The Universe Forum is creating a portfolio of exciting astronomy resources for use in 2005 and beyond. Explore the materials below and join NASA’s celebration of the Einstein Centennial/World Year of Physics. If you would like to find out when new products become available, you can register for our mailing list here.

Educational Resources
Printed guides, lesson plans, interactive web features, and presentations for informal educators and scientists. Go there.

Visual Resources
Annotated images, animations, and visualizations featuring black holes and cosmology. Go there.

Web Resources
Selected web resources from the Universe Forum and our NASA space science mission partners. Go there.

Speakers' Bureau
Opportunities for interactions between scientists and informal educators across the country. Go there.


Please visit our Events page to learn about public events and professional development opportunities in your area.



Online Telescope Network

You be the astronomer as you explore the universe with online telescopes.
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Space Time Telescopes
Discover the amazing technology that NASA is using to explore the limits of space and time.
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