These interactive learning tools will help you visualize some of the concepts in the "From the Ground Up!" activities. To try them out, you'll need the Shockwave plug-in. (If Shockwave is not already installed on your computer, you can download it here.)
The Orbit Simulator lets you compare the orbits of moons around two different planets. You can vary the mass of each planet and distance between planet and moon. Follow the instructions in Exploration 5: What are Jupiter and its moons like?
The Point-of-View Orbit Animation lets you compare the orbit of a moon as seen from above the plane of the orbit and within the plane of the orbit. Follow the instructions in Exploration 5: What are Jupiter and its moons like?
The Color Kitten demonstration lets you create full-color from red, green, and blue images. See if you can create the color kitten by clicking and dragging the three primary-color images on top of each other. Follow the instructions in Exploration 3: What does the universe look like in color?