0.1-java17-cuda11.8_24.7 bioinformatics/beast/2.6.7 : System paths to run beast, 2.6.7 bioinformatics/beast/2.7.5 : System paths to run beast, 2.7.5 bioinformatics/beast/2.7.6 : System paths to run beast, 2.7.6 bioinformatics/bedtools/2.31.1 : System paths to run bedtools, 2.31.1 bioinformatics/bioawk/1.0 : System paths to run bioawk, 1.0 bioinformatics/bioperl/1.7.8 : System paths to run bioperl, 1.7.8 bioinformatics/biopython/1.83 : System paths to run biopython, 1.83 bioinformatics/blast/2.15.0 : System paths to run blast, 2.15.0 bioinformatics/blast2go/1.5.1 : Dependencies for use of Blast2GO 1.5.1- SEE WIKI FOR USAGE bioinformatics/blat/36 : System paths to run blat, 36 bioinformatics/blobtoolkit/3.3.10 : System paths to run blobtoolkit, 3.3.10 bioinformatics/blobtools/1.1.1 : System paths to run blobtools, 1.1.1 bioinformatics/bowtie2/2.5.3 : System paths to run bowtie2, 2.5.3 bioinformatics/bpp/4.7.0 : System paths to run bpp, 4.7.0 bioinformatics/busco/5.7.0 : System paths to run busco, 5.7.0 bioinformatics/bwa/0.7.17 : System paths to run bwa, 0.7.17 bioinformatics/cactus/2.8.0 : System paths to run cactus, 2.8.0 bioinformatics/canu/2.2 : System paths to run canu, 2.2 bioinformatics/cd-hit/4.8.1 : System paths to run cd-hit, 4.8.1 bioinformatics/cutadapt/4.7 : System paths to run cutadapt, 4.7 bioinformatics/dates/753 : System paths to run dates, 753 bioinformatics/diamond/2.1.9 : System paths to run diamond, 2.1.9 bioinformatics/ensembl-vep/112.0 : System paths to run ensembl-vep, 112.0 bioinformatics/exonerate/2.4.0 : System paths to run exonerate, 2.4.0 bioinformatics/fastp/0.23.4 : System paths to run fastp, 0.23.4 bioinformatics/fastqc/0.12.1 : System paths to run fastqc, 0.12.1 bioinformatics/faststructure/1.0 : System paths to run faststructure, 1.0 bioinformatics/fasttree/2.1.11 : System paths to run fasttree, 2.1.11 bioinformatics/fastx_toolkit/0.0.14: System paths to run fastx_toolkit, 0.0.14 bioinformatics/feems/1.0.0 : System paths to run feems, 1.0.0 bioinformatics/gatk/ : System paths to run gatk, bioinformatics/gatk/ : System paths to run gatk, bioinformatics/gemoma/1.9 : System paths to run gemoma, 1.9 bioinformatics/getorganelle/ System paths to run getorganelle, bioinformatics/getorganelle/ System paths to run getorganelle, bioinformatics/gphocs/b807eb3 : System paths to run gphocs, b807eb3 bioinformatics/graftm/0.15.1 : System paths to run graftm, 0.15.1 bioinformatics/guppy/6.5.7 : System paths to run guppy, 6.5.7 bioinformatics/hifiasm/0.19.8 : System paths to run hifiasm, 0.19.8 bioinformatics/hisat2/2.2.1 : System paths to run hisat2, 2.2.1 bioinformatics/htslib/1.19.1 : System paths to run htslib, 1.19.1 bioinformatics/hybpiper/1.3.1_final: System paths to run hybpiper, 1.3.1_final bioinformatics/hybpiper/2.1.6 : System paths to run hybpiper, 2.1.6 bioinformatics/illumiprocessor/2.10: System paths to run illumiprocessor-trimgalore, 2.10 bioinformatics/ipyrad/0.9.94 : System paths to run ipyrad, 0.9.94 bioinformatics/iqtree/1.6.12 : System paths to run iqtree, 1.6.12 bioinformatics/iqtree/2.3.1 : System paths to run iqtree, 2.3.1 bioinformatics/jellyfish/2.3.1 : System paths to run jellyfish, 2.3.1 bioinformatics/kentutils/v464 : System paths to run kentutils, v464 bioinformatics/kraken/2.1.3 : System paths to run kraken, 2.1.3. This *is* kraken2. bioinformatics/krakenuniq/1.0.4 : System paths to run krakenuniq, 1.0.4 bioinformatics/mafft/7.525 : System paths to run mafft, 7.525 bioinformatics/maker/3.01.03 : System paths to run maker, 3.01.03 bioinformatics/mapdamage2/2.2.2 : System paths to run mapdamage2, 2.2.2 bioinformatics/masurca/4.1.1 : System paths to run masurca, 4.1.1 bioinformatics/merqury/1.3 : System paths to run merqury, 1.3 bioinformatics/migrate/3.7.2 : System paths to run migrate, 3.7.2 bioinformatics/migrate/5.0.6 : System paths to run migrate, 5.0.6 bioinformatics/minimap2/2.28 : System paths to run minimap2, 2.28 bioinformatics/mitofinder/1.4.1 : System paths to run mitofinder, 1.4.1 bioinformatics/mitos/2.1.8 : System paths to run mitos, 2.1.8 bioinformatics/mitoz/3.6 : System paths to run mitoz, 3.6 bioinformatics/mrbayes/3.2.7a : System paths to run mrbayes, 3.2.7a bioinformatics/multiqc/1.23 : System paths to run multiqc, 1.23 bioinformatics/ngsadmix/32 : System paths to run ngsadmix, 32 bioinformatics/ngstools/d7a78e4 : System paths to run ngstools, d7a78e4 bioinformatics/nucmer/3.2.3 : System paths to run nucmer, 3.2.3 bioinformatics/nucmer/4.0.0rc1 : System paths to run nucmer, 4.0.0rc1 bioinformatics/oma/2.6.0 : System paths to run oma, 2.6.0 bioinformatics/orthofinder/2.5.5 : System paths to run orthofinder, 2.5.5 bioinformatics/paml/4.10.0 : System paths to run paml, 4.10.0 bioinformatics/paml/4.10.7 : System paths to run paml, 4.10.7 bioinformatics/partitionfinder/2.1.1: System paths to run partitionfinder, 2.1.1 bioinformatics/partitionfinder/UCE_SWSC: System paths to run partitionfinder, UCE_SWSC bioinformatics/patchwork/0.5.5 : System paths to run patchwork, 0.5.5 bioinformatics/paup/4a168 : System paths to run paup, 4a168 bioinformatics/pcangsd/1.21 : System paths to run pcangsd, 1.21 bioinformatics/phyluce/1.6.8 : System paths to run phyluce, 1.6.8 bioinformatics/phyluce/1.7.3 : System paths to run phyluce, 1.7.3 bioinformatics/picard-tools/2.20.6 : System paths to run picard-tools, 2.20.6 bioinformatics/picard-tools/3.1.1 : System paths to run picard-tools, 3.1.1 