HR: Employee Handbook: Parking

Employees who wish to have parking privileges on a continual (annual) basis, or on a day-to-day basis, must apply for a permit. SAO employees who are annual parkers may elect to have the cost of their parking deducted from their paychecks on a pre-tax basis. Simply complete and submit to the SAO Benefits Office the form, "Pre-tax Election for SAO Annual Parkers."

You may obtain additional information regarding annual cost, types of permits, payment options and program administration from the appropriate person on the following list:


60 Garden Street:
Judith Schwab, 5-7540

160 Concord Avenue:
Muriel Hodges, 5-7259,

1 Hampshire Street:
Sheryl Silas,

CDP, 100 Acorn Park Drive:
William Duggan,

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