- Evacuate the building immediately via the nearest available exit.
- Congregate in the assembly area assigned to your building.
- Stay outside until told to come back in by the Fire Chief, Emergency Coordinator, or the
building management.
When notified to evacuate, either by signal or direction of the warden:
- Turn off machines and appliances.
- Clear your desk, close and lock it and all safes, file cabinets, etc.
- Close but do not lock office and work area doors.
- Proceed to your assigned exit by pre-selected route.
- Go to the assembly area and await further instructions.
- Return to work area when recalled.
If you receive a bomb threat:
a. Note the exact time of the call.
b. Ask the caller:
- Where the bomb is placed.
- When it is set to detonate.
- Why it was placed in the Smithsonian.
c.Try to keep the caller talking in order to determine:
- Age and sex of caller.
- Clues to the identity such as accent,word choice, etc.
- Any background noise that might identify source of the call.
d. As soon as the call is terminated:
- Notify the security office.
- Notify your emergency coordinator.
- Write down your impression of the caller based on b) and c) above.
If you are notified that a bomb threat has been received:
Search your immediate work area for unusual or suspicious objects. If any are found,
do not touch or disturb them, rather keep a safe distance and notify the security office.
Stand by to evacuate if so directed.
Assemble in designated area.
Know your primary and alternate evacuation routes.
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