bioinformatics/plink/1.90b7.2 : System paths to run plink, 1.90b7.2 bioinformatics/psmc/0.6.5 : System paths to run psmc, 0.6.5 bioinformatics/purge_dups/1.2.6 : System paths to run purge_dups, 1.2.6 bioinformatics/qiime2/2024.2-amplicon: System paths to run qiime2, 2024.2-amplicon bioinformatics/qiime2/2024.2-shotgun: System paths to run qiime2, 2024.2-shotgun bioinformatics/quast/5.2.0 : System paths to run quast, 5.2.0 bioinformatics/raxml-ng/1.2.1 : System paths to run raxml-ng, 1.2.1 bioinformatics/raxml/8.2.13 : System paths to run raxml, 8.2.13 bioinformatics/relernn/1.0.0 : System paths to run relernn, 1.0.0 bioinformatics/repeatmasker/4.1.5 : System paths to run repeatmasker, 4.1.5 bioinformatics/repeatmasker/4.1.6 : System paths to run repeatmasker, 4.1.6 bioinformatics/repeatmasker/4.1.7p1: System paths to run repeatmasker, 4.1.7p1 bioinformatics/repeatmodeler/2.0.5 : System paths to run repeatmodeler, 2.0.5 bioinformatics/revbayes/1.2.2 : System paths to run revbayes, 1.2.2 bioinformatics/rohan/1.0.1 : System paths to run rohan, 1.0.1 bioinformatics/rsem/1.3.3 : System paths to run rsem, 1.3.3 bioinformatics/samtools/1.19.2 : System paths to run samtools, 1.19.2 bioinformatics/seqkit/2.8.1 : System paths to run seqkit, 2.8.1 bioinformatics/seqtk/1.4 : System paths to run seqtk, 1.4 bioinformatics/sharkmer/6f393f4 : System paths to run sharkmer, 6f393f4 bioinformatics/sharkmer/97f19e2 : System paths to run sharkmer, 97f19e2 bioinformatics/smc++/1.15.2 : Dependencies for use of smc++ 1.15.2 bioinformatics/snippy/4.6.0 : System paths to run snippy, 4.6.0 bioinformatics/spades/3.14.0 : System paths to run spades, 3.14.0 bioinformatics/spades/3.15.5 : System paths to run spades, 3.15.5 bioinformatics/spruceup/v2022.2.4 : System paths to run spruceup, v2022.2.4 bioinformatics/sratoolkit/3.1.0 : System paths to run sratoolkit, 3.1.0 bioinformatics/stacks/2.66 : System paths to run stacks, 2.66 bioinformatics/stampy/1.0.31 : System paths to run stampy, 1.0.31 bioinformatics/strauto/1.0 : System paths to run strauto, 1.0 bioinformatics/structure/2.3.4 : System paths to run structure, 2.3.4 bioinformatics/transabyss/2.0.1 : System paths to run transabyss, 2.0.1 bioinformatics/transdecoder/5.7.1 : System paths to run transdecoder, 5.7.1 bioinformatics/transrate/1.0.3 : System paths to run transrate, 1.0.3 bioinformatics/treemix/1.13 : System paths to run treemix, 1.13 bioinformatics/treepl/aaa8a0e : System paths to run treepl, aaa8a0e bioinformatics/treeshrink/1.3.9 : System paths to run treeshrink, 1.3.9 bioinformatics/trim_galore/0.6.10 : System paths to run trim_galore, 0.6.10 bioinformatics/trimmomatic/0.39 : System paths to run trimmomatic, 0.39 bioinformatics/trinity/2.15.1 : System paths to run trinity, 2.15.1 bioinformatics/vcftools/0.1.16 : System paths to run vcftools, 0.1.16 bioinformatics/wtdbg2/2.5 : System paths to run wtdbg2, 2.5 =:Tools tools/R/4.4.0 : System paths to run R, 4.4.0 tools/R/4.4.1 : System paths to run R, 4.4.1 tools/R/RStudio/desktop/2024.04.2-764: System paths to run RStudio desktop 2024.04.2-764 and R 4.4.1 tools/R/RStudio/server/2024.04.2-764: System paths to run RStudio server 2024.04.2-764 and R 4.4.1 tools/awscli/2.15.27 : System paths to run awscli 2.15.27 tools/awscli/2.17.43 : System paths to run awscli 2.17.43 tools/bigtmp : Access to tools related to use large temp on /scratch/tmp via BIGTMP, use "module help tools/bigtmp" for a list (v1.0/1) tools/cmake/3.24.2 : System paths for cmake 3.24.2 tools/cmake/3.3.1 : System paths for cmake 3.3.1 tools/conda/23.1.0 : Set environment to use Miniconda3 conda (v23.1.0) tools/conda/23.11.0 : Set environment to use Miniconda3 conda (v23.11.0) tools/conda/3.11 : Set environment to use the full-fledged conda (Anaconda v3.11) tools/conda/3.8 : Set environment to use the full-fledged conda (Anaconda v3.8) tools/cpu_arch : Set the environment variable cpu_arch to the value of get-cpu_arch (v1.0/1) tools/ffsend/0.2.74 : System paths to run ffsend 0.2.74 tools/ffsend/0.2.76 : System paths to run ffsend 0.2.76 tools/gnuparallel/20160422 : GNU Parallel 20160422 tools/gv : Set environment to access gv (v3.7.4) tools/java/1.8.0_141 : Set environment to access Java OpenJDK tools/java/1.8.0_45 : Set environment to access Java 1.8.0_45 tools/java/17.0.1 : Set environment to access Java 17.0.1 tools/java/17 : Set environment to access Java 17.0.1 tools/java/18 : Set environment to access Java 1.8.0_45 tools/java/21.0.2 : Set environment to access Java 21.0.2 tools/java/21 : Set environment to access Java 21.0.2 tools/jupyter : Set environment to use start-jupyter-lab-server tools/local+ : access to local tools use "module help tools/local+" for a list (v2.0/1) tools/local-admin : access to local admin tools use "module help tools/local" for a list (v3.0/1) tools/local-bc : access to local tools, to be backward compatible with hydra-4 tools/local-user : access to local user tools use "module help tools/local" for a list (v3.0/1) tools/mamba/24.1.2 : Set environment to use mamba, (miniforge3 v24.1.2) tools/manpath : Prepend MANPATH with ':' tools/mthread-numpy : Set environment for Python libraries (like NUMPY/TF/PT) to use properly multi-threading tools/pigz/2.3.3 : System paths to run pigz 2.3.3 tools/rclone/1.62.2 : System paths to run rclone 1.62.2 tools/rclone/1.66.0 : System paths to run rclone 1.66.0 tools/ruby/2.2.2 : System paths for Ruby 2.2.2 tools/ruby/2.6.3 : System paths for