Nights, Weekends, Days & Holidays
- Emergency Police, Medical: 9-911
- Emergency Fire: 9-911
- Safety Emergencies (including Chemical Spills): 5-7478, 5-7767, 5-2060, or *5-5560
- Isotope Contamination: 5-2345, 5-2060 or *5-5560
All Other Building Emergencies:
- 160 Concord Ave: 6-7617 or 9-617-262-7580
- 60 Garden St.: 5-9238 or *5-5560
- 1 Hampshire St.: 9-617-592-6009
- Cambridge Discovery Park: 6-7990 or 9-781-707-4000, ext. 199
- Mount Auburn Hospital.............9-617-492-3500
*5-5560 will connect you with the Control Center at Harvard, which is staffed 24 hrs/day.
will dispatch personnel to handle service for any maintenance, utility, or safety problems during
off hours at 60 Garden St. In addition, they have phone numbers of appropriate people in case of
chemical spills or isotope contamination during off hours in all buildings.
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