About the Speakers’ Bureau
The NASA-Smithsonian Universe Education Forum in Cambridge, Massachusetts is NASA’s official partner in teaching and learning about the structure and evolution of the universe. One of our primary goals is to promote valuable interactions between current science researchers and the general public, through education and public outreach with informal education institutions.

Our “Inside Einstein’s Universe” Speakers’ Bureau is working to create authentic partnerships between scientists across the country and science centers in their local areas. The supplemental resources we offer focus on the astronomical themes of the Einstein Centennial, but are intended for use well beyond 2005.

Helpful Hints for Speakers and Host Institutions


For Informal Educators

Requesting a Speaker
We are now accepting online requests for guest lecturers at institutions across the country. Your request for a scientist speaker at your institution will be matched to our existing database of scientists. We will try to match a speaker near your locale to your event needs as best we can but cannot guarantee that all requests will be fulfilled.

You will be notified via email if your request can be accommodated. Included with this confirmation of possible speaker matches, you will be provided with the appropriate contact information.

Note: Most speakers expect to be called upon to give a 25-45 minute talk, followed by a question and answer period.

It will be your institution's responsibility to contact the individual and arrange the details of the event, including mutual agreements regarding any assistance the speaker might require, such as logistical or travel support.

Request a Speaker


For Scientists and Engineers

Becoming a Speaker
We are recruiting Guest Lecturers to speak at museums, planetariums, and science centers across the country. If you are interested in speaking to an audience in your area, please register for the Speakers’ Bureau below.

When we receive a request from an organization in your area, your name and contact information may be given to a representative from that institution and you will be notified as such. If this institution contacts you as a result of our recommendation, it will be your responsibility to work with them to arrange and familiarize yourself with the details of the event, including any logistical or travel support you require.

Register for the Speakers' Bureau


Resources for Speakers
The Universe Education Forum has created a number of resources to assist you in your interactions with museum and planetarium visitors. A collection of prepared presentations for scientists and engineers offers a graphics-rich context for introducing today's scientific investigations to general audiences. These presentations are designed to be supplemented by scientists' own research. Other resources offer additional tools for addressing the needs of informal audiences.

“Space Time Telescopes” Scientist Presentation
"Our Expanding Universe” Scientist Presentation
"Hunting for Black Holes” Scientist Presentation
"Einstein's Lens” Scientist Presentation

Frequently Asked Questions About Cosmology
Visual resources for enhancing your presentation