Ruby 2.6.3 tools/scrubber : Access to tools related to the scrubber use "module help tools/scrubber" for a list (v1.0/1) tools/single-thread-numpy : Set environment to limit Python libraries (like NUMPY/TF/PT) to use a single thread tools/ssd : Access to tools related to the /ssd, use "module help tools/ssd" for a list (v1.0/1) tools/svn/1.10.2 : deprecated compatibility module for svn 1.10.2 - Apache Software Foundation tools/vscode/1.91.0 : Set environment to use vscode 1.91.0 tools/wget/1.21.4 : wget v1.21.4 tools/xv : Set environment to access to xv (v3.10a-20081216-SGK) =:Python intel/python/37-21.4 : Set environment to use Intel's distribution of Python 3.7.11 intel/python/39-22.1 : Set environment to use Intel's distribution of Python 3.9.7 intel/python/39-23.1 : Set environment to use Intel's distribution of Python 3.9.16 intel/python/39-24.0 : Set environment to use Intel's distribution of Python 3.9.18 intel/python/39-24.1 : Set environment to use Intel's distribution of Python 3.9.18 intel/python/39-24.2 : Set environment to use Intel's distribution of Python 3.9.19 intel/python/39 : Set environment to use Intel's distribution of Python 3.9.18 python39 : Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively. python3 : Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively. tools/python-mthread-numpy : Set environment for Python libraries (like NUMPY/TF/PT) to use properly multi-threading tools/python-single-thread-numpy : Set environment to limit Python libraries (like NUMPY/TF/PT) to use a single thread tools/python/2.7 : Dependencies for use of Python 2.7 tools/python/3.10 : Dependencies for use of Python 3.10 tools/python/3.11 : Dependencies for use of Python 3.11, Anaconda3-2023.07-2 tools/python/3.11b : Dependencies for use of Python 3.11b, Anaconda3-2024.02-1 tools/python/3.7 : Dependencies for use of Python 3.7 tools/python/3.8 : Dependencies for use of Python 3.8, Anaconda3-2021.05 tools/python/3.9 : Dependencies for use of Python 3.9 tools/python/3.9a : Set environment to use Python 3.9a tools/python/use-multi-thread : Set environment for Python libraries (like NUMPY/TF/PT) to use properly multi-threading tools/python/use-single-thread : Set environment to limit Python libraries (like NUMPY/TF/PT) to use a single thread =:IDL, MATLAB or JULIA idl/8.7.0 : IDL 8.7.0 idl/8.7.2 : IDL 8.7.2 idl/8.7.3 : IDL 8.7.3 idl/8.7 : IDL 8.7.3 idl/8.8.0 : IDL 8.8.0 idl/8.8.1 : IDL 8.8.1 idl/8.8.2 : IDL 8.8.2 idl/8.8 : IDL 8.8.1 idl/8.9.0 : IDL 8.9.0 idl/8.9 : IDL 8.9.0 idl/9.0.0 : IDL 9.0.0 idl/9.0 : IDL 9.0.0 idl/9.1.0 : IDL 9.1.0 idl/9.1 : IDL 9.1.0 idl/rt : IDL 9.0.0 matlab/R2014a : MATLAB run-time R2014b/v84 matlab/R2017b0 : MATLAB run-time R2017b0 matlab/R2017b : MATLAB run-time R2017b matlab/R2019a : MATLAB run-time R2019a matlab/R2019b : MATLAB run-time R2019b matlab/R2020a : MATLAB run-time R2020a matlab/R2020b : MATLAB run-time R2020b matlab/R2021a : MATLAB run-time R2021a matlab/R2021b : MATLAB run-time R2021b matlab/R2022a : MATLAB run-time R2022a matlab/R2022b : MATLAB run-time R2022b matlab/R2023a : MATLAB run-time R2023a matlab/R2023b : MATLAB run-time R2023b matlab/R2024a : MATLAB run-time R2024a matlab/R2024b : MATLAB run-time R2024b matlab/rt : MATLAB run-time R2021b tools/fl/0.79.47 : FL 0.79.47 tools/fl/0.79.50 : FL 0.79.50 tools/fl/0.79.54 : FL 0.79.54 tools/julia/1.10.0 : Julia v1.10.0 tools/julia/1.10.2 : Julia v1.10.2 tools/julia/1.2.0 : Julia v1.2.0 tools/julia/1.5.3 : Julia v1.5.3 tools/julia/1.6.3 : Julia v1.6.3 =:GNU compilers gcc/10.1.0 : GNU compilers (C/C++/Fortran) 10.1.0 gcc/11.2.0 : GNU compilers (C/C++/Fortran) 11.2.0 gcc/12.2.0 : GNU compilers (C/C++/Fortran) 12.2.0 gcc/13.1.0 : adds GNU Cross Compilers to your environment variables gcc/13.2.0 : GNU compilers (C/C++/Fortran) 13.2.0 gcc/14.2.0 : GNU compilers (C/C++/Fortran) 14.2.0 gcc/4.9.1 : GNU compilers (C/C++/Fortran) 4.9.1 gcc/4.9.2 : GNU compilers (C/C++/Fortran) 4.9.2 gcc/5.3.0 : GNU compilers (C/C++/Fortran) 5.3.0 gcc/6.1.0 : GNU compilers (C/C++/Fortran) 6.1.0 gcc/7.3.0 : GNU compilers (C/C++/Fortran) 7.3.0 gcc/8.5.0 : GNU compilers (C/C++/Fortran) 8.5.0 - default version gcc/9.2.0 : GNU compilers (C/C++/Fortran) 9.2.0 gcc/9.3.0 : GNU compilers (C/C++/Fortran) 9.3.0 =:GNU MPI gcc/10.1/mvapich2.3.6-10.1.0 : MVAPICH2 2.3.6 for GNU compilers 10.1.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/10.1/mvapich : MVAPICH2 2.3.6 for GNU compilers 10.1.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/10.1/openmpi4.1.6-10.1.0 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 10.1.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/10.1/openmpi4 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 10.1.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/10.1/openmpi : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 10.1.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/11.2/mvapich2.3.6-11.2.0 : MVAPICH2 2.3.6 for GNU compilers 11.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/11.2/mvapich : MVAPICH2 2.3.6 for GNU compilers 11.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/11.2/openmpi4.1.6-11.2.0 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 11.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/11.2/openmpi4 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 11.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/11.2/openmpi : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 11.