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Determine empirical constraints on theoretical models of the solar wind from particular
coronal structures from coordinated UVCS, LASCO and CELIAS observations.
For various coronal structures, derive observational constraints on models
describing the freezing-in temperature, ionization state and abundance of hydrogen, oxygen,
silicon, magnesium and iron. Compare the results with those obtained from
CELIAS ``in situ" measurements.
Derive the geometry of coronal structures from 2D scans with the UVCS white
light channel and LASCO observations.
Map different solar wind streams from their source region into
interplanetary space through coordinated and simultaneous ground and space
based observations.
Perform coordinated observations with UVCS, MDI magnetograms and ground based
magnetograms; for example, determine the magnetic fields in polar coronal
holes and plumes.
Used coordinated observations with UVCS, CDS, EIT and SUMER to trace the
evolution of coronal structures.
Peter Smith
Fri Jan 17 12:11:15 EST 1997