Smithsonian Directives (FM favorites page)
 Smithsonian Directive Favorites

Smithsonian Directives

Top Smithsonian Directives for Financial Management Functions
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SD 301 - Financial Management Accounting Policies and Procedures
----- SD 301 - Financial Mgmt Accounting Policies Procedures Handbook

SD 302 - Financial Management Payment Policies, Systems, and Procedures
----- SD 302 - SI Financial Management for Payments Handbook

SD 304 - Cost Recovery on Sponsored Projects

SD 305 - Administrative Control of Funds
------ Appendix 1 - Relationship Between Smithsonian Administrative Fund Control and Financial/Accounting Systems - Federal
------ Appendix 2 - Distribution of and Responsibility for Federal Funds
------ Appendix 3 - Distribution of and Responsibility for Trust Funds
------ Appendix 4 - Relationship Between Smithsonian Administrative Fund Control and Financial/Accounting Systems - Trust
------ Appendix 5 - Smithsonian Institution Internal Reprogrammings
------ Appendix 6 - Delegation of SD 305 Funds Control Authority by Unit Directors to Designated Officials

SD 310 - Financial Reporting and Risk Management Internal Controls
SD 311 - Time and Attendance Reporting and Record Keeping
SD 312 - Travel
----- SD 312 - Travel Handbook

SD 315 - Personal Property Management
SD 315 - Personal Property Management Manual
SD 317 - New Endowments, Endowment Transfers, and Additions to Endowments
SD 318 - Externally Funded Sponsored Projects
SD 320 - Cost-Sharing Documentation on Sponsored Projects
SD 323 - Smithsonian Institution Spending Policy for Federal Appropriations and Trust Funds

----- Use of Funds Handbook

----- Employee Award and Gift Catalog

----- Special Event Spending Guidelines

----- Policies: Revised Use of Funds Handbook (v. 7.0)

----- Clarification to Local Travel applicable to SAO per SD 323, Use of Funds || Handbook Use of Funds clarification_specific to SAO Local Travel.

SD 931 - Use of Computers, Telecomunications Devices, and Networks


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