
Both computers are stand-alone machines, connected to the network in the so-called “self-managed” subnet. Therefore, they do not have access to the resources available on either the CF- or the HEA-managed computers (like NetApp disks, or various software and licenses available on these systems). They are configured and managed by the HPC Analyst.

The PC is running Windows 10 Entreprise with some visualization specific software pre-loaded. In order to maintain a working system, users will not be granted “admin” privileges and therefore won’t be able, in most cases, to install additional software.

The Linux server is running Rocky 8.5 (the successor to CentOS) with an installation specific for presentation & visualization on the video wall. Users will not be granted “root” privileges, but can install and run software as regular users.4

Reasonable and appropriately justified requests to install specific software on either computer should be sent to the HPC Analyst (hpc@cfa). Please allow at least one week for the software to be installed.

Users requesting licensed software will need to purchase a single node license for one of the dedicated computers, unless they can demonstrate that there is a CfA-wide need for it.