Procedure to launch swarm2casa.csh on rtdc9 -
# assuming that (1) user's working area is ~/mydata, and
# (2) the orginal SMA SWARM data can be accessed from SMA archive on the RTDC system
cd ~/mydata
# copy over the C-shell script, e.g.
cp /opt/sma/SWARM2CASA/script/RTDC/swarm2casa.csh .
# edit swarm2casa.csh on the following items:
# edit the path of SWARM data at line 52, e.g.
set INPUT_FILE_DIR = /sma/data/science/mir_data.2017/
# edit the name of SWARM data at line 53, e.g.
set INPUT_FILE_NAME = 170923_11:03:17
# update the output file prefix at line 54, e.g.
# then, execute the C-shell script, e.g.
New features in the updated versions on rtdc9 -
- v1.0.2: implemented options of resetting online flagging status to default (no flagging)
Here is an example C-shell script: swarm2casa_180517.csh
# lines 61-67 description of OPTIONS and the specific codes that have been implemented.
# lines 80 an example to set OPTIONS to
Note: This pipeline works only for the original datasets produced from the SMA online system.
Make sure to set DISPLAY environment for CASA GUI plotms when users remotely login into rtdc9:
e.g. ssh -Y