Center for Astrophysics Monthly Observatory Nights
The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics sponsors free programs in popular astronomy for the general
public on the third Thursday of every month. The Observatory Nights feature a lecture, film, and, weather permitting, telescopic observing on the Observatory roof.
The lectures are nontechnical and they are intended for adult and high school audiences. No tickets or reservations
are necessary; however, seating is limited to the capacity of the hall and filled on a first-come basis. Doors open at 7:30 pm and programs begin at 8:00 pm. All programs will be held in the Phillips Auditorium of the Center for Astrophysics at 60 Garden Street. For more information, call SAO's Public Affairs Office at (617) 495-7461.
Smithsonian Associates
All employees may become members of the Smithsonian Associates at a reduced annual rate. A National Member
receives the monthly SMITHSONIAN magazine, a discount of 20% on purchases from museum shops and the Smithsonian Press, travel privileges to participate in domestic and foreign study tours, and the use of luncheon facilities
at the Commons in the Smithsonian Building. Membership applications are available in Human Resources.
Social and Recreational Activities
All employees are encouraged and invited to participate in a variety of social and recreational activities
such as soccer, tennis, softball, picnics, bus trips, etc. Information regarding these activities is generally announced online in the WEEKLY CALENDAR, and can also be found on the CfA Social and Recreational Committee homepage on the World Wide Web.
There is a fee for parking at most SAO's Cambridge, MA locations. Please contact your division/department
administrator for more information regarding parking spaces/fees.
SI/SAO Ombudspersons
An Ombudsperson is available as a confidential resource for any employee who has a work-related problem,
concern, or complaint that cannot be resolved through normal channels. For an Ombudsperson's assistance, you may call Chandra Heilman (SI) at (202) 357-3261 (answering machine will take messages 24 hours a day) or you may call one of the SAO Ombudspersons: John Raymond at (617) 495-7416, Patricia Brennan at (617) 495-7293, or Thomas "Mac" Cooper (HI) at (808) 961-2969.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential evaluation and referral source for Smithsonian
employees experiencing personal problems that could adversely affect work performance. The program is designed to assist you in recognizing and resolving these problems. The EAP offers both counseling services and resources. EAP assistance is free, confidential and voluntary. SAO employees have access to the Employee Assistance Programs at the Smithsonian Institution. You may call directly at (202) 633-1051.