Protecting Your Data
RTDC areas that are backed up
- Home directories (weekly)
- The SMA raw data archive
RTDC areas that are NOT backed up
- Your machine (home directories are housed on a common server, not your machine)
- AIPS disks
- All other pool areas
Disk failure and protecting your data
- Back up your data to your own disk drive (1 TB disks can be purchased for < $100).
- Keep copies of your AIPS, MIR, MIRIAD, or CASA scripts, which tend to be small, in a separate location. Reproducing data products would then be relatively simple.
The CF's policy for backing up pool areas
The Computation Facility (CF) does NOT back up it's pool areas. It does, however, have a few NetApp based pool areas which have (very) short-term snapshots.
Please see for details.