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Physical processes

  1. Using data from the most accurate profile measurements, derive constraints for the hydrogen velocity distribution, with emphasis on determining departures from Maxwellian distributions.
  2. Using a comparison of theoretical and observed particle temperatures, density and outflow velocities in a coronal hole, derive constraints on coronal heating and solar wind acceleration by Alfvén waves or other mechanisms.
  3. Search for location of temperature maxima in the corona to constrain models on coronal heating.
  4. Search for temporal variation in density (at one location) that may be indicative of propagating shocks or other phenomena.
  5. Search for spatial density variations or other phenomena that may be indicative of shocks waves in the corona.
  6. Use CME observations to study collisionless shocks.
  7. Use HeII 1085 Å and HI 1025 Å ratio to determine coronal helium abundance.
  8. Search for the presence of monochromatic Alfvén waves by observing HI 1216 Å profiles above 3 R in broad coronal holes.

Peter Smith
Fri Jan 17 12:11:15 EST 1997