Shipping, Receiving & Services

The Shipping, Receiving & Services section (S&R) comprises the following three functions:

1. Shipping is responsible for the shipping of any business-related materials to both domestic and foreign destinations.

  • This process is coordinated through S&R, and is managed according to accepted standards and applicable regulations.

2. Receiving is responsible for the day-to-day receipt of all packages delivered to SAO by carriers from various vendors and collaborators.

  • Once received, all packages are checked for purchase order number or address of recipient. If a package is part of a purchase order, it is checked in, received in PeopleSoft, then delivered to and signed for by the recipient.
  • Packages that do not have a purchase order number are delivered to the addressee.

3. Services is responsible for the delivery each day of packages that were received and obtaining proper signatures for those items that require it. Also, at this time packages for which pickup by non-USPS vendors has been arranged are retrieved by Services staff.

  • U.S. Postal mail is picked up each morning from the Cambridge Post Office and brought into the S&R area to be sorted by mailstop. (Each department in SAO has a mail stop, designated by a numerical suffix.)
  • Once the mail is sorted, three messengers deliver mail to all of the designated mail stops in the morning and to most in the afternoon, as well. At these times outgoing mail is picked up. At the end of each day, all outgoing mail has either postage affixed via the postage machine or has already been given a stamp by the sender. It is delivered daily to the post office.
  • Similarly, all FedEx, UPS, and other non-USPS shipments are made ready for pickup at the end of each day.

Please note that only SAO business-related packages should be sent through SAO Shipping & Receiving; all personal packages should be sent home.(Special allowances may be made on a case by case basis.) If a personal package is received at S&R, the addressee will be notified and required to retrieve the item from S&R. Shipping & Receiving will not be responsible for the delivery of any personal items that have been received.

Useful S&R Information:

For guidance with shipping, receiving & services related questions, please contact either:

Michael McIsaac, 617-823-3959 Karl Colimon, 617-495-7421


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