Updates to Current HITRAN2012 Data
Sources for
Update for 14N15N
nitrogen line parameters
Update for singly-deuterated
hydrogen (HD) line parameters

****************** March, 2014
Update for HITRAN References
The sources for the 6 major parameters in the HITRAN database, as well as for the cross-sections data, are contained in a pdf file. This file is updated each time new or modified data are added to the compilation.

The reference document can be downloaded here ( HITRAN References ) or
from the HITRAN ftp site.

****************** October, 2013
Update for 14N15N
  Similar to the error found for the HD molecule mentioned below, the abundance of the 14N15N isotopologue was incorrectly calculated in the original release of HITRAN2012; it is now fixed in the molparam.txt file as well as in other relevant tables.

The new data can be downloaded here either in ASCII:
or compressed format:
The “.par” files should be used as a complete replacement of the 2012 nitrogen linelist.

****************** September, 2013
Update for Singly-deuterated Hydrogen (HD)
  It was discovered by J. Mendrok (Lulea University of Technology, Kiruna, Sweden) that the abundance of the HD molecule was incorrectly calculated in the original release of HITRAN2012; it is now fixed in the molparam.txt file as well as in other relevant tables. The implication was that the intensities of the electric dipole transitions reported in the original 45_hit12.par file needed to be multiplied by two, although it did not affect the Einstein-A coefficients. The correction is reflected in the update file.

  In addition, a total number of 7195 electric quadrupole transitions of the HD molecule have been calculated and added to the HITRAN line list. The calculation was carried out using the energy levels from the work by K. Pachucki and J. Komasa, “Rovibrational levels of HD,” Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. 12, 9188-9196 (2010) and the quadrupole moment function of L. Wolniewicz, I. Simbotin, and A. Dalgarno, “Quadrupole Transition Probabilities for the Excited Rovibrational States of H2,” Astrophys.J.Suppl.Ser. 115, 293-313 (1998).

  For the purpose of validation, comparisons between the HITRAN database, Kurucz database, and the most recent experimental results have been performed for the H2 and HD transitions. The corresponding report, pdfComparison of Hydrogen Databases, provides more details on this effort.

The new data can be downloaded here either in ASCII:
or compressed format:
The “.par” files should be used as a complete replacement of the 2012 hydrogen linelist.