Structure of a Complete Fund Number
Each component of the appropriation fund number and of the complete
accounting classification codes contains information about the transaction.
16794740 S76R05 4R50
(1) 16794740
Fund Number 8 digits
(2) S76  
Program Code 3 digits
(3) R  
Division Code 1 digit
(4) 05
Task Code 2 digits
(5) 4R50
Organization Code 4 digits
(6) 231  
Object Class 3 digits
(1) Fund Number
This eight-character code ( XXXXXXXX ) indicates the appropriation, allocation, or allotment where the transaction will be recorded.
First Digit: Identifies the fund group. ( Xxxxxxxxx )
1 - Current operating funds such as overhead funds, contracts and grants, restricted and
unrestricted funds
2 - Businessactivities including cost centers like Central Engineering and the Central
Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
C - Construction and Repairs and Restoration (R&R) funds
8 - Federal funds, including Salaries and Expenses, and no-year funds such as the Major
Scientific Instrumentation (MSI) fund
Second Digit: Identifies the fund category in Trust
fund groups. ( xXxxxxxx)
1 - Trust fund overhead
2 - Trust Unrestricted funds, such as Research Opportunities Funds (ROF) and Scholarly
Studies funds
3 - Bureau-designated restricted Trust funds such as the Director's Discretionary Fund (DDF)
4 - Trust Restricted endowment and operating funds, such as Arthur, Hodgkins, Rollins,
Roebling Solar, Sprague, and Wolcott funds, requested via proposals prepared by
the SAO Director and Associate Directors for the SI Assistant Secretary for the
5 - Trust Restricted gifts (such as the Wolbach Gift)
6 - Trust funds for sponsored projects
A - Federal funds not specific to a fiscal year.
For One-Year Federal funds, specifies the fiscal
Third Digit: For SAO grants and contracts, identifies the fund as either a contract or grant. ( xxXxxxxx )
5 - Non-Federal Grants and Contracts
6 - Federal Agency Grants
7 - Federal Agency Contracts
For Trust fund overhead, specifies the fiscal
Third-Fourth Digits - For Trust Unrestricted Special Purpose
and Federal funds, "40" indicates an SAO activity to SI ( xxXXxxxx
Third-Sixth Digits: For SAO grants and contracts, indicates the individual grant or contract number assigned by the SI Office of
Sponsored Projects. (
xxXXXXxx )
Fifth Digit: For Trust Unrestricted Special Purpose
funds, indicates type of fund.
( xxxxXxxx )
/ E-Educational Outreach / F-Research
Opportunity / J-Smithson
Awards R-Regent's Publications / S-Scholarly Studies / X-Exhibitions
/ P-Prior Year Allotments
Sixth-Eighth Digits: For Trust Unrestricted Special Purpose
funds, indicates identification of fund.
( xxxxxXXX )
Seventh-Eighth Digits: For Trust fund overhead, Federal
funds, and contracts and grants, "40" indicates an SAO activity to SI. "41" indicates an educational supplement
to an existing SAO contract or grant.
( xxxxxxXX )
This three-character code identifies the broad
objective of the transaction. The program code is used on requisitions and
accounting transactions, but it never appears on a financial report. SAO
reports these codes to SI for each transaction and SI uses the codes to report
on activities within the Institution across Units. (Note: For SI/SFS Program Codes,
refer to SAO-SI.SFS-ProgramCodes2001.html
Definitions and Descriptions for Program Codes
R29 Astrophysical Research (General)
Integration of laboratory measurements,
theoretical astrophysics, and telescopic observations across the
electromagnetic spectra from radio waves to gamma rays. The code should be used
for page charges for articles appearing in scholarly journals. Administrative
and technical support staff working directly on sponsored projects should use
this program code on salary costs. Divisional administrative support staff
should also use this program code.
G99 Research - Departmental Administrative Support
Salary charges for Division Administrators to
non-contract & grant funds within SAO’s scientific divisions in direct
support of divisional research. Only salary for Division Administrators (DA’s)
will carry this program code. It excludes non-salary divisional expenses and
excludes salaries for staff other than DA’s. Salary charges for DA to contracts
& grants are in direct support of a particular research effort and should
be charged to R29.
E01 Education - Pre-Collegiate-Student and Teacher
Materials and programs developed specifically
for use by students and teachers in an educational environment.
E14 Education - General Public -- Information/Orientation
Materials, programs and outreach activities
intended for the general public. Includes salary charges for time spent by
trust, federal, and contract & grant supported staff for these activities.
General information activities could include lectures for non-scientific
audiences, the preparation of written or electronic material intended for a
general audience, and many other costs.
E15 Education - Reference Service
Activities associated with the acquisition and
management of research materials and databases and the provision of information
resources and services. Reference services differ from research material and
database management (which should be coded to 1029, R29) since they are
generally intended to be accessible to users beyond the researchers at the CfA.
A01 Management & Administration and Support Services
Administrative and other services that provide
support to the Observatory, e.g., human resources, accounting, budgeting,
contracting, photographic services, duplicating, information technology,
communications, and audio-visual services. Division administrative support
staff should use this program code for salary charges to non-sponsored project
F03 Facilities - Operations/Maintenance
Activities include crafts and trades support for
building interiors and exteriors, including elevators, escalators, mechanical
and electrical equipment, and other building systems. Also in Administrative
functions associated with included are preventive maintenance, lamping
services, rent, and utilities.
F51 Space Modifications (REQUISITIONS ONLY)
Alterations and Modifications funded under the
Construction appropriation only. (C funds)
F61 General Repairs (REQUISITIONS ONLY)
Minor and unscheduled repairs or repairs that do not fit into a discrete facilities repair and renewal program. (C funds)
T02 Fire, Environmental Management and Safety
Unit-level activities associated with
environmental management, fire protection, safety, and disaster preparedness.
U02 Net Revenue Producing
Central Engineering cost center activities,
CBAT, FLWO revenue generating activities and other unit-sponsored public
offerings for which fees are charged.
D01 Fundraising and Sponsorship
Costs associated with the cultivation and
solicitation of prospective donors and sponsors. Special events for which no
fee is charged, directed to specific audiences versus the general public, the
primary purpose of which is to cultivate potential donors.
This single-character code identifies the SAO
division that has ownership of an award. The division code is located between
the three-digit program code and the two-digit task code.
- A Atomic and Molecular Physics Division (AMP)
- H High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD)
- I Overhead Support Departments
- O Optical and Infrared Astronomy Division (OIR)
- P Planetary Sciences Division (PS)
- R Radio and Geoastronomy Division (R&G)
- S Solar and Stellar Physics Division (SSP)
- T Theoretical Astrophysics Division (TA)
This two-character field is used at the
discretion of the fund administrator to segregate costs within a single fund
and organization. The SAO Financial Management Department uses task codes
across organizations to accumulate costs for a particular purpose, e.g. tuition
reimbursement or safety program costs.
This four-character code identifies which division or department is generating this particular transaction. All
organization codes that identify SAO divisions or departments begin with 4.
Technical Support
- 4E81 Central Engineering
- 4K82 Science Education
- 4I83 Computation Facility
- 4I86 Radio Telescope Data Center
- 4I87 Optical Telescope Data Center
- 4I89 CfA Colloquia Series
General and Administrative
- 4I90 Women's Program Committee
- 4I91 Director's Office
- 4I92 Travel
- 4I93 Sub-Contracts and Procurement
- 4I94 Human Resources
- 4I95 Contracts, Grants & Property Management
- 4I96 Financial Management Department
- 4I97 Library
Scientific Divisions
- 4A50 Atomic and Molecular Physics Division (AMP)
- 4R50 Radio and Geoastronomy Division (R&G): Radio Astronomy
- 4R60 R&G Division: Submillimeter Array (SMA)
- 4R61 R&G Division: SMA, Hilo
- 4R62 R&G Division: Haystack
- 4R65 R&G Division: SMA Receiver Lab
- 4G01 R&G Division: Geoastronomy
- 4G50 R&G Division: Special Projects
- 4M60 R&G Division: Maser Laboratory
- 4O50 Optical and Infrared Astronomy Division (OIR)
- 4O51 OIR Division: Oak Ridge Observatory
- 4O56 OIR Division: Multiple Mirror Telescope Support (MMT)
- 4O60 OIR Division: Infrared-Optical Telescope Array (IOTA)
- 4O80 OIR Division: Whipple Observatory 48"/60" Support
- 4H00 High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD)
- 4P50 Planetary Sciences Division (PS)
- 4S50 Solar and Stellar Physics Division (SSP)
- 4T50 Theoretical Astrophysics Division (TA)
This three-digit code identifies the category of
expense or income for the transaction. A detailed description of each class is
- 111 Salaries - Regular
- 112 Leave Rate Applied
- 113 Salaries and Other
- 114 Severance (SAO)
- 115 Accrued Salaries
- 116 Leave Rate Applied (Accrued Salaries)
- 120 Pool Benefits (Regular Salaries)
- 121 Pool Benefits (FICA)
- 122 Pool Benefits (Accrued Salaries)
- 199 Indirect Cost - Overhead Recovery
- 210 Travel - Prior to FY '97
- 211 Travel - Domestic
- 212 Travel - Foreign
- 213 Travel - Local - business mileage, parking, tolls, etc. for local trips
- 220 Transportation of Things
- 221 Relocation
- 231 Real Property Rental
- 232 Photocopy Machine Rental
- 233 Voice Communications
- 234 Postage
- 235 Utilities
- 237 Computer Equipment Rental
- 238 Other Equipment Rental
- 239 Data Communications
- 240 Publication Page Charges
- 241 Printing/Photocopying
- 250 Miscellaneous Services
- 251 Non Personal Service Consultant
- 252 Equipment Maintenance
- 253 Tuition Reimbursement
- 254 Training/Conferences
- 255 Personnel Service Consultant
- 256 Central Engineering
- 257 Internal Computing (dormant)
- 258 External Computing
- 259 Stipends
- 25A Indirect Cost - Material Burden Recovery
- 25B Indirect Cost - Gen. and Admin. Recovery
- 260 Material and Parts
- 261 Office Supplies
- 262 Books/Journals/Subscriptions/Dues
- 263 Computer Supplies
- 264 Non-Tagged Equipment (less than $1,000)
- 265 Fuel Supplies
- 266 Taggable Sensitive Equipment (more than $250) - Dormant after
- 269 Other Supplies
- 310 Equipment - Dormant prior to FY97
- 311 Transportation Equipment
- 312 Furniture and Fixtures
- 313 Electronic Equipment
- 314 Computer/Telecommunications Equipment
- 315 Computer Software
- 316 Mechanical and Other Equipment
- 317 Deliverable Contract & Grant Equipment
- 800 Subcontracts/Grants
- 801 Non-Overhead Bearing Stipends
- 805 Subgrants
- 860 Temporary Budget
- 870 Indirect Cost - FY 1995 and prior>
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