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/12.2/mvapich2.3.6-12.2.0 : MVAPICH2 2.3.6 for GNU compilers 12.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/12.2/mvapich2.3.7-12.2.0 : MVAPICH2 2.3.7-1p1 for GNU compilers 12.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/12.2/mvapich : MVAPICH2 2.3.7-1p1 for GNU compilers 12.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/12.2/openmpi4.1.6-12.2.0 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 12.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/12.2/openmpi4 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 12.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/12.2/openmpi : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 12.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/13.2/mvapich2.3.6-13.2.0 : MVAPICH2 2.3.6 for GNU compilers 13.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/13.2/mvapich2.3.7-13.2.0 : MVAPICH2 2.3.7-1p1 for GNU compilers 13.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/13.2/mvapich : MVAPICH2 2.3.7-1p1 for GNU compilers 13.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/13.2/openmpi3.1.6-13.2.0 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 for GNU compilers 13.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/13.2/openmpi3 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 for GNU compilers 13.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/13.2/openmpi4.1.6-13.2.0 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 13.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/13.2/openmpi4 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 13.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/13.2/openmpi5.0.1-13.2.0 : OpenMPI 5.0.1 for GNU compilers 13.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/13.2/openmpi5 : OpenMPI 5.0.1 for GNU compilers 13.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/13.2/openmpi : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 13.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/14.2/mvapich-3.0-14.2.0 : MVAPICH 3.0 for GNU compilers 14.2.0, (API 3.4.3) for IB fabric gcc/14.2/mvapich2.3.6-14.2.0 : MVAPICH2 2.3.6 for GNU compilers 14.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/14.2/mvapich2.3.7-1-14.2.0 : MVAPICH2 2.3.7-1 for GNU compilers 14.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/14.2/mvapich : MVAPICH 3.0 for GNU compilers 14.2.0, (API 3.4.3) for IB fabric gcc/14.2/openmpi4.1.6-14.2.0 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 14.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/14.2/openmpi4 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 14.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/14.2/openmpi5.0.5-14.2.0 : OpenMPI 5.0.5 for GNU compilers 14.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/14.2/openmpi5 : OpenMPI 5.0.5 for GNU compilers 14.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/14.2/openmpi : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 14.2.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/4.9/mvapich2.3.6-4.9.2 : MVAPICH2 2.3.6 for GNU compilers 4.9.2, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/4.9/mvapich : MVAPICH2 2.3.6 for GNU compilers 4.9.2, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/4.9/openmpi3.1.6-4.9.2 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 for GNU compilers 4.9.2, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/4.9/openmpi3 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 for GNU compilers 4.9.2, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/4.9/openmpi4.1.6-4.9.2 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 4.9.2, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/4.9/openmpi4 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 4.9.2, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/4.9/openmpi : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 4.9.2, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/5.3/mvapich2.3.6-5.3.0 : MVAPICH2 2.3.6 for GNU compilers 5.3.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/5.3/mvapich : MVAPICH2 2.3.6 for GNU compilers 5.3.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/5.3/openmpi3.1.6-5.3.0 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 for GNU compilers 5.3.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/5.3/openmpi3 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 for GNU compilers 5.3.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/5.3/openmpi : OpenMPI 3.1.6 for GNU compilers 5.3.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/6.1/mvapich2.3.6-6.1.0 : MVAPICH2 2.3.6 for GNU compilers 6.1.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/6.1/mvapich : MVAPICH2 2.3.6 for GNU compilers 6.1.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/6.1/openmpi3.1.6-6.1.0 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 for GNU compilers 6.1.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/6.1/openmpi3 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 for GNU compilers 6.1.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/6.1/openmpi : OpenMPI 3.1.6 for GNU compilers 6.1.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/7.3/mvapich2.3.6-7.3.0 : MVAPICH2 2.3.6 for GNU compilers 7.3.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/7.3/mvapich : MVAPICH2 2.3.6 for GNU compilers 7.3.