HR: Employee Handbook: Appointment Types

As a Smithsonian employee, you received either a Federal or a Smithsonian Trust Fund appointment.

Individuals appointed to Federal positions are paid from the Smithsonian's annual Federal appropriation. Types of Federal appointments are career, career conditional, term, temporary not to exceed one year, temporary pending the establishment of a register (TAPER), and status quo. Federal appointments may be to the competitive or excepted service. The type of Federal appointment will determine the type of Federal benefits for which you are eligible.

Individuals appointed to Smithsonian Trust positions are paid from the Smithsonian's Trust Fund.

There are two types of Trust appointments: indefinite and temporary. The length of the Trust appointment and your age will determine your benefit entitlement. Smithsonian work schedules may be full-time, part-time, or intermittent.

All Smithsonian employment is subject to acceptable performance and conduct, availability of funds, and continued need for your position.

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