The Submillimeter Array

Receiver Lab Talks: 2025

Questions: Edward Tong
Time: Thursday 12:00 PM EST/EDT
Where: M-340/Zoom

Date Speaker Title Summary
Feb. 13Liam Connor
Large-N Small-D Arrays at ~1 GHz Radio astronomy at GHz frequencies is uniquely coupled to Moore's Law. Modern interferometers are computational cameras, driving survey telescopes towards the large-N small-D paradigm. I will discuss two proposed radio telescopes. The first is the 2000-antenna deep synoptic array (DSA-2000), which will map 3 pi sr of sky between 0.7 and 2 GHz at unprecedented speed, with commensal HI, pulsar, FRB, and continuum surveys. The second is a concept for a "coherent all-sky monitor": a dense aperture array that will find the brightest FRBs from the local Universe. While these projects are at different stages and are of disparate scales, they have a number of key technologies in common. On the all-sky monitor, I welcome ideas, advice, and engagement!
Jan. 30Sara Issaoun
Frequency Phase Transfer for (sub)millimeter VLBI Frequency Phase Transfer (FPT) is a key technique to increase coherence and sensitivity in radio interferometry via the use of non-dispersive phase solutions derived at lower frequencies to calibrate higher frequencies. While this technique, pioneered by the Korean VLBI Network, is readily used at frequencies under 130 GHz, it remains largely untested in the (sub)millimeter regime. Over the last two years, an effort has been made to outfit dual-band systems at (sub)millimeter observatories participating in the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) and to test the feasibility and the performance of FPT up to the 1.3mm observing wavelength of the EHT. In this talk, I will present the status and results of simultaneous dual-frequency VLBI observations carried out and the applications of this technique to ongoing and future projects.
Jan. 16Edward Tong
Receiver Linearity Considerations: How to measure gain compression accurately Astronomical receivers typically handle very weak input signals. With the development of ultra-wideband receivers and the neccessity to calibrate them using a relatively warm black body, there is a risk that the receiver may operate outside its linearity range. The most prevalent issue is gain compression, which occurs when a receiver component's gain is reduced by large input signals. In this presentation, I will detail a technique for accurately measuring low-level gain compression in both amplifiers and mixers, ensuring the linear operation of receivers

Previous presentations available here: CfA managed Google Drive