Western U.S. Cordillera (WUSC) Deformation AcknowledgmentsWe made extensive use of data products from the Bay Area Regional Deformation (BARD), Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS), European Reference Frame (EUREF), Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL), International GPS Service (IGS), Southern California Integrated GPS Network (SCIGN), and Western Canada Deformtaion Array networks (see Table 1) provided by the SOPAC facility. We made use of data products for the SCEC data set provided by the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) and Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT). GPS data from the Alaska Deformation Array (AKDA), the Basin and Range Geodetic Network (BARGEN), the Eastern Basin and Range-Yellowstone (EBRY), the Pacific Northwest Geodetic Array (PANGA), and the Yucca Mountain-Death Valley campaign networks, were analyzed at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO). We also made use of VLBI data products (from terrestrial reference frame solution number 1083c) provided by the NASA GSFC, and SLR and DORIS data products provided by Laboratoire de Recherche en Geodesie (LAREG). We wish to thank the many individuals and institutions contributing to the establishment and day-to-day (or campaign-to-campaign) operation of all of the space geodetic networks that we have used. Tom Herring provided help with the GLOBK software. The topography data shown in the figures is from NOAA and the figures were created with the GMT software. This research was funded by NSF grants EAR-9418784, EAR-9725766 (both to Caltech with subcontracts to SAO), and EAR-0135457, DOE cooperative agreements UNR99-04, DOE FC08-98NV12081 (with subcontracts to SAO), NASA grants NAG5-8226 and NAG5-11629, and NOAA/NGS grants NAG5-8226 and NAG5-11629, and USGS grant 99HQGR0212. Dissemination of these results was funded in part by a grant from the Atherton Seidell Endowment Fund of the Smithsonian Institution. For further information contact:
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