Cyber Meetings FY2022 for CASA tutorial | wSMA
Time -
- Time: December 15, 2021 at 10 am to < 11 am EST (a brief meeting)
Cyber link -
Agenda -
- Introduction -
- 1. Any issues on installation of CASA and operation of the python script
- Installation of CASA from NRAO
which version?
on MacOS ?
or on Linux ?
- Questions on IRAS17439imInspec.py?
- Tried it?
- Let's go through it
2. Demo -
- share screen
- login to RTDC9
- goto /reduction/jzhao/SMA2CASA_TESTING/Users/BethSargent/
- start casa (5.8)
- run IRAS17439imInspec.py
- module 0: a summary of tasks
- module 1: convert FITS to CASA
- module 2: inspect image header
- module 3: viewer and inspect image cube
- module 4: viewer and inspect a specific image plane (chan 100)
- module 5: make statistics
- Possible issues & improvements -
- Option 1 -
calibrated miriad uvfiles
Beth: provides the data link.
- Option 2 -
calibrated uvfits
Beth: makes a request to Nimesh for the uvfits.
- Issues -
- Doppler tracking error
- Tsys corrections
- Gain corrections
- Bandpass (lines)
- Alignment (continuum)
- Discuss a plan to improve -
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