HR: Employee Handbook: Hours of Work

The Smithsonian Institution has established its standard tour of duty as a 40-hour work week consisting of five 8-hour days, Monday through Friday, followed by 2 days off. Standard daily work hours are from 8:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. including 1/2 hour for lunch. Depending on your position, you may be required to work different days or different shifts as part of your regular work schedule.

Smithsonian full-time employees have a regularly scheduled weekly tour of duty of at least 40 hours. Smithsonian part-time employees have regularly scheduled weekly tours of duty of less than 40 hours. Smithsonian intermittent employees do not have a regularly scheduled tour of duty.

Some Smithsonian bureaus and offices offer alternative work schedules or compressed work schedules. You should talk to your supervisor about your schedule.

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