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/7.3/openmpi3.1.6-7.3.0 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 for GNU compilers 7.3.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/7.3/openmpi3 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 for GNU compilers 7.3.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/7.3/openmpi : OpenMPI 3.1.6 for GNU compilers 7.3.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/8.5/mvapich2.3.6-8.5.0 : MVAPICH2 2.3.6 for GNU compilers 8.5.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/8.5/mvapich : MVAPICH2 2.3.6 for GNU compilers 8.5.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/8.5/openmpi3.1.6-8.5.0 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 for GNU compilers 8.5.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/8.5/openmpi3 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 for GNU compilers 8.5.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/8.5/openmpi4.1.6-8.5.0 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 8.5.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/8.5/openmpi4 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 8.5.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/8.5/openmpi5.0.1-8.5.0 : OpenMPI 5.0.1 for GNU compilers 8.5.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/8.5/openmpi5 : OpenMPI 5.0.1 for GNU compilers 8.5.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/8.5/openmpi : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 8.5.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/9.3/mvapich2.3.6-9.3.0 : MVAPICH2 2.3.6 for GNU compilers 9.3.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/9.3/mvapich : MVAPICH2 2.3.6 for GNU compilers 9.3.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/9.3/openmpi4.1.6-9.3.0 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 9.3.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/9.3/openmpi4 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 9.3.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric gcc/9.3/openmpi : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for GNU compilers 9.3.0, (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric =:GNU gsl gcc/10.1/gsl : GSL 2.7 for GNU compilers 10.1.0 gcc/11.2/gsl : GSL 2.7 for GNU compilers 11.2.0 gcc/12.2/gsl : GSL 2.7 for GNU compilers 12.2.0 gcc/13.2/gsl : GSL 2.7 for GNU compilers 13.2.0 gcc/14.2/gsl : GSL 2.7 for GNU compilers 14.2.0 gcc/4.9/gsl : GSL 2.7 for GNU compilers 4.9.2 gcc/5.3/gsl : GSL 2.7 for GNU compilers 5.3.0 gcc/6.1/gsl : GSL 2.7 for GNU compilers 6.1.0 gcc/7.3/gsl : GSL 2.7 for GNU compilers 7.3.0 gcc/8.5/gsl : GSL 2.7 for GNU compilers 8.5.0 gcc/9.2/gsl : GSL 2.7 for GNU compilers 9.2.0 gcc/9.3/gsl : GSL 2.7 for GNU compilers 9.3.0 =:Intel compilers intel/2021.3 : oneAPI Intel compilers (C/C++/Fortran) version 2021.3.0 intel/2021.4 : oneAPI Intel compilers (C/C++/Fortran) version 2021.4.0 intel/2022.1 : oneAPI Intel compilers (C/C++/Fortran) version 2022.0.1 intel/2022.2 : oneAPI Intel compilers (C/C++/Fortran) version 2022.0.2 intel/2023.1 : oneAPI Intel compilers (C/C++/Fortran) version 2023.1.0 intel/2024.0 : oneAPI Intel compilers (C/C++/Fortran) version 2024.0.2 intel/2024.1 : oneAPI Intel compilers (C/C++/Fortran) version 2024.1.0 intel/2024.2 : oneAPI Intel compilers (C/C++/Fortran) version 2024.2.1 =:Intel MPI intel/21/mpi : MPI for oneAPI Intel compilers (C/C++/Fortran) version 2021.4.0 intel/21/mvapich2.3.6-21.4 : MVAPICH 2.3.6 for Intel compilers 2021.4 (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric intel/21/mvapich : MVAPICH 2.3.6 for Intel compilers 2021.4 (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric intel/21/openmpi3.1.6-21.4 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 for Intelcompilers 2021.4, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/21/openmpi3 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 for Intelcompilers 2021.4, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/21/openmpi4.1.6-21.4 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for intel compilers 2021.4, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/21/openmpi4 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for intel compilers 2021.4, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/21/openmpi : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for intel compilers 2021.4, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/22/mpi : MPI for oneAPI Intel compilers (C/C++/Fortran) version 2022.0.2 intel/22/mvapich2.3.6-22.2 : MVAPICH 2.3.6 for Intel compilers 2022.2 (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric intel/22/mvapich : MVAPICH 2.3.6 for Intel compilers 2022.2 (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric intel/22/openmpi3.1.6-22.2 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 for Intel compilers 2022.2, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/22/openmpi3 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 for Intel compilers 2022.2, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/22/openmpi4.1.6-22.2 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for Intel compilers 2022.2, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/22/openmpi4 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for Intel compilers 2022.2, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/22/openmpi : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for Intel compilers 2022.2, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/23/mpi : MPI for oneAPI Intel compilers (C/C++/Fortran) version 2023.1.0 intel/23/mvapich2.3.6-23.1 : MVAPICH 2.3.6 for Intel compilers 2023.1 (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric intel/23/mvapich : MVAPICH 2.3.6 for Intel compilers 2023.1 (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric intel/23/openmpi4.1.6-23.1 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for Intel compilers 2023.1, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/23/openmpi4 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for Intel compilers 2023.1, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/23/openmpi : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for Intel compilers 2023.1, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/24/mpi : MPI for oneAPI Intel compilers (C/C++/Fortran) version 2024.0.2 intel/24/mvapich-3.0-24.1 : MVAPICH 3.0 for Intel compilers 2024.1 (API 3.4.3) for IB fabric intel/24/mvapich-3.0-24.2 : MVAPICH 3.0 for Intel compilers 2024.2 (API 3.4.3) for IB fabric intel/24/mvapich2-2.3.7-1-24.1 : MVAPICH 2.3.7-1 for Intel compilers 2024.1 (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric intel/24/mvapich2-2.3.7-1-24.2 : MVAPICH 2.3.7-1 for Intel compilers 2024.2 (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric intel/24/mvapich2.3.6-24.0 : MVAPICH 2.3.6 for Intel compilers 2024.0 (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric intel/24/mvapich2.3.6-24.1 : MVAPICH 2.3.6 for Intel compilers 2024.1 (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric intel/24/mvapich2.3.6-24.2 : MVAPICH 2.3.6 for Intel compilers 2024.2 (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric intel/24/mvapich : MVAPICH 2.3.6 for Intel compilers 2024.0 (API 3.2.1) for IB fabric intel/24/openmpi4.1.6-24.0 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for Intel compilers 2024.0, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/24/openmpi4.1.6-24.1 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for Intel compilers 2024.1, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/24/openmpi4.1.6-24.2 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for Intel compilers 2024.2, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/24/openmpi4 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for Intel compilers 2024.0, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/24/openmpi5.0.1-24.0 : OpenMPI 5.0.1 for Intel compilers 2024.0, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/24/openmpi5.0.5-24.1 : OpenMPI 5.0.5 for Intel compilers 2024.1, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/24/openmpi5.0.5-24.2 : OpenMPI 5.0.5 for Intel compilers 2024.2, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/24/openmpi5 : OpenMPI 5.0.1 for Intel compilers 2024.0, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric intel/24/openmpi : OpenMPI 4.1.6 for Intel compilers 2024.0, (API 3.1.0) for IB fabric =:NVIDIA compilers nvidia/21.9 : NVIDIA Compilers (for Linux_x86_64) 21.9 nvidia/22.9 : NVIDIA Compilers (for Linux_x86_64) 22.9 nvidia/23.11 : NVIDIA Compilers (for Linux_x86_64) 23.11 nvidia/23.5 : NVIDIA Compilers (for Linux_x86_64) 23.5 nvidia/23.9 : NVIDIA Compilers (for Linux_x86_64) 23.9 nvidia/24.3 : NVIDIA Compilers (for Linux_x86_64) 24.3 nvidia/24.5 : NVIDIA Compilers (for Linux_x86_64) 24.5 nvidia/24.7 : NVIDIA Compilers (for Linux_x86_64) 24.7 =:NVIDIA MPI nvidia/21/mvapich2.3.6-21.9 : MVAPICH 2.3.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 21.9 (API 3.1.4) for IB fabric nvidia/21/mvapich : MVAPICH 2.3.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 21.9 (API 3.1.4) for IB fabric nvidia/21/openmpi3.1.6-21.9 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 21.9 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/21/openmpi3 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 21.9 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/21/openmpi4.1.6-21.9 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 21.9 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/21/openmpi4 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 21.9 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/21/openmpi : OpenMPI 4.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 21.9 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/22/mvapich2.3.6-22.9 : MVAPICH 2.3.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 22.9 (API 3.1.4) for IB fabric nvidia/22/mvapich2.3.7-22.9 : MVAPICH 2.3.7-1p1 support for NVIDIA compilers 22.9 (API 3.1.4) for IB fabric nvidia/22/mvapich : MVAPICH 2.3.7-1p1 support for NVIDIA compilers 22.9 (API 3.1.4) for IB fabric nvidia/22/openmpi3.1.6-22.9 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 22.9 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/22/openmpi3 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 22.9 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/22/openmpi4.1.6-22.9 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 22.9 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/22/openmpi4 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 22.9 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/22/openmpi : OpenMPI 4.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 22.9 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/23/mpi : OpenMPI 4.1.5rc2 support for NVDIA compilers 23.11 (API v3.1.0) nvidia/23/mvapich2.3.6-23.11 : MVAPICH 2.3.