HITRAN Documentation
HITRAN paper describing 2012 edition | This HITRAN manuscript is the article describing the HITRAN2012 database that has been published in a Special Issue of the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 130, pp. 4-50 (2013). |
Sources of data in HITRAN | This document provides the references and sources of six of the key parameters in HITRAN, namely the line position, the intensity, the air- and self-broadened half-widths, the temperature-dependence of the air-broadened half-width, and the pressure shift of the line. There are also sources listed for the cross-section data in HITRAN. |
HAWKS Manual | The HAWKS manual provides information for installing the JavaHAWKS software, and for running the various features of the software. The software is for filtering, managing, and plotting the line transitions and cross-section data in the HITRAN compilation. |
HITRAN paper describing 2008 edition | This HITRAN manuscript is the article describing the HITRAN'2008 database that was published in a Special Issue of the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 110, pp. 533-572 (2009). |
HITRAN paper describing 2004 edition | This HITRAN manuscript is the article describing the HITRAN'2004 database that was published in a Special Issue of the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 96, pp. 139-204 (2005). |
HITRAN paper describing 2000 edition | This HITRAN manuscript is the article describing the HITRAN'2000 database along with updates of 2001 that was in a Special Issue of the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 82, pp. 5-44 (2003). |
HITRAN paper describing 1996 edition |
A reprint of the article on the HITRAN'96 database that
appeared in a Special Issue of the Journal of Quantitative
Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 60,
pp. 665-710 (1998). The Appendix in this paper provides definitions and units for various HITRAN parameters. |
HITRAN paper describing 1986 edition |
A reprint of the article on the HITRAN'86 database that
appeared in Applied Optics, vol. 26, pp. 4058-4097
(1987). This edition of HITRAN marked the first major expansion of the line-transition format. |
Original 1973 HITRAN report | This is a scanned copy of the original report for the first published database (1973). It contains some useful information about the basic science of the original seven molecules in the database as well as the definition of vibrational notation, for example. |
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