The computing systems at South Pole must address a variety of requirements from
heterogeneous science groups having great diversity in home institutions, scientific
needs, and university computing environments. In addition, the South Pole systems must
provide access to computing capabilities which are current enough to be useful and
mature enough to be operable within the constraints of long lead procurement and
shipping times, limited access by factory personnel, and limited repair facilities and
There are two basic categories of science users - those at Amundsen-Scott for a few
weeks, and those present for a year. The short-term users have limited time and resources
with which to adapt to differences between facilities available at South Pole and those at
their home institution. The long term users have sufficient time to more fully utilize
specialized resources at South Pole. The largest numbers of users, by far, are the short-
term summer scientists. In addition, both of these categories can have both expert and
novice users, having rather different support requirements.
The near-term (5 year) requirements must be tempered with both prediction of the
evolution in computing and recognition that functional research systems require some
stability in the environment. The assumptions which are implicit in the requirements
which follow include: |