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 23.11 (API 3.1.4) for IB fabric nvidia/23/mvapich2.3.7-23.11 : MVAPICH 2.3.7-1p1 support for NVIDIA compilers 23.11 (API 3.1.4) for IB fabric nvidia/23/mvapich : MVAPICH 2.3.7-1p1 support for NVIDIA compilers 23.11 (API 3.1.4) for IB fabric nvidia/23/nvidia-hpcx-23.11 : OpenMPI 4.1.5rc2 support for NVDIA compilers 23.11 (API v3.1.0) nvidia/23/nvidia-hpcx : OpenMPI 4.1.5rc2 support for NVDIA compilers 23.11 (API v3.1.0) nvidia/23/nvidia-openmpi3.1.6-23.11: OpenMPI 3.1.6 support for NVDIA compilers 23.11 (API v3.1.6) nvidia/23/nvidia-openmpi3 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 support for NVDIA compilers 23.11 (API v3.1.6) nvidia/23/nvidia-openmpi4.1.5-23.11: OpenMPI 4.1.5 support for NVDIA compilers 23.11 (API v3.1.0) nvidia/23/nvidia-openmpi4 : OpenMPI 4.1.5 support for NVDIA compilers 23.11 (API v3.1.0) nvidia/23/openmpi3.1.6-23.11 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 23.11 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/23/openmpi3 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 23.11 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/23/openmpi4.1.6-23.11 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 23.11 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/23/openmpi4 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 23.11 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/23/openmpi5.0.1-23.11 : OpenMPI 5.0.1 support for NVIDIA compilers 23.11 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/23/openmpi5 : OpenMPI 5.0.1 support for NVIDIA compilers 23.11 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/23/openmpi : OpenMPI 4.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 23.11 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/24/mpi : OpenMPI 4.1.5rc2 support for NVDIA compilers 24.3 (API v3.1.0) nvidia/24/mvapich-3.0-24.5 : MVAPICH 3.0 support for NVIDIA compilers 24.5 (API 3.4.3) for IB fabric nvidia/24/mvapich-3.0-24.7 : MVAPICH 3.0 support for NVIDIA compilers 24.7 (API 3.4.3) for IB fabric nvidia/24/mvapich2.3.6-24.3 : MVAPICH 2.3.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 24.3 (API 3.1.4) for IB fabric nvidia/24/mvapich2.3.7-24.3 : MVAPICH 2.3.7-1p1 support for NVIDIA compilers 24.3 (API 3.1.4) for IB fabric nvidia/24/mvapich : MVAPICH 2.3.7-1p1 support for NVIDIA compilers 24.3 (API 3.1.4) for IB fabric nvidia/24/nvidia-hpcx-24.3 : OpenMPI 4.1.5rc2 support for NVDIA compilers 24.3 (API v3.1.0) nvidia/24/nvidia-hpcx-24.5 : OpenMPI 4.1.5rc2 support for NVDIA compilers 24.5 (API v3.1.0) nvidia/24/nvidia-hpcx-24.7 : OpenMPI 4.1.5rc2 support for NVDIA compilers 24.7 (API v3.1.0) nvidia/24/nvidia-hpx : OpenMPI 4.1.5rc2 support for NVDIA compilers 24.3 (API v3.1.0) nvidia/24/nvidia-openmpi3.1.6-24.3 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 support for NVDIA compilers 24.3 (API v3.1.6) nvidia/24/nvidia-openmpi3.1.6-24.5 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 support for NVDIA compilers 24.5 (API v3.1.6) nvidia/24/nvidia-openmpi3.1.6-24.7 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 support for NVDIA compilers 24.7 (API v3.1.6) nvidia/24/nvidia-openmpi3 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 support for NVDIA compilers 24.3 (API v3.1.6) nvidia/24/nvidia-openmpi4.1.5-24.3 : OpenMPI 4.1.5 support for NVDIA compilers 24.3 (API v3.1.0) nvidia/24/nvidia-openmpi4.1.5-24.5 : OpenMPI 4.1.5 support for NVDIA compilers 24.5 (API v3.1.0) nvidia/24/nvidia-openmpi4.1.5-24.7 : OpenMPI 4.1.5 support for NVDIA compilers 24.7 (API v3.1.0) nvidia/24/nvidia-openmpi4 : OpenMPI 4.1.5 support for NVDIA compilers 24.3 (API v3.1.0) nvidia/24/openmpi3.1.6-24.3 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 24.3 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/24/openmpi3.1.6-24.5 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 24.5 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/24/openmpi3.1.6-24.7 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 24.7 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/24/openmpi3 : OpenMPI 3.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 24.3 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/24/openmpi4.1.6-24.3 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 24.3 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/24/openmpi4.1.6-24.5 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 24.5 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/24/openmpi4.1.6-24.7 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 24.7 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/24/openmpi4 : OpenMPI 4.