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Instrument Oriented Objectives

  1. Determine detector dark count rates (possibly door closed)
  2. Perform measurements in offset-pointing mode to determine the stray light characteristics of the instrument. Search for disk lines (e.g., Si III) indicative of stray light contributions.
  3. Determine intercalibration with other SOHO instruments.
  4. Use observations of interstellar absorption for spectral calibration tracking.
  5. Use observations of stars for spatial co-registration of three UVCS channels, and radiometric calibration tracking.
  6. Use grating and pointing scans to determine relative sensitivities of UVCS pixels (flat field).
  7. Use grating and pointing scans to determine detector spatial and spectral non-linearity
  8. Use appropriate observations to calibrate UV and visible filters.
  9. Perform calibration updates from coordinated UVCS and Spartan or rocket observations

Peter Smith
Fri Jan 17 12:11:15 EST 1997