- Sagittarius B2 Main: A cluster of Ultra-Compact HII Regions and Massive Protostellar Cores
The ionized core in the Sgr B2 Main star-forming region was imaged
using the Submillimeter Array archival data observed for the H26a
line and continuum emission at 0.86 millimeter with an angular resolution
0.3". Eight hyper-compact H26a emission sources were
detected with a typical size in the range of 1.6--20x102 AU and
electron density of 0.3--3x107 cm-3, corresponding to the
emission measure 0.4--8.4x1010 cm-6 pc.
The H26a line fluxes from the eight hyper-compact HII sources
imply that the ionization for each of the sources must be powered by
a Lyman continuum flux from an O star or a cluster of B stars.
The most luminous H26a source among the eight detected requires an O6
star that appears to be embedded in the ultra-compact HII region F3.
In addition, ~23 compact continuum emission sources
were also detected within the central 5"x3",(~0.2 pc)
region. In the assumption of a power-law distribution for the dust temperature,
with the observed brightness temperature of the dust emission we determined
the physical properties of the submillimeter emission sources showing that
the molecular densities are in the range of 1--10x108 cm-3,
surface densities between 13 to 150 g cm-2, and total gas masses
in the range from 5 to > 200 Mo which are
1 or 2 orders of magnitude greater than the corresponding values
of the Bonnor-Ebert mass. With a mean free-fall time scale of
2x103 y,
each of the massive protostellar cores are undergoing gravitational collapse
to form new massive stars in the Sgr B2 Main core.
- Infall and Outflow of Molecular Gas in Sgr B2
Observations of two H2CO (303-202 and
321-220) lines and continuum emission at 1.3 mm
toward Sgr B2(N) and Sgr B2(M) have been carried out with the SMA. The
mosaic maps of Sgr B2(N) and Sgr B2(M) in both continuum and lines show
a complex distribution of dust and molecular gas in both clumps and
filaments surrounding the compact star formation cores. We have observed
a decelerating outflow originated from the Sgr B2(M) core, showing that
both the redshifted and blueshifted outflow components have a common
terminal velocity. This terminal velocity is 58+/-2 km s-1.
It provides an excellent method for determination of the systematic
velocity of the molecular cloud. The SMA observations have also shown
that a large fraction of absorption against the two continuum cores is
redshifted with respect to the systematic velocities of Sgr B2(N) and
Sgr B2(M), respectively, suggesting that the majority of the dense
molecular gas is flowing into the two major cores where massive stars
have been formed. We have solved the radiative transfer in a multilevel
system with LVG approximation. The observed H2CO line
intensities and their ratios can be adequately fitted with this model
for the most of the gas components. However, the line intensities
between the higher energy level transition
H2CO(321-220) and the lower energy
level transition H2CO(303-202) is
reversed in the redshifted outflow region of Sgr B2(M), suggesting the
presence of inversion in population between the ground levels in the two
K ladders (K-1=0 and 2). The possibility of weak maser
processes for the H2CO emission in Sgr B2(M) is discussed.
Qin, Sheng-Li; Zhao, Jun-Hui; Moran, James M.; Marrone, Daniel P.; Patel, Nimesh A.;
Wang, Jun-Jie; Liu, Sheng-Yuan; Kuan, Yi-Jehng, 2008, ApJ, 677, 353 |
- VLA Radio Recombination Line Observations of Ionized Gas in the -30 Kilometers per Second Molecular Cloud (G0.04+0.03) near the Galactic Center. I. The Discrete Radio Sources
Multifrequency spectral line and continuum observation of ionized gas
in the -30 km s-1 molecular cloud (G0.04+0.03) have been
carried out using the VLA to study the nature of the discrete radio
sources located between Sgr A West (l = 0 deg) and the arched
filaments of the continuum arc (l = 0.2 deg). Spectral indices
determined from 6 and 20 cm continuum data indicate that the spectra
of these sources are flat or rising with frequency. Radio morphologies
and the detection of radio recombination lines (H110alpha and
H92alpha) confirm that these sources are H II regions. The line
emission arises at negative radial velocities (-60 to -20 km
s-1), forbidden at these longitudes in the sense of
Galactic rotation. The kinematics of the ionized gas suggest a close
relationship with the molecular cloud observed in CS and
13CO at a mean radial velocity of -30 km s-1
(G0.04+0.03). We derive LTE electron temperatures in the range
3500-7200 K. The low inferred electron temperatures may indicate
relatively high metal abundances in these regions. The thermal sources
are spatially correlated with [C II] 158 microns emission peaks and
with the distribution of warm dust as indicated by the color
temperature, Tc(55/125 mircon). Overall, their properties
and environments indicate that these H II regions are ionized by UV
radiation from recently formed early-type stars in the molecular cloud
at -30 km s-1.