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 24.3 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/24/openmpi5.0.2-24.3 : OpenMPI 5.0.2 support for NVIDIA compilers 24.3 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/24/openmpi5.0.5-24.5 : OpenMPI 5.0.5 support for NVIDIA compilers 24.5 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/24/openmpi5.0.5-24.7 : OpenMPI 5.0.5 support for NVIDIA compilers 24.7 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/24/openmpi5 : OpenMPI 5.0.2 support for NVIDIA compilers 24.3 (API 3.1.0) nvidia/24/openmpi : OpenMPI 4.1.6 support for NVIDIA compilers 24.3 (API 3.1.0) =:NVIDIA cuda nvidia/21/cuda10.2-21.9 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 10.2 distributed with HPC SDK 21.9 to your environment variables nvidia/21/cuda11.0-21.9 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 11.0 distributed with HPC SDK 21.9 to your environment variables nvidia/21/cuda11.4-21.9 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 11.4 distributed with HPC SDK 21.9 to your environment variables nvidia/21/cuda11.4 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 11.4 distributed with HPC SDK 21.9 to your environment variables nvidia/21/cuda : Full CUDA support for NVIDIA compilers version 21.9, CUDA version 11.4 nvidia/22/cuda10.2-22.9 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 10.2 distributed with HPC SDK 22.9 to your environment variables nvidia/22/cuda11.0-22.9 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 11.0 distributed with HPC SDK 22.9 to your environment variables nvidia/22/cuda11.7-22.9 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 11.7 distributed with HPC SDK 22.9 to your environment variables nvidia/22/cuda11.7 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 11.7 distributed with HPC SDK 22.9 to your environment variables nvidia/22/cuda : Full CUDA support for NVIDIA compilers version 22.9, CUDA version 11.7 nvidia/23/cuda11.0-23.5 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 11.0 distributed with HPC SDK 23.5 to your environment variables nvidia/23/cuda11.0-23.9 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 11.0 distributed with HPC SDK 23.9 to your environment variables nvidia/23/cuda11.8-23.11 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 11.8 distributed with HPC SDK 23.11 to your environment variables nvidia/23/cuda11.8-23.5 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 11.8 distributed with HPC SDK 23.5 to your environment variables nvidia/23/cuda11.8-23.9 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 11.8 distributed with HPC SDK 23.9 to your environment variables nvidia/23/cuda11.8 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 11.8 distributed with HPC SDK 23.11 to your environment variables nvidia/23/cuda12.1-23.5 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 12.1 distributed with HPC SDK 23.5 to your environment variables nvidia/23/cuda12.2-23.9 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 12.2 distributed with HPC SDK 23.9 to your environment variables nvidia/23/cuda12.2 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 12.2 distributed with HPC SDK 23.9 to your environment variables nvidia/23/cuda12.3-23.11 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 12.3 distributed with HPC SDK 23.11 to your environment variables nvidia/23/cuda12.3 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 12.3 distributed with HPC SDK 23.11 to your environment variables nvidia/23/cuda : Full CUDA support for NVIDIA compilers version 23.11, CUDA version 11.8 nvidia/24/cuda11.8-24.3 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 11.8 distributed with HPC SDK 24.3 to your environment variables nvidia/24/cuda11.8-24.5 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 11.8 distributed with HPC SDK 24.5 to your environment variables nvidia/24/cuda11.8-24.7 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 11.8 distributed with HPC SDK 24.7 to your environment variables nvidia/24/cuda11.8 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 11.8 distributed with HPC SDK 24.3 to your environment variables nvidia/24/cuda12.3-24.3 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 12.3 distributed with HPC SDK 24.3 to your environment variables nvidia/24/cuda12.3 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 12.3 distributed with HPC SDK 24.3 to your environment variables nvidia/24/cuda12.4-24.5 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 12.4 distributed with HPC SDK 24.5 to your environment variables nvidia/24/cuda12.5-24.7 : adds NVIDIA CUDA 12.5 distributed with HPC SDK 24.7 to your environment variables nvidia/24/cuda : Full CUDA support for NVIDIA compilers version 24.3, CUDA version 11.8 =:Module module-color : set module show some colors for sticky and autoload module-git : get last version of the module sources from GitHub module-info : returns all various module-info values module-nocolor : set module show output to no color module-nowarn : disable module warnings module-simple-format : limit module show output to header:tag:idx module-verbose : set module to be verbose =:Misc blacs/openmpi/gcc/64/1.1patch03 : adds Blacs to your environment variables gis/gdal/2.0.2 : Dependencies for use of GDAL 2.0.2 gis/proj/4.9.2 : Dependencies for use of PROJ 4.9.2 gis/rgdal/1.1-10 : Dependencies for use of rgdal 1.1-10 gnuplot : deprecated compatibility module for gnuplot 5.2.4-3 hdf5/1.14.0 : adds HDF5 to your environment variables hdf5_18/1.8.21 : adds HDF5 to your environment variables lapack/gcc/64/3.11.0 : Adds LAPACK library for GCC 64 bits to your environment. mmfs/1_0 : Adds gpfs to your environment mpich/ge/gcc/64/4.1.1 : adds MPICH-gcc to your environment variables mvapich2/gcc/64/2.3.7 : adds MVAPICH2-gcc to your environment variables netcdf/gcc/64/gcc/64/4.9.2 : Adds NetCDF to your environment openblas/dynamic/0.3.18 : adds OpenBLAS libraries to your environment variables openmpi/gcc/64/4.1.5 : Adds OpenMPI 4 to your environment variables openmpi4/gcc/4.1.5 : Adds OpenMPI 4 to your environment variables =:Module list last updated as of Tue Jan 28 2025 at 13:30 with mk-module-list.pl v2.1/3