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Public Talks and Colloquia on the SPST:

  1. U. of California, Berkeley 12/96
  2. U. of  Wisconsin 6/96
  3. U. of Arizona  9/96 
  4. U. of Texas 10/96
  5. California Institute of Technology 10/96 
  6. Northwestern U. 11/96
  7. SPST Conference, Harvard U. 3/97
  8. Boston University 4/97
  9. IAU General Assembly, Kyoto 8/97
  10. ASP meeting, Chicago, IL 7/97
  11. URSI North American meeting, Montreal, Canada 7/97
  12. Rutgers University 11/97
  13. Princeton University 11/97
  14. Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Open House 3/98
  15. University of Colorado 3/98
  16. SPIE meeting, Kona, HI 3/98
  17. AAS meeting, San Diego,  CA 6/98
  18. Instrumentation for Cosmology Conference, Princeton NJ 6/99
  19. SPIE meeting Munich, Germany 4/00


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Last modified: April 22, 2000