As 2005 continues, check back here to explore the calendar of events in your area and find out
what is happening Inside Einstein's Universe.

Date Event Title and Description Location Event Venue  
2/9/05 Einstein and Hot Topics in Cosmology (Teacher Workshop)
2005 marks the 100th anniversary of Einstein's major works - a look at time, realativity, black holes, and dark matter.
Concord, NH Christa McAuliffe Planetarium

learn more

3/9/05 Chandra's High Energy Vision
Free public lecture with Donna Young of Tufts University on the exciting discoveries made at the Chandra X-ray Observatory.
Allendale, MI Grand Valley State University, Allendale Campus, 102 Loutit Lecture Hall, Padnos Hall of Science learn more
3/10/05 Chandra and the X-Ray Universe
This workshop for middle and high schools teacher with Donna Young of Tufts University will provide a rich understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum, stellar evolution, and computer imagery.
Allendale, MI Grand Valley State University, Allendale Campus, 303 Henry Hall learn more
4th Sat and Sun of each month in 2005 "Behind the scenes" tours of the planetarium
Visitors can find out how the planetarium star machine and control system works, and will see parts of the planetarium not normally open to the public followed by a brief planetarium program; ages 8 & up, under 16 must be accompanied by an adult, tickets required.
Lafayette, LA Lafayette Natural History Museum & Planetarium 337-291-5544
3/26/05 Solar Observing
Public solar  observing with safely filtered telescopes in conjunction with International Sun-Earth Week
Lafayette, LA Behind the Lafayette Natural History Museum and Planetarium 337-291-5544
3/29/05- 3/31/05 Children's solar workshops
Three afternoon workshops related to the sun for children ages 10 -14 in conjunction with International Sun-Earth Week; pre-registration and a small entry fee is required
Lafayette, LA Lafayette Natural History Museum & Planetarium 337-291-5544
4/08/05 Solar Eclipse Observing
Public viewing of a partial solar eclipse using safely filtered telescopes
Lafayette, LA Behind the Lafayette Natural History Museum and Planetarium 337-291-5544
4/16/05 Astronomy Day
Planetarium programs and displays during the day and a public star party and telescope fair in the evening, weather permitting
Lafayette, LA Lafayette Natural History Museum & Planetarium (day events) and Acadiana Park, Alexander Street (star party/ telescope fair) 337-291-5544
6/04/05- 8/28/05 Public planetarium program "Fingerprinting the Stars" (visitors will observe and sketch spectra, learn how they can be used to identify substances, and how astronomers use spectra to learn about the universe) Lafayette, LA Lafayette Natural History Museum & Planetarium 337-291-5544
10/08/05 Autumn Star Party
Public telecope viewing of celestial objects
Lafayette, LA Acadiana Park, Alexander Street 337-291-5544
10/08/05-1/08/06 Public planetarium program "Hubble Vision 2" (visitors will learn about the Hubble Space Telescope and many of its discoveries in this program created by Loch Ness Productions) Lafayette, LA Lafayette Natural History Museum & Planetarium 337-291-5544
10/01/05-12/31/05 Cosmic Questions exhibit
A traveling exhibit about many aspects of space and time
Lafayette, LA Lafayette Natural History Museum & Planetarium 337-291-5544



To submit an event, send an email to with the above information:
Event Date, Event Title and Description, State, Venue, Where to Learn More (pick one: web link,
email address, phone number). Please include "Einstein Event" in your subject header. Calendar
will be updated periodically.