Tax Identification Number (TIN) for US Companies. May leave blank for a foreign supplier (eg. a non-US based company).
Full Mailing and Business Addresses, phone/fax numbers, and business contact information.
Business Types. At a minimum for suppliers based in the US, the vendor must be classified as either "Large Business" or "Small Business." Other supplemental business types would be helpful to capture, including Woman Owned Business, Vet Owned Business, HUB Zone Firm, etc. For all foreign based companies, please utilize "Foreign Supplier."
Authorizing signature. For instances where the CCR is utilized to verify vendor authentication, the CCR registration will be accepted in place of an authorized signature from the vendor.
For 1099 Consulting Vendors, the "1099 Recipient" checkbox must be checked off
Per SI-OC policy, all regular vendors with a US Tax ID Number (TIN) must also submit a supplemental IRS W-9 form (Request for TIN and Certification).
Stipend Recipients
Stipend's Full Name
Social Security Number (SSN) for US residents. May leave blank or write "FOREIGN" in this field if the person is a non-US resident who does not currently have a SSN.
Full Mailing Address, phone/fax numbers (if available), and SAO contact information.
Business Types may be omitted.
Check off the 1042 Recipient "yes" box if the stipend is a non-US resident requiring a 1042-S.
Authorizing signature indicating all information contained within the vendor form is valid.
Per SI-OC policy, all stipend recipients with a US Social Security Number (SSN) must submit a supplemental IRS W-9 form (Request for TIN and Certification).
TO END USERS: if travel is required, you may submit a supplemental GovTrip security form attached to the vendor form.
No-Fee Consultants - A no-fee consultant is an non-SAO employee/Stipend who is only traveling on behalf of SAO, and will only be reimbursed travel expenses for SAO related travel.
No-Fee Consultant's Full Name
Social Security Number (SSN) for US residents. May leave blank or write "FOREIGN" in this field if the person is a non-US resident who does not currently have a SSN.
Full Mailing Address, phone/fax numbers (if available), and SAO contact information.
Business Types may be omitted.
No tax box is to be checked off.
Authorizing signature indicating all information contained within the vendor form is valid.
Per SI-OC policy, all no-fee consultants/invitational travelers with a US Social Security Number (SSN) must submit a supplemental IRS W-9 form (Request for TIN and Certification).
TO END USERS: you must submit a supplemental GovTrip security form along with the vendor form, FM will forward the GovTrip security form once a vendor ID has been assigned.
Q: What information is required on the supplemental Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) forms, and who is eligible to receive EFT remittances?A: All suppliers (regular vendors), Stipend recipients, and no-fee consultants with a bank in the US can received EFT payments. Banks located outside the US cannot receive direct EFT payments via PeopleSoft, but is feasible through an International Wire Transfer Request. With the implementation of GovTrip, all reimbursements are now handled through the National Finance Center and reimbursed via US Treasury checks or EFT (whatever the default payment is associated with the vendor ID). The following information is required on the EFT forms:
Bank Name
Bank ABA Number/Routing Number
Bank Account Number
Q: We have a new employee who requires immediate travel, how can I get that person into GovTrip as soon as possible?A: : In order to set up a traveler in TM+, the person must first have an approved PeopleSoft vendor ID. A new employee will automatically receive
a new vendor number with a file interface from the National Finance Center (NFC) to the Smithsonian Institution's Office of the Comptroller (SI-OC), which typically takes 3-4 weeks
depending on the pay period cycle of the new hire date. If immediate travel is required from the new hire date, fill out a vendor enrollment form, and send it to MS-26 to attention Ria Jauw.
Please email Ria prior to the submission. Once the PeopleSoft vendor profile is approved by SI-OC, FMD will coordinate the addition into TM+ with the Travel Department.
Q: How do I look up the status of a vendor in PeopleSoft?A: Please click here for a detailed tutorial on how to look up a vendor's current status or vendor ID along with definitions of each vendor status.