1. Stark, A. A., and Mumma, D. "AST/RO Drive System Parameters", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #1, December 1989.

  2. Stark, A. A. "AST/RO Logistical Requirements", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #2, (Original: March 1990; Revised: June 1992).

  3. Stark, A. A., Mumma, D., and Gorbich, C. "An Opto-Isolator Board for a 24-Channel Parallel Interface on the ISA Bus", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #3, April 1990.

  4. Stark, A. A., Bally, J., Wilson, R. W., Bania, T. M., Lane, A. P., and Lo, K.-Y. "Instrument Interface for a Small Far-IR Telescope", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #4, July 1990.

  5. Stark, A. A. "A Limit Switch Scheme for the AST/RO Telescope", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #5, December 1990.

  6. Savage, M., and Stark, A. A. "A Battery Box for Manual AST/RO Telescope Motion", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #6, December 1990.

  7. Stark, A. A. "An Eight-Channel Bolometer Preamplifier", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #7, January 1991.

  8. Mumma, D. "A Phase Lock Loop System Using Gunn Oscillators", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #8, 1991.

  9. Rockosi, C. "AOS Temperature Control System", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #9, August 1991.

  10. Pilato, G. "I/O Map for AST/RO Computers and Expansion Chassis", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #10, August 1991.

  11. Stark, A. A., Cheng, J., Chamberlin, R., and Wright, G. "Equations of the Secondary Mirrors for AST/RO", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #11, (Original: April 1992; Revised: March 1994).

  12. Bally, J., and Stark, A. A. "AST/RO Optics", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #12, 1991 (draft).

  13. Ingalls, J. "The AST/RO Primary Mirror Truss", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #13, June 1992.

  14. Stark, A. A., Lane, A. P., Bania, T. M., Chamberlin, R., Ingalls, J., Jackson, J., Huang, M., Wilson, R. W., Mumma, D., Wright, G., and Bally, J. "Summary of Preliminary Tests of the AST/RO Instrument", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #14, May 1993.

  15. Castro, E. "Overview of Work Done on Dome Control", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #15, August 1993.

  16. Chamberlin, R. A., and Smith, A. "A Surface of Revolution Method for Fabrication of Ellipsoidal Mirrors at Boston University", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #16, October 1993.

  17. Zimmermann, P., and Stark, A. A. "A 460-500 GHz Schottky Receiver for the AST/RO Telescope", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #17, July 1994.

  18. Balm, S. "The New Adelie Computer For AST/RO (`royal')", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #18, April 1994.

  19. Stark, A. A., Lane, A. P., Balm, S., Rumitz, M., Bania, T., Chamberlin, R., Huang, M., Ingalls, J., Jackson, J., Castro, E., Wilson, R. W., Mumma, D., Wright, G., Bally, J., Lo, K.-Y., Engargiola, G., Stutzki, J., and Staguhn, J. "Summary of 1994 Tests of the AST/RO Instrument", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #19, July 1994.

  20. Castro, E., and Bolatto, A. "Interfacing the Fineserv Chopper Controller Under Lynxx", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #20, December 1994.

  21. Chamberlin, R. A. "Mid Season AST/RO Site Survey and Aeronomy Results, 1995", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #21, August 1995.

  22. Stark, A. A. "Test of Mirror Slider for AST/RO", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #22, November 1995.

  23. Chamberlin, R. A. "AST/RO Observing Software: OBS Macros Created and Used in 1995", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #23, August 1996.

  24. Ingalls, J. G. "OBS Syntax and the NULLOBS Debugger", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #24, (Original: August 1996; Revised: April 1997).

  25. Zhang, X. "Image and Beam Precession of the AST/RO Telescope", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #25, July 1996.

  26. Zhang, X. "Pointing Errors Due to the Effect of Telescope Tilt as Measured by a Pair of Arbitrarily-Oriented Tiltmeters", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #26, September 1996.

  27. Zhang, X., Huang, M., and Rumitz, M. "The AST/RO Star Pointing Model and Pointing Data Reduction Software", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #27, January 1997.

  28. Ingalls, J. G. "Calibration of AST/RO Spectral Line Data", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #28, April 1997.

  29. Chamberlin, R. A. "An Emergency Drive System Shutdown Module with Logic for Decoding AST/RO Azimuth, Elevation, and Miscellaneous Limit and Proximity Switch States", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #29, November 1997.

  30. Chamberlin, R. A. "Observations of the Mesospheric Wind Velocity by Detection of Small Doppler Shifts in CO Spectra", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #30, December 1997.

  31. Bolatto, A. D. "New Chopper Interface Documentation", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #31, April 1998.

  32. Huang, M. "Software for Telescope Servo System", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #32, October 1998.

  33. Hsieh, H. H. "Results From Testing of the AST/RO and SPIFI Secondary Mirrors", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #33, October 1998.

  34. Stark, A. A. "Operation of the AST/RO Motorized Secondary Mount", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #34, December 1998.

  35. Zhang, X., and Ojha, R. "AST/RO Winterover's Manual", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #35, February 1999.

  36. Huang, M. "Upgrading Lynx Realtime Operating System on AST/RO Control Computer", AST/RO Technical Memorandum #36, January 1999.
