HR: Employee Handbook: Leave Guidance for Weather-related Dismissals and Delayed Arrivals

Employees may not receive weather and safety leave for hours during which they are on other preapproved leave (paid or unpaid) or paid time off. Agencies should not provide weather and safety leave to an employee who, in the agency's judgment, is cancelling preapproved leave or paid time off, or changing a regular day off in a flexible or compressed work schedule, for the primary purpose of obtaining weather and safety leave.

Delayed Arrivals

Employees are granted administrative leave for up to [however many hours are granted] past their normal arrival time. This time should be entered in webTA as "TC-66: Hazard weather/early late". An employee who is out for the entire workday is to be charged leave for the entire workday. Employees who had previously scheduled leave for all or any part of the day remain in leave status.

Employees on approved telework agreements (whether regularly scheduled or ad hoc) are required to work their regular duty hours for the day. Any hours not worked should be charged to annual, sick or LWOP, as appropriate.

Employees in a non-pay status (LWOP, suspension, military duty, or other non-pay status) will remain in that non-pay status.

Employees who arrived later than the designated number of hours granted after their normal arrival time should be charged annual leave for the excess time. For example, if there is a 2-hour delayed arrival and an employee arrived at work 3 hours later than his/her normal arrival time, the employee should be charged 2 hours of excused absence and 1 hour annual leave.

Employees who reported for duty on time or prior to the delay period are not authorized excused absence in order to leave work early.

Employees whose alternate work schedule day off is the same day of the delayed arrival do not receive another "in-lieu-of" day off.

SAO employees who may be temporarily working in another location or are on official travel outside of the local area remain in a regular duty status for their regular tour of duty, unless in travel status in a location also affected by weather.

Early Dismissals

Eligible employees who choose to leave earlier than the time of dismissal must use annual leave, earned compensatory time off, or leave without pay.

Employees on pre-approved paid leave will be charged paid leave (annual, sick, court, military leave) for the entire period of their approved leave, except for time off scheduled to begin after the time of dismissal.

Employees in a non-pay status (LWOP, suspension, military duty [not military leave], or other non-pay status) will remain in that non-pay status.

Employees with approved telework agreements (whether regularly shceduled or ad hoc) are requied to work the full number of hours of duty for that day.

Employees who are on an alternate work schedule day off do not receive another "in-lieu-of" day off.

Employees who may be temporarily working in another location or are on official travel outside of the local area remain in a regular duty status for their regular tour of duty, unless in travel status in a location also affected by weather.


Non-emergency employees who are not on a telework agreement (either regularly scheduled or Ad-hoc) who are scheduled to work on the day of a closure will be granted administrative leave for the entire workday (TC-66: Weather and Safety Leave). EXCEPTION: Employees on pre-approved/scheduled leave, paid or unpaid, will not be entitled to receive Weather and Safety Leave. All non-emergency employees who are already at work should be sent home. Emergency employees who are not required to report for duty will be treated in the same manner.

Employees who are participating in a telework program are not excused from work and are required to telework from their approved site.

Employees in a non-pay status (LWOP, suspension, military duty [not military leave], or other non-pay status) will remain in that non-pay status.

Employees who are on Alternate Work Schedule (AWS) and for whom the AWS day off is on the day of the closure, do not receive another "in-lieu-of" day off.

SAO employees who may be temporarily working in another location or are on official travel outside of the permanent duty area remain in a regular duty status for their regular tour of duty, unless in travel status in a location also affected by weather, in which case, the local policy should